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Naruto left, Nanami stayed at home alone, too lazy to go out.

Maybe he didn't dare to go out alone anymore....

Later, it was not until Kakashi came to her house in person that she followed him to the Ninja School.

"As a leading jonin, you have to go and see what the students choose, right?"Senior Kaguya."

Kakashi complained to Kaguya with a smile on his face.

When he went there, Kaguya was preparing to have lunch. How could he be so leisurely?

Kakashi had been a Konoha ninja since he was a child, and he became a jonin at the age of only twelve. How could he call Kaguya a senior?

That's because ninjas speak with strength. Not to mention Kakashi, all the jonin of Konoha Village had been conquered by Kaguya alone. Calling her a senior was not an exaggeration.

Besides, Kaguya is not young. She is thirty years old on the list, which is a few years older than Kakashi.

Thirty is the result of rounding up. Otherwise, she should be around thirty-eight to forty-five years old, or even fifty years old....(30 to 40 years in the Bleach world, and a few years in Konoha Village).

In fact, Nanami still exaggerated her age.

But others didn’t know the truth and thought she deliberately exaggerated her age, but they didn’t dare to doubt it, so they just called her senior.

"There is nothing I can do about it."

Qi Shi spread his hands and said stubbornly,"Those children are very reassuring, so I am not in a hurry."

""Hi, hi."

Kakashi agreed while trying not to laugh. In fact, all the jonin of Konoha knew that Nanami was a directionally challenged person, and they knew that she couldn't find the school by herself, so they came all the way here.

"Oh, Kakashi."

Ya Nanami remembered his plan to find a summoned beast yesterday, and took the opportunity to ask Kakashi,"I remember when we were on a mission together before, I saw you summon several ninja dogs. Are they different from the summoned beasts of the Inuzuka clan?""The ninja dogs of the Inuzuka clan are not summoned beasts, they are just ninja dogs, which are different from summoned beasts.


Kakashi did not deny

"Are there any extra contract positions?" asked Qishi directly.

"I'm sorry."

Kakashi smiled bitterly and replied:"The Eight Ninja Dogs are the contracted ones of our Hatake clan, so...terribly sorry"

"I forgot that you are also the son of a big family."

Nana slapped her forehead with her hand. She forgot that Kakashi was also from a famous family, but it was not so obvious because there were too few people in the family.

So it is said that big families are difficult to deal with.

"Senior, why do you suddenly want a summoned beast?

Kakashi asked Nanami curiously.

With her strength, she naturally didn't need the help of a summoned beast.

"I want to find a spirit beast to lead the way for me."

Qi Shi said his true intentions with some embarrassment.

"So that's how it is."

Kakashi suddenly realized and nodded in approval,"Indeed, if there is a summoned beast that can always follow you, senior, we, the jonin, will have a much easier time."

"What do you mean?"

Nanami tilted his head and asked Kakashi with a squinting smile:"Is it because I haven't practiced with you for a long time that you dare to tease me?"

"I dare not, I dare not."

Kakashi kept saying he dared not, and even wiped his forehead with his wrist guard as if wiping sweat, but in fact there was nothing.

"By the way, why didn't that guy Kai come to bother you?"

The two continued to chat while they were on the road. When Nanami mentioned Kai, he was leading to Kai's turtle summoning beast. It depends on whether Kakashi can follow it.

Unlike Kakashi, Might Guy is definitely not from a big family, probably...


Kakashi snickered,"Ever since he was severely beaten by the senior, he has been working hard on training, so he has no time to care about me."


Nanami understood what Kakashi meant, and asked in surprise:"Does that kid still want to make trouble for me?"

For Nanami, it was not too much to call Kai and Kakashi, who were only 27 or 28 years old,"boy".

"I won't accept his invitation next time."

Kakashi suddenly showed a fearful expression, remembering that he challenged Tanaka Nanami last time because of Might Guy's instigation, and the two were beaten so badly.

They were dissatisfied with Tanaka Nanami's defeat of Konoha Village alone, so they wanted to test him again under the excuse of sparring.

Of course, they had no ill intentions, since Tanaka Nanami was already a member of Konoha Village, it was really just a sparring match.

Tanaka Nanami also knew that they had no ill intentions, otherwise their fate would be even worse.

""We're here."

They chatted all the way, and before they knew it, they had already arrived at the back door of the school.

The front door was now full of Genin from various ninja villages, so they planned to sneak in through the back door.

"Do you still need me to lead the way for you?"

Kakashi asked Nanami

"If you have something to do, go do it."

Takashi Nanami waved her hand and let Kakashi go.

Then, she mustered up the courage to push open the back door of the school and walked in alone.

Logically, Takashi Nanami should have waited at the staircase on the third floor. If all three members of Team 7 came, she would let them go.

And if any of the three did not come and did not want to participate, the other two would be sent back by her. Only then would she tell them that the Chunin Exam was a group exam, and if any one of them was missing, they would not be eligible to participate.

So why not tell them in advance ? What?

Nonsense, considering how much Sakura cares about Sasuke, as long as Sasuke asks her casually, Sakura will not refuse.

Even if Sakura knows that if she does not participate, the other two will also be disqualified, she will be even less likely to do something that will offend Sasuke.

That's why Nanami said nothing and wanted to see the real choice of the three people.

As a result, Nanami accidentally ran to the second floor.

There was a staircase leading directly to the third floor at the back door, but she still ran to the second floor. She was so strong.

But it's okay, she just happened to catch a good show...

"Do you want to fight me now?"

In the wide corridor on the second floor, Sasuke looked at a boy with thick eyebrows blocking the way of the three of them and asked

"That's right."

The boy with thick eyebrows nodded and said,"My name is Lee Rock. I should introduce myself before asking others."

"Uchiha Sasuke.

Sasuke gave his name.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto."

Next to Sasuke, Naruto also gave his name.

"I didn't ask you."

But who would have thought that Xiao Li bluntly said that he didn't ask Naruto, which means that he didn't take Naruto seriously.

"You, how dare you look down on me."

Naruto was very angry, so he rushed out in a fit of anger.


With a gust of wind, Naruto seemed to be in front of Xiao Li in an instant, and punched him with his right fist.


Xiao Li was startled and subconsciously raised his hands to block the attack. Then he felt a strong force coming from the front of him, and then he flew out.


In the corner, Qishi hummed proudly:"I trained them....Not only have they completed the tree climbing and water treading exercises, Sasuke has also evolved his Sharingan to the double magatama stage, and Naruto has also been recognized by Kurama and can initially use its power. In fact, even among the Chunins, they are definitely the elite among the elites."

Therefore, Lee will definitely suffer a loss if he is careless.

This is because Naruto did not use his full strength, otherwise, perhaps Lee would have missed this Chunin Exam.

But Lee did not think that he could not beat Naruto, he just thought that he suffered a loss because of carelessness.

Therefore, when he stood up in the distance, he did not give up, but said:"I didn't expect you to be so strong, I am sorry. But this time I just want to challenge Uchiha Sasuke, who is known as a genius"

"You bastard."

Naruto was furious. He had already been beaten away by him, but he still dared to ignore him and only cared about Sasuke. What a bastard!


Without waiting for Naruto to say anything, Sasuke snorted and walked over:"Naruto, he is here to find me."

First reminded Naruto that this was his opponent, and then Sasuke said to Xiao Li:"Since you want to suffer, then come."_

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