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"Finally back."

Iruka breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Team 7 had returned intact.

Normally, it would be enough for the captain to come to the Hokage Building to deliver the mission, but Team 7 had to escort Nanami to the Hokage Building for special reasons, otherwise she might not be able to find the place....

Even if Nanami has recovered from her Byakugan, she can't just keep her eyes on the Third Hokage and rush forward recklessly, right? Who will pay for the damage to the buildings along the way?

As for walking through the sky, is it really necessary? Isn't it better to let the little brats follow?

And the reason is simple, as long as she doesn't rush to disband the team, she doesn't have to let everyone know that she is a road idiot and super...

"By the way, the Third-generation master asked me to keep an eye on him. If you come back, please go find him.

After handing the corresponding mission reward to Nanami, Iruka said to her:

"I understand."

Qishi nodded, took out his share of the reward and put it in his pocket, and left the rest to the three little guys to divide among themselves.

"Team 7 can be disbanded now. Naruto, stay and wait for me."

After giving another instruction, Nanami turned around and walked upstairs.

When he arrived at the Hokage's office upstairs, Nanami knocked on the door.

"Come in"


"I heard you were looking for me?"

Pushing the door open, Nanami asked straight to the point,"What's the matter?"

In addition to the Third Hokage, there was another person standing in the room, who seemed to be reporting on some work.

"You guys are back."

The Third Hokage nodded to Kaguya Nanami, and said to the man,"Kakashi, you can go back."

It turned out that this person was Kakashi, who was replaced by Kaguya Nanami. Because his tests were too strict, he has no Genin subordinates until now, and is still carrying out ninja missions in the same way as before. I just don't know what mission he has done this time that he needs to report to the Third Hokage alone.


Kakashi replied, and then turned around and nodded to Nanami.

As both were jonin, Nanami and Kakashi must have known each other, and they might have even been on missions together.

Moreover, Nanami's special status was not a problem for Kakashi....Or should I say threatening? There is no Jonin in Konoha Village who doesn't know her.

"Oh, right."

When Kakashi was about to pass by him, Nanami suddenly remembered something and said to Kakashi,"You know Sasuke from our team seven, right?"

"The one from the Uchiha clan?"

Kakashi asked.

There are actually many people named Sasuke, such as Sarutobi Sasuke.

"That's right."

Nanami nodded in confirmation, then said:"Because he has the same fire and lightning attributes as you, I want to teach him your famous skill Raikiri when I train him. Do you mind?" Sasuke is still too weak and not suitable for Chidori, so Raikiri or Chidori can be a good transition for him.

Not only Raikiri, Nanami taught Naruto the Rasengan, and taught Sakura the method of practicing super strength. Anyway, the Rasengan was originally developed by Naruto's father, the Fourth Hokage, and no one would say anything if he taught it to the Fourth Hokage's biological son, right?

And now the only one who can use the Rasengan is Jiraiya, who knows Naruto's true identity, and I think he won't say much.

As for the super strength.

When I meet Tsunade, I will just tell her.

As for when I will meet Tsunade, it shouldn't be too long, right? After all, Nanami never intended to destroy Konoha's collapse plan, nor did he think about saving the Third Hokage.

It's not that Nanami is cold-blooded and heartless. Rather, she thought that the Sandaime was already dying and was about to reach the end of his life span, with age spots all over his face and body.

Instead of waiting to die there like a rotten wood, it would be better for Shinobi to die heroically as a hero of Konoha. Perhaps this is the way he wants to die, right?

At least this way he can be glorious and even go down in history, which is much better than waiting for death weakly.

And there is only this one chance. In another two years, the Sandaime may even have difficulty walking.

In other words, although Nanami knew that the Konoha collapse plan would definitely come, he never thought of stopping it. He just waited until it really broke out before he started a killing spree.

It is understandable. After all, you can't shoot someone before he commits a crime. I haven't heard of it.

Uh...., we can only say that Qi Shi had the intention to kill, otherwise he would not have thought of giving others the opportunity to commit a crime....

A bit off topic, back to the point


Kakashi was stunned at first. Could Nanami know Raikiri?

Then he smiled with relief:"It doesn't matter. I don't mind. If you need me, I'll be there for you."

Nanami's threat is no secret among the jonin of Konoha, so no one dares to provoke her easily.

You can't let her capture Konoha Village alone because of such a small matter, right?

Can she really do it?

"That's not necessary."

Nanami shook her head, indicating that she could teach Sasuke, unless the child was too stupid....Qishijie's theory is that if students can't learn, it must be because they are too stupid, and it has nothing to do with her as a teacher.

"Okay, then I won't bother you anymore."

Kakashi didn't stay any longer, opened the door and left.

Turning back, Nanami looked at the Third Hokage and asked again:"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing serious."

The Sandai laughed and said,"It's just that the Chunin Exam is approaching soon, so I wanted to ask for your opinion. You didn't come back before, so I specially asked you to come over."

"That's all?"

Qishi was speechless, wondering if you were too boring.


But Nanami couldn't do anything to Sandai, she couldn't just beat him to death, right ?

""I recommend my team 7 members Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura to participate in the Chunin Exams in my name."

I heard Nanami Tanaka say this formally, and raised his right hand in front of him to make a seal, which was like holding up three fingers when taking an oath....

"I understand."

The third generation nodded, reached out and picked up three forms that had been prepared long ago from the table and handed them over:"This is the application form, take it and give it to them to sign."

"I understand."

Nanami took the form. Although she, the leader of the team, had recommended them, it was up to them to decide whether to participate or not.

"Is everything alright this time?"

Qishi asked Sandai, and made a clear gesture to leave.


The third generation opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment and then said something else:"It's okay, you can go back."


This time it was Qishi's turn to hesitate for a moment, and finally she shrugged with relief:"Goodbye."

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