Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 965 Chaos Star Void Sea

At this time, in the outside world, Hun Qingyuan and Fang Dacheng took turns to control the golden talisman.

Passing through one void tunnel after another.

And they took turns, each carrying a green gourd.

This is the Heaven-Swallowing Gourd.

There are also many small spaces in the Heaven-Swallowing Gourd, which are provided for everyone to practice.

And in the depths of this space, there is a void snail.

Fang Yang and Qian Duoduo, who participated in the Jiuli Mountain operation, were in the void snail and entered the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion through the void snail.

It can be said that Fang Yang added multiple layers of vests for himself in order to escape this time to avoid being calculated by others.

After escaping through the void tunnel several times, Fang Yang and his team no longer used the golden talisman to escape.

Instead, Hun Qingyuan, who had not participated in the operation, turned into a loose cultivator of the Mahayana period, carrying the Heaven-Swallowing Gourd with him and passing through the teleportation array of the spiritual realm to go to other spiritual realms.

After all, Hun Qingyuan showed a cultivation level of the Mahayana period, and he was a character who could walk sideways in the entire spiritual world.

Therefore, the journey was smooth.

After a few days, Fang Yang and his team arrived at a Wuji star field after several teleportations.

This place is not far from the Dongxuan Realm that Fang Yang and his team are familiar with.

The reason why they chose this place is that this place was once affected by the war between heaven and earth, and the power of rules here is very chaotic.

And in this Wuji star field, there is a chaotic star void sea.

It is said that in ancient times, many immortal world powers fought here, so the power of space rules was extremely broken.

It is also because it is difficult to calculate the secrets of heaven in this place.

This is also the place that Fang Yang and the Five Elements Boy and their team have jointly speculated for a long time.

And Qian Duoduo also strongly recommended this place, saying that he found some surprises from the inheritance of Master Wubian.

After arriving at the mainland of the Wuji star field, they immediately activated the innate magical power of the Void Snail.

The Void Snail directly concealed its breath, escaped into the earth veins, and quickly traveled through it with its innate magical power.

Soon, they came to a sea.

"Is this the Chaos Star Void Sea?" Fang Yang and the others were also shocked when they arrived here.

This sea is extremely strange and dangerous.

From time to time, there are spatial turbulences, surging on the sea surface.

Even a big wave came, and the waves directly caused space cracks due to its great power.

There are also many monsters in the sea, some of which have bone spurs all over their bodies, which are hideous and terrifying.

There are also many creatures whose innate magical powers are not inferior to those of the Void Snail, and they can survive in space cracks.

At this time, a huge wave lifted a strange fish with bone spurs that is more than ten feet long out of the sea.

This hideous strange fish with bone spurs all over its body instantly touched the dense void cracks on the sea surface and was instantly cut.

The monster spirit insects hidden in the void cracks immediately spread out like clouds and mist, and quickly devoured the bone spur strange fish.

It is difficult for everyone's divine thoughts to extend too far here. It is estimated that there are more terrifying monsters in the deep sea.

"This place is too scary!" The Five Elements Boy couldn't help but shudder.

At this time, he was a little doubtful whether choosing this place to hide was the right choice.

"The sea is too dangerous, but with the Void Snail escaping underground, it is much safer!" Qian Duoduo said with a smile, as if he was confident.

Soon, under Qian Duoduo's control, the Void Snail escaped directly to the bottom of the sea.

Then it ran around in the depths of the earth veins.

Everyone thought Qian Duoduo was lost.

However, Qian Duoduo showed a look of a worldly expert and said: "Don't underestimate my route. It is a safe passage that has been found after continuous testing by the predecessors."

Sure enough, Qian Duoduo traveled all the way without encountering any danger.

In this way, after the Void Snail rushed all the way, it soon came to the depths of the Chaos Star Void Sea.

There are also a lot of void turbulence and cracks in the depths of the earth veins here, and you will fall into danger if you are not careful.

However, Qian Duoduo and his friends found a sea clam as big as a hill.

This clam is extremely old, with dense runes engraved on it.

"Found it, it's here!" Qian Duoduo said happily.

"Where is this river clam?" The Chiku Husky Demon Lord asked curiously at this time.

"We'll know in a while!" Qian Duoduo kept it a secret.

This huge clam has been here for many years.

Then Qian Duoduo began to control the mysterious magic power, and a golden light emanated from the head of the Void Snail in an instant.

The golden light on the tentacles hit the clam deep in the earth veins like lightning.

In an instant, the clam shell was suddenly activated, and the dense and strange runes hanging on the clam shell began to shine with mysterious white light.

But the mysterious thing is that this clam has no spiritual power fluctuations at all.

Even though Qian Duoduo activated the innate magical power of treasure hunting, and Fang Yang activated the secret art of stealing the sky, they still didn't find any clues.

"This old clam is really a bit mysterious!" Fang Yang couldn't help but say in surprise.

Qian Duoduo then smiled and said, "This is a secret place that Master Wubian painstakingly arranged back then!"

Fang Yang suddenly realized, "The former owner of the Void Snail, Master Wubian, was a habitual thief. In order to avoid being caught, he would naturally build some safe houses to hide in!"

After the white light flashed, a tiny crack appeared in the clam.

Qian Duoduo immediately controlled the Void Snail and quickly hid in the huge sea clam.

As the sea clam shell closed, it seemed to form a powerful restraining force that isolated the spirit world.

In an instant, Fang Yang, their breath seemed to be cut off from the entire spirit world.

After the sea clam was completely closed, Qian Duoduo breathed a sigh of relief.

"This ancient clam shell in the depths of the Chaos Star Sea has the innate magical power of isolating space, which was also discovered by my master, Master Wubian, by accident." Qian Duoduo explained with a smile. "Even if someone uses secret techniques to calculate our location, they will conclude that we have left the spirit world!"

Fang Yang and the others nodded and relaxed a lot.

Come to think of it, Master Wubian has stolen countless treasures in the spirit world.

And in this way, he also offended many sects in the fairy world, so he was naturally afraid of being caught.

As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three burrows, so he also left many ways out for himself.

And this hidden place in the depths of the Chaos Star Void Sea is also the most secure place for him to save his life.

Qian Duoduo learned from the jade slips that Master Wubian had stolen treasures from several immortal sects and attracted the pursuit of eighteen immortal messengers.

He had been hiding here for hundreds of years before escaping.

"Eighteen immortal monks came..." After hearing about Master Wubian's heroic deeds, Chiku Husky was also envious.

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