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Then, because Nanami evolved their Sharingan and persuaded the Nine-Tails, they were able to control their chakras to a higher level. It was around the afternoon of the third day that they finally completed this stage of training.

Not to mention the help of the Sharingan to Sasuke and the control of chakra, as long as the Nine-Tails could restrain its huge chakra that was inadvertently emitted and not mess with Naruto, his own chakra was still very easy to control. It was easy to know whether it was easier to control one chakra or two chakras.

After that, Nanami did not hide anything and took them to the beach to talk about treading water.

In short, in these few days, both of them had made great progress and were much stronger than when they were in the village.

Sasuke was very happy and could clearly feel his growth every day.

What made him anxious was that Nanami only used Tsukuyomi to help him evolve his Sharingan once, but never said when he would help him evolve his Sharingan to the third stage.

Until one day when he couldn't help asking, Nanami told him the truth, that at the current stage, he didn't plan to let him open the three-magatama Sharingan.


Sasuke asked Nanami

"Very simple."

Nashi explained,"Because the Sharingan consumes too much energy, it would only be a burden for you to open the three magatama now.

And now I am with you, if you encounter an enemy you can't deal with, I will handle it."


Sasuke wanted to say anxiously, he didn't have time to wait slowly, and he didn't need Nanami to solve his enemy for him, that is, his brother Uchiha Itachi.

"There is no but."

Nanami waved his hand and said firmly:"I already know your path. I have already prepared for the time and stage. Just follow my instructions."

Sasuke had no choice but to continue treading water.

"You just learned to walk and you want to run? How greedy."

Nashi Nanami shook his head in amusement, thinking that he hadn't even mastered the two-magatama Sharingan yet, and now he wanted to evolve to three-magatama.

Just like she said, the pursuit of evolution in the same way is not a good thing.

For example, even if Sasuke has evolved to the Mangekyō, or even the Eternal Mangekyō, he is still no match for Itachi.

Because Sasuke really can't stand the consumption of the Sharingan, let alone the Mangekyō, the three-magatama alone can become a huge burden, and Itachi doesn't need to do anything to let him exhaust himself.

As for Naruto, he has become much quieter. He only concentrates on treading water during the day, and then goes to bother the Nine-Tails at night....

This was instructed by Nanami. Since they can't get rid of each other (mainly because Naruto can't live without the Nine-Tails, and the Jinchūriki will die if he loses the tailed beast), it's better to get used to each other and become partners as soon as possible.

If this was someone else's instruction, Naruto would definitely feel resentful. After all, it was because of the Nine-Tails that he was called a demon fox. All the unfair treatments he suffered since he was a child were caused by the Nine-Tails.

But this was the instruction of Nanami, the sister he cared about the most. Naruto could only go and annoy the Nine-Tails.

But at the same time, the Nine-Tails was not interesting at all. This little guy was really like what the Six Paths Sage said. He could shout its name with laughter and didn't have any dissatisfaction or resentment because of the bad luck it brought.

To be honest, the Nine-Tails has experienced more than one Jinchūriki, but no one can be as calm as Naruto.

No, it should be said that he is shameless.


Look, he's here again tonight.

The Nine-Tailed Fox lazily raised his eyelids, then moved his head away, looking like he didn't want to bother with Naruto.

If it weren't for the shock of Kaguya Nanami, the Nine-Tailed Fox would definitely not be so honest at this time. It would have wanted to find a way to control Naruto immediately, and then take the opportunity to break through his body and be reborn in the outside world.

It was because of Kaguya Nanami that it had no way to deal with Naruto and dared not to have any


Suddenly, there was a thump on his head, making Kyuubi stunned.

""Damn you brat."

The next moment, the Nine-Tails stood up angrily, looking up with its eyes wide open. Although it couldn't see Naruto, it knew that the boy should be standing above its head.

"Get off my feet."

The Nine-Tails was very angry, which reminded it of Uchiha Madara.

Only Hashirama Senju and Uchiha Madara could easily deal with a tailed beast as powerful as the Nine-Tails.

Especially Uchiha Madara, he had awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan long before the establishment of Konoha Village, and even the Eternal Mangekyō (Uchiha Izuna died before the establishment of the village), which allowed him to use the Sharingan to control the Nine-Tails at will. Therefore

, the Nine-Tails was not only full of resentment towards the Sharingan, but also very sensitive to the place on the top of the head that Madara always regarded as his exclusive seat.

"I said Kurama."

The voice from above made the Nine-Tails quiet for a moment, because Naruto called out its name again.

In fact, the nine tailed beasts are very concerned about their names. They hate being called tailed beasts, and they hate humans naming them by the number of tails.

"you...You must be lonely, right?"

Naruto whispered with deep emotion,"At least I still have Nanami-sister, but you have no one but me."


The Nine-Tailed Fox snorted in dissatisfaction, and its nine large tails swung left and right nervously.

"In fact, I was very resistant at the beginning."

Then I heard Naruto continue:"Nanashi-sister actually wanted me to become a partner with you, the demon fox who brought all the bad luck to me. How could I not mind

? However , through the contact during this period of time, I found that you are actually a good guy.

Besides, I don’t want to hate anyone. All I need is the recognition of others."

This is Naruto. He does not hate those who call him a demon fox and hate him very much. Instead, he grits his teeth and competes hard to get their recognition.

"Do you really have no resentment at all, and even towards me, you just want to be recognized?"

After a long while, Jiuwei asked in a slightly surprised tone.

"That's right."

Naruto said firmly:"Kurouma, you may not agree with me now, but one day, I will make you call me"partner""

"Even if..."

Kurama was about to continue, but he hesitated.

Naruto didn't know, and perhaps many people in Konoha didn't know, but Kurama himself knew that it was he who killed Naruto's parents, the Fourth Hokage and the previous Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

But for some reason, he suddenly didn't want to talk about it.

"Humph, you are just daydreaming, you little brat."

(PS: I would have just finished writing the last chapter, it was quite interesting, but...)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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