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The last battlefield besides Naruto and Sakura, Sasuke is facing Gaara

"Now let's continue our unfinished battle."

Sasuke said to Gaara, and with a crackling sound, a Chidori was condensed in his hand.


Gaara seemed to be in some kind of pain, and then his body suddenly changed. First, blue and purple lines appeared on his face, and then his body also changed dramatically.

First, his right hand and the right half of his face turned into a monster.

"What is that?"

Sasuke frowned and looked at Gaara with incredible eyes. He didn't expect him to turn into a monster.

"I'm going to kill you."

Gaara yelled, and suddenly jumped up by the branches of the tree under him.

Sasuke had been staring at Gaara, so even though his speed suddenly increased countless times, he did not suffer any loss, but dodged his attack in time.

Gaara's speed was not fast before. One reason was that he was always using the Sand Armor to protect himself, plus the big gourd on his back, so his speed could not be fast.

Another reason was that Gaara did not need speed at all, and he could kill people with just his superb sand.

But now, with the disappearance of the gourd and the Sand Armor, and his transformation into a half-monster, his speed suddenly became countless times faster.

"Kill you, kill you, Uchiha Sasuke, I'm going to kill you."

Gaara seemed to be mad, roaring and attacking Sasuke again.

"That's all."

Sasuke once again dodged Gaara's attack and kicked him from behind.


Gaara roared and roared, feeling extremely angry that he could never kill Sasuke.

Perhaps with the change of mood, Gaara's body changed again. First, a tail grew behind him, then his head and left arm also changed, and finally even his feet turned into a monster.

Except for the size, he was just a smaller version of Shukaku.


Gaara rushed towards Sasuke again, and his speed increased again, even Sasuke couldn't dodge.

But Sasuke's Sharingan had reached the level of three magatama after all, so although he couldn't dodge, he could still see Gaara's movements clearly and blocked his attack at the last moment.

"What a great strength."

Sasuke exclaimed inwardly, and was knocked far away by Gaara.

"Almost catching up with Sakura."

Sasuke muttered as he stood up from the ground.

During the month of training together, Sasuke had already recognized Sakura and no longer felt that she was a troublesome person who held him back, but a reliable companion.

Especially her extraordinary strength, which even Sasuke and Naruto could not handle, and it would hurt a lot if they were hit.

But compared with Sakura, my strength was obviously not enough, so Sasuke only felt a little pain, but he didn't care.

"However, if I want to fight you now, I can only call it out.

Muttering, Sasuke put one hand in his mouth and bit a little skin, then made a seal:"Summoning Technique"


A puff of white smoke dissipated, and then a white shadow swooped over Sasuke's neck and coiled around his ear like a snake.

"Little Sasuke, you finally remembered to ask me to come out and play. Just now, I saw Xiao Hei (Xuan Hei) was called away, so I guessed that I would be called out too."

It looked like a little white snake, and it sounded very cheerful, like a cute little girl.

However, Sasuke said to it helplessly:"Senior Xuanbai, now is not the time to play, I need your help."

Although it looks very young, it is actually of a very high generation and very old, and is of the same generation as Xuangui and others.

The first generation of the Xuanwu clan in Guixu Sea is the Xuanwu Immortal, and the second generation are the eldest sister Xuanshe, the second brother Xuangui, the third sister Xuanqing, the fourth brother Xuanche, and the fifth sister Xuanbai and the sixth brother Xuanhei.

Among them, Xuanbai and Xuanhei are twin siblings.

Speaking of which, should we say that it is indeed worthy of being the Xuanwu clan, with three turtles and three snakes

"No problem.

Xuanbai agreed readily,"You can use my power." Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief. If it weren't for this backup, he wouldn't dare to stay and continue to fight against the monsterized Gaara.

"Ninjutsu, Yin-Tun Chidori."

After greeting Xuanbai, Sasuke quickly formed a seal and used Chidori again.

However, this time the Chidori was different from the previous one. Because of the Yin-Tun Chakra, not only did the color change, but the power was also much stronger.

Gaara did not flinch at all. Seeing Sasuke rushing over with the Yin-Tun Chidori, he also rushed towards him.


The two finally collided fiercely in mid-air, making a huge noise.

But the result was not that both were injured. Sasuke looked very relaxed, while Gaara's sand had dissipated by more than half.

That was the state of monsterization. Otherwise, Gaara's life would be in danger.


Gaara couldn't accept this result and was still roaring:"If I don't kill you, then there is no meaning for my existence? No, I can't just disappear like this, I have to kill you, as long as I kill you who can hurt me, I can continue to exist, and there is a meaning for my continued existence."


Gaara was suddenly enveloped by a huge cloud of white smoke, and then he heard a cheerful voice from the smoke:"Hahaha, I finally got out."

It seems that in order to kill Sasuke, Gaara can only use the power of Shukaku, the one-tailed beast, and even release it from his body.

"What is that?���

When the white smoke gradually dispersed, Sasuke was shocked by the huge monster he saw.

Although he had seen a smaller version of the One-Tailed Shukaku before, it was obvious that the original One-Tailed Shukaku was more intimidating.

""Eh? Isn't that a fish? No wonder I felt familiar with it just now, it turned out to be it."

At this time, Xuan Bai's voice came to my ears.

"Senior Xuanbai, do you know it?"

Sasuke asked quickly.

"Of course."

Xuanbai lightly tapped the snake's head and said,"Fortunately, this is not the real One-Tail. It is just a temporary appearance because the Jinchūriki fell into a dozing state. It still has the strength to fight. Otherwise, I would have to go back."

"Do you have the strength to fight?"

Sasuke asked Xuanbai in surprise and joy.

"It's not a problem."

Xuanbai chuckled and said 'watch me', then swam from Sasuke's neck to the ground along his body, and then Xuanbai turned into a large ball of white smoke to wrap it and Sasuke. When the white smoke dissipated, the cute little snake had turned into a monster that was countless times bigger than Shukaku.

To be honest, Sasuke suspected that if Xuanbai could stand upright at this time, he could even touch the white clouds in the sky.

"Little Sasuke, get ready."

At this time, Xuanbai reminded Sasuke


Sasuke nodded:"Senior Xuanbai is responsible for holding its body, I will wake that guy up."_

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