The next morning, the verdict of Rukia was announced.

When people heard that Rukia was sentenced to death for such an insignificant thing, they were so shocked that their eyes dropped to the ground.

"Are you kidding me?"

Even though Nanami knew this would be the result, he couldn't help but yell at Toushirou:"Such a trivial matter was sentenced to death? Not to mention that there hasn't been a death sentence for many years. Are all the Forty-Sixth Chamber crazy? Don't they know that Rukia is the daughter of the Kuchiki family?"

Since Rukia has changed her gender to Kuchiki, she is already the daughter of the Kuchiki family. It has nothing to do with whether she is adopted or not. If Byakuya Kuchiki really dies one day, Rukia will be the one who calls the shots for the family.

Now the Forty-Sixth Chamber is actually planning to sentence the daughter of the Kuchiki family, one of the four great nobles, to death. This is really too abnormal.

"Watch your words."

Dong Shilang had a headache and kept pressing his throbbing temples with his hands. This was all because of Tan Nanami yelling at him, and she was the one who annoyed him.

This elder sister was too aggressive, and she even directly accused the 46th Division of the faults.

Even the captain had to give the 46th Division some face, she was too bold. Fortunately, she was only being presumptuous in front of him. If she had been replaced by a more rigid captain, she might have been arrested on the spot.

In fact, Dong Shilang also wanted to lock up Tan Nanami for a while, but he didn't dare, for fear of angering his sister.

You know, although he is the captain of the 10th Division on the surface, he can't beat Tan Nanami in fact. She is the strongest person in the 10th Division, but no one knows it.

"They did something stupid and they are not allowed to scold others?"

Qi Shi was still indignant and didn't want to stop scolding.


Dong Shilang looked helplessly at the pile of documents on the table in front of him, and complained:"You said that you and Rangiku not only didn't help me with the 10th Division's affairs, but I had to help you with the work."

"And now you are still annoying me, do you want to abandon the 10th Division? Just abandon it like this?"

Dong Shilang's words forced Nanami to shut up.


He lowered his head in embarrassment, and was defeated for the first time in front of Dong Shilang.

"Then I'll go talk to them."

The"they" mentioned by Qi Shi must be the other members of the Female Death God Association.

"Let's go."

Dong Shilang quickly agreed. Now even if Qi Shishi said she wanted to go back home, he would not stop her. He even wanted her to stay there for a few more days.


Qishi nodded honestly, but his feet did not move.


Dong Shilang looked at her in confusion, wondering why she didn't leave.

"You send me off."

Nanami Kagami reminded awkwardly,"Have you forgotten that I am also a person with poor sense of direction?"

She didn't know what happened. She was not a person with poor sense of direction in the original world, otherwise she wouldn't dare to go out to buy things by herself, but she was struck to death by lightning.

But since she became Nanami Kagami, she found that she had become a person with poor sense of direction. She knew her left and right hands, but she couldn't tell the left from the right when walking, not to mention the east, south, west and north. This made her a little bit unacceptable.

Otherwise, why did she always lie on the roof to bask in the sun after coming to this world? And she always ran to the roof where Toushirou was?

This was all helpless. She was afraid that she would really get lost and starve to death outside, which would be embarrassing.

Even when she was in the Maou Spiritual Academy, she basically asked someone to lead the way for her. With her status as a super genius, she could naturally get care in all aspects.

Even after coming to the Tenth Division, she would only participate in the Female Death God Association when she was accompanied by Yachiryu or when Rangiku took her.

Don't look at Yachiryu as a person with poor sense of direction, but that girl has a strong instinct, so she is not afraid of getting lost following her.


Dong Shilang almost forgot about it. He could only say that it was Yachiru and Rangiku who had been accompanying Nanami all these years, so he rarely had to worry about it.

In order to send Nanami away as soon as possible and complete his work, Dong Shilang could only get up and leave the office, take the lead and walk out of the team house, and walk in a certain direction....

"Captain Hitsugaya?"

Opening the gate, Kuchiki Byakuya looked out the door in confusion, wondering why Toushirou suddenly came to visit. Was it because of Rukia? But they were not familiar with each other.

"Excuse me, Captain Kuchiki, I'm here to take my sister to their party."

Toushirou greeted Byakuya awkwardly, then stepped aside and let Nanami Kuchiki pass behind him.

Kuchiki Byakuya glanced at Nanami Kuchiki, and he would have frowned.

But today, he just stepped aside and made way, nodded to Toushirou, and closed the door.

""Has everyone arrived?"

After coming in, Nanami asked Kuchiki Byakuya for something to talk about in order to ease the awkward atmosphere and make herself less embarrassed.

"Still in the same house."

Kuchiki Byakuya responded casually, then turned and left.

In the past, he had a bad attitude because he was dissatisfied with the Female Death God Association for keeping the meeting place at home for a long time, but today he knew that they came for Rukia, so he could say a few words.

It seems that he is not as cold as he appears. In just these two days, news has spread in the Pure Spirit Court that Kuchiki Byakuya treats Rukia badly, saying that he doesn't care about his sister at all, and he didn't say a word even when she was sentenced to death.

But that's all superficial. At least Nanami knows that this poor guy cares about his sister-in-law very much in his heart....

Putting aside the cold and handsome Kuchiki Byakuya, let's look at Nanami. Looking at Kuchiki Byakuya gradually going away pitifully, Nanami turned his head to look at the doors and windows that looked exactly the same, and couldn't help but put his hands in his mouth and became distressed.

"The original room? But which room was the original room?"

She was very confused. If it was her old self, she would have memorized the way long ago.

But now she would get lost even when walking in the 10th Squad barracks. To put it bluntly, she would even get lost walking from the east room to the west room....

Of course, that was definitely a bit exaggerated, but at least now she couldn't find which door she should push.

Fortunately, before Nanami could continue to struggle, someone came out and found her.

"Come in quickly, we are waiting for you."

The man hurriedly called out to Qishi

"Thank you, thank you."

Nanami rushed over with tears of gratitude, buried her head in the man's basketball for a long time, unwilling to get up, and of course she would find something to say:"Thank you so much, Yongyin, if you hadn't come out, I would have been lost."

That person turned out to be the vice-captain of the fourth squad, Kotetsu Yongyin. At this time, she smiled bitterly with a troubled look on her face. She wanted to push Nanami away but was too embarrassed to show her cold face, and she was thinking in her heart:"Can you get lost even in someone's yard? And they are regular customers here...."

"Nanami-chan, don't bully our vice-captain."

Suddenly, a soft voice came from the house, very maternal.

But Nanami froze instantly, then quickly stood up and followed Kotetsu Yuune back to the house.

(PS: Nanami originally had a poor sense of direction, otherwise she wouldn't have run further away even though she knew where her brother Nanamika was....Then, the foreshadowing of my poor sense of direction was laid long ago, but I seem to have forgotten it. I hope it won’t be too abrupt to activate it here.)

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