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Nanami chased out of Konoha, she also killed a big snake on the roadside.

As for the big snakes on the other side, she didn't bother to care because she had already seen Jiraiya's shadow.

After all, Nanami has the Byakugan, Sharingan, Samsara Eye, Tensei Eye and other eye techniques, especially the Eye of the Ancients, so she can still see the details in the chaotic Konoha Village.

Then, she chased after them without stopping. Sure enough, she was still a little worried about Naruto and the others.

"Oh? Isn't that Maki?"

Not long after, she caught up with Maki who had secretly escaped when the situation got worse.

As expected, a mere jonin could not be a match for Nanami Kaku and was killed instantly.

""Was it too cruel to kill them all?"

Nanami began to reflect on himself.

After all, these people might become our strength in the Fourth Ninja World War, and they were also very important to Konoha Village's strategy. If we really killed everyone in the Sand Village, it might not be good.

"Well, since they've been killed anyway, the worst that can happen is that we can just let the three kids off."

Kagami thought to herself, you can't let her go through the trouble of reviving the enemy she just killed, right? Although it's not impossible, there's no need for that.

Besides, with that much strength, thousands or tens of thousands of people can't catch up with her. She quickly put Maki's matter behind her and continued to chase forward.

Then she found many Sound Ninjas and Sand Ninjas on the road, but they were a group of guys who had lost their fighting ability. They were all knocked to the ground, but none of them lost their lives.

"They are still children."

Nanami sighed, guessing that it must be the result of Naruto and his men, so they are still alive.

Too lazy to stay and finish them off, Nanami continued to chase forward, and finally she found where Naruto and his men were.

It happened that Gaara and Naruto and their men were all three people, so the battlefield was divided into three, two by two.

"Wind Style, Great Scythe Weasel Technique."

Here, Temari used Wind Style Ninjutsu against Sakura, which was stronger than the Scythe Weasel Technique she used against Shikamaru before.

Sakura, however, was not afraid at all, and followed suit with a ninjutsu:"Summoning Technique"


A burst of white smoke appeared before Temari's attack.

"It's Xiaoying."

It was a small turtle, who greeted Xiaoying lazily and said,"What's the matter with you calling me out? Why isn't Xiaoqishi here?"

"Senior Xuanhei, now is not the time for small talk, please lend me a hand."

Then Xiaoying said to Xuanhei

"All right."

Xuan Hei was easy to talk to. He quickly came to Xiaoying's shoulder and said,"Then I'll lend you my power."

"Thank you."

Sakura thanked him, and when she saw Temari's attack finally hit her, she clenched her fist and shouted,"Yang escape, Xuanwu's tyrant,"


As Sakura punched the ground, the area shook as if there was an earthquake. Temari was the first to be hit, and she almost fell into the crack in the ground.

In front of Sakura, a huge rock that rose up due to the crack in the ground blocked Temari's attack for her.

Then, without waiting for the wind to stop, Sakura punched the rock again.


The huge rock flew up and hit Temari.

"How could this happen?"

Temari turned her head away and shouted in surprise:"Impossible, I clearly remember that you were just..."

"A worthless little girl who only holds things back, right?"

Sakura interrupted Temari and continued what she was about to say.

"In the past, I was really just a loser who knew nothing."

Sakura laughed bitterly at herself,"They say Naruto is a drag, but in fact, I am the weakest one. Even now, I am far inferior to Naruto and Sasuke.

However, after Nanami-sister's training, I am no longer the same person as before."

Although she hasn't mastered the super strength technique and the Hundred Healings Technique, Sakura has been able to achieve initial results with the help of Xuanhei's power. The

Guixu Sea is not without any inventory. Although the Xuanwu clan does not know any complicated ninjutsu, they not only have their own unique sage mode, but also turtles and snakes have their own unique physical skills, and even Yin-Yang escape techniques.

Nanami once talked with the Xuanwu Sage. According to the Xuanwu Sage who was already a little confused, their Xuanwu clan has existed for longer than the toad clan of Myoboku Mountain, the white snake clan of Takichi Cave, and the Shigulin clan of the Wet Bone Forest. The slug clan? Much, much longer.

After all, there is an old saying that a turtle lives for a thousand years and a tortoise lives for ten thousand years. If even a toad can live that long, it is nothing to say that the Xuanwu clan can live longer.

So the Xuanwu Sage said that before the Six Paths Sage founded the Ninja Sect, they were actually active in the previous ninja world.

It’s just that the previous ninja world was not the world of ninjas, but a profession that was proficient in Yin and Yang escape techniques, I think it was Yin and Yang masters, right?

It’s a pity that with Kaguya Otsutsuki’s first infinite moon reading, Yin and Yang masters have become extinct.

And this is also the fundamental reason why the Xuanwu clan knows Yin and Yang escape techniques.

"Be careful not to die."

Sakura warned Temari:"Because we haven't mastered this power yet, Nanami-sister warned us not to use it casually, but now I can't defeat you without using this power, so..."

"You mean I won't blame you even if I die, right?"

Temari heard what Sakura really wanted to say, and although cold sweat had already appeared on her forehead, she still said stubbornly:"If you can do it, then come on."

Sakura stopped talking nonsense, shouted and rushed towards Temari

"So fast."

When Sakura really made her move, Temari was still startled, or should we say she was already prepared?

Sakura seemed to have come close in a flash, only slightly slower than Naruto and Sasuke before.

After all, the three of them were training together, and Sakura was still using Xuanhei's power at this time.

""Here it comes."

Sakura shouted softly, and when she came in front of Temari, she clenched her right fist and hit her.

Temari didn't dare to take this punch. She had seen her terrible strength before, so she quickly rolled back to avoid it.

There was no time to perform ninjutsu in front of Sakura, so Temari simply threw the fan in her hand as a weapon.


Sakura took out a kunai and easily blocked Temari's attack, and then kicked her again.

This time Temari couldn't dodge and was kicked in the waist.


A crisp and terrifying sound came from Temari's waist, and then it was obvious that Temari's lumbar vertebrae were broken.


Instead, it was Sakura who exclaimed, as if she hadn't expected the damage she had caused would be so great.

"After all , I still have my power."

Xuan Hei rolled his eyes and reminded Xiaoying, don't forget its existence.

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