Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 886 The terrifying

However, Anxing was a cold-blooded killer trained by Xingbao Pavilion for many years. Even in the face of such a great temptation of the fairy palace, he still maintained his original heart.

In this illusion, his magic power seemed to be bound by a strange rule of heaven, making it difficult for him to control the spiritual power in his body for a while.

Just as he was trying to use secret techniques to stimulate his spiritual power, a girl slowly came over. She was holding an exquisite flower basket and picking all kinds of wonderful fresh fruits in the mountains.

Suddenly she found Anxing, and her eyes suddenly brightened.

And when Anxing saw her face, he couldn't help but be stunned and said stupidly: "It's Xiaolian, Xiaolian..."

A secret hidden in his heart for thousands of years, the woman he once loved so much, appeared in front of him again.

"Brother Erniu, is it you? Brother Erniu..." The woman threw away the flower basket in her hand and ran directly towards him.

That was an expression of determination, and the crystal clear tears that kept falling on her face constantly shook Anxing's already cold heart.

The two hugged each other at once, as if at this moment they had broken through the insurmountable barrier thousands of years ago. The joy in their hearts quickly broke the Dao heart of Anxing.

Anxing was also an ascended cultivator, born thousands of years ago on a cultivation planet with weak spiritual energy in the lower world. And the woman named Xiaolian was his childhood sweetheart.

Because of his spiritual roots, Anxing was sent to a small sect to practice. When he returned to his small mountain village a few years later, his relatives and Xiaolian had disappeared. It was said that there were evil cultivators who sacrificed the whole village with blood.

The painful experience constantly stimulated Anxing. He practiced like crazy, hoping that he could continue to surpass himself in cultivation and hope to see his relatives and lover again one day.

Such pain, like a poison that corrodes the bones and souls, constantly erodes his soul.

Fortunately, he got the cave of the ancient monks, used the treasures in it to practice hard for thousands of years, and finally became the best monk in the transformation stage on this planet. In the end, he still couldn't find the souls of his relatives and Xiaolian, and could only ascend to the spirit world with regret.

After coming to the spirit world, it was even more difficult for him, an ascending monk without a background, to struggle for the dust-avoiding pill, and later joined the Xingbao Chamber of Commerce and became a low-level guard.

He struggled hard for more than two thousand years before achieving the fusion cultivation, becoming a cold-blooded blade with a firm mind and killing people.

Because he was ruthless and did things by any means, he quickly emerged in the Xingbao Chamber of Commerce, was promoted, and then gradually achieved the refining of the void. He even advanced to the fusion stage a hundred years ago and became a leader among the ascending monks.

However, Xiaolian and his relatives became the deepest regret in his heart.

The moment he entered the Four Symbols Absolute Heaven Array, he was bewitched by the formation, saw the thing he desired most in his heart, and immersed in it all at once.

Originally, the illusion of the Four Symbols Absolute Heaven Array was not so powerful. In addition to the Heart-Confusing Grass and the Mysterious Darkness's venom, Fang Yang also took advantage of the Heavenly Dao through the Heaven-stealing Technique, which made the illusion here extremely terrifying.

You know, Fang Yang took advantage of the Heavenly Dao in the advanced Heart Demon Tribulation and realized many of the Heart Demon's routines. These routines were transformed from the inner desires of the foundation cultivators and were very domineering.

This Heavenly Dao version of "script killing" contains the power of Heavenly Dao rules, which is much more terrifying than the plot directed by Fang Yang and his friends.

Under this script, An Xing made up for his regrets in the illusion, met Xiao Lian, and saw the souls of his parents and relatives.

He seemed to have completely forgotten that he was the Dark Star elder known for his cold-bloodedness, but just the young man named Er Niu in the mountain village.

An Xing seemed to have easily integrated into the life in the illusion, and even behaved submissively. He cooperated very well with all the plots of the Heavenly Dao script killing.

This made Fang Yang and the others feel very strange. After all, they had just started to perform the Heavenly Dao script, so there would inevitably be some mistakes. These mistakes were nothing to ordinary cultivators, but he was a cold-blooded killer trained by a big force, and was best at finding problems from details.

However, An Xing still enjoyed everything provided by the environment, and never suspected that there was any problem.

They once suspected that An Xing had seen the illusion clearly, but his extremely cooperative action of integrating into the illusion was to find ways to crack the Four Symbols Absolute Heaven Array.

This made Fang Yang and the others who set up the array tremble with fear, fearing that An Xing would suddenly explode and directly attack to break the array.

After all, any combined cultivator should not be underestimated.

However, An Xing seemed to cherish the life in the illusion very much, which made Fang Yang and the others a little confused. They didn't know what kind of tricks An Xing was doing.

The next step was Fang Yang and his script-killing routine, letting An Xing carve his own name on the Heart Demon Book.

Dark Star also cooperated very well. He tried his best to carve his name on the Heart Demon Book. His hard work shocked Fang Yang and the others.

However, just when he was about to succeed, a powerful force suddenly surged from his soul sea of ​​consciousness, instantly shattering all the illusions around him.

It turned out that someone had already carved a very terrifying soul restriction in his soul. I'm afraid this is also the cruel secret method used by the New Treasure Pavilion to control its monks. And the person who placed these soul restrictions is a Mahayana monk.

"No... No..." An Xing panicked as he saw the surrounding scenery begin to disappear. "Xiao Lian..."

In order to maintain the illusion, he took the initiative to attack the seal of the Mahayana cultivator in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Is he going to die?" He Dong was also deeply shocked at this time.

However, An Xing became more and more crazy. He desperately began to mobilize his soul power and madly wrapped the seal deep in his sea of ​​consciousness, so that the originally collapsed illusion began to be reconciled.

However, this was ultimately futile because his soul power had begun to gradually dissipate.

In the last moment of the illusion, An Xing tightly hugged the illusion of Xiao Lian in his arms.

He may have known that this was an illusion long ago, but he was unwilling to leave the illusion at all. He was crazy and exhausted his soul and lifespan, just wanting to maintain the illusion so that he and Xiao Lian could stay together for a moment, even if it was just a moment or a second.

A moment later, in the process of fighting against the soul restriction of the Mahayana cultivator, An Xing's vitality was gradually consumed, and his soul was directly scattered. Even when he was dying, he was still struggling to maintain the illusory illusion.

"Is this the power of the Heavenly Dao script? It's really terrible!" Fang Yang couldn't help but take a breath.

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