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"Oh, by the way, Sasuke." Just as Sakura and Sasuke were about to leave, Nanami suddenly called Sasuke.

"What's wrong?"

Sasuke turned around, and Sakura also turned around and looked at Nanami in confusion.

"I've driven Naruto away, and I don't know when he'll come home. You'll have nothing to do anyway, so why don't you come and help me clean up the house? After all, no one has lived here for more than three years, so it must be full of dust."

Nanami said what he was going to do:"Besides, I'm not too sure if you live alone, so why don't you just move in and live with me, sharing a room with Naruto?""

"You really want to bring me and Naruto together?"

Sasuke suddenly complained with a black line.

It was nothing at first, how tiring could it be to help clean the room.

But after hearing the latter part, Sasuke couldn't help but remember that Nanami had once said that she wanted him and Naruto to be together.

Now she even let him and Naruto live in the same room. He knew exactly what this elder sister was thinking.

"You're kidding."

Qishi smiled and quickly changed his words:"Actually, I have another room that can accommodate you."

"Sasuke, why don't you just agree to Nanami-sama's request?"

Sakura also tried to persuade him.

The Uchiha Clan's residence was very large, but it was precisely because it was so large that it seemed even more empty. It was a bit sad to think that Sasuke was the only one living in such a large area.

"That's fine."

Sasuke just thought about it and nodded, agreeing:"It just so happens that I also plan to return the settlement allocated to the Uchiha clan to the village."

When Nanami was instructing Sasuke that time, he clearly told Sasuke that the second generation Senju Tobirama, while respecting the Uchiha clan, had set aside a piece of land for them, which caused the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village to become estranged.

Only through frequent contact over a long period of time can ties and friendships be formed.

But the Uchiha clan's settlement is in a corner of the village, as if it were isolated from the world.

It looks very impressive and has a high status, but it also makes the Uchiha clan feel neglected, as if it were put on the shelf.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the second generation. Although he seems to have some bad intentions, the Uchiha clan at that time wanted to get corresponding treatment, otherwise they would not do it.

The second generation just went with the flow.

And now, since Sasuke wants to be recognized by the village, he must first make corresponding contributions.

For example, Uchiha The Uchiha clan's base is no longer useful. He is the only one here, and it would be better to give it to the village for reasonable distribution if he keeps such a large place but doesn't use it.

Of course, he will definitely keep the things related to the Uchiha clan inside. In fact, many important things have been lost. Sasuke himself is aware of this, but he doesn't care, because he can get more and better things from Tanaka Nanami.

For example, all the scrolls of fire escape ninjutsu and other things... don't know who took them away, so Sasuke can't even learn many ninjutsu that the Uchiha clan is good at.

But later, from Tanaka Nanami, he learned more comprehensive fire escape ninjutsu and lightning escape ninjutsu, so why should he care about those things. Tanaka Nanami can even give him guidance, so for Sasuke, the so-called base is really useless, it is better to use it to ease the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village.

"Then I will go home first."

Sakura said hello to Nanami and Sasuke and left.

"Let's go home too."

Nanami greeted Sasuke and asked him what he wanted to eat in the evening.

In order to take care of Naruto over the years, Nanami learned a good cooking skill.

Anyway, with the Eye of Seeing, it was easy for her to learn anything....

That evening, when Naruto returned home, the house had been tidied up by Nanami and Sasuke.

In fact, most of the work was done by Sasuke, and Nanami was just responsible for the command work. Naruto fully agreed with Sasuke's move in. He almost forgot about it until now, and he kept saying how lonely it would be to live alone in such a big house.

Sasuke was very upset and said, are you exposing his scars? He had lived alone for so many years three years ago. Are you asking him to remember his loneliness before?

Well, the two of them had a fight again....

But this is already a regular track. Nanami said it was very interesting. Only the silly girl Sakura would rush to dissuade the two of them. She is not that stupid.

As the saying goes, beating is love and scolding is love. Let them quarrel a few more times and they will have a deeper relationship....

The next morning, Nanami led the reassembled Team 7 to the Hokage Building.

They had agreed yesterday that they would start taking missions today, and they also had to discuss the Chunin Exam, so they came again.

"Something happened."

As soon as Nanami and the others arrived at the Hokage's office, Tsunade told them,"The Sand Village was attacked by an organization called Akatsuki, and even the Kazekage Gaara was captured alive by the other side."


Naruto was shocked.

Yesterday, after he left alone, he heard from others that Gaara had become the new Kazekage. Now he suddenly heard that he had been attacked and kidnapped. He couldn't help but exclaimed

"They finally took action."

Sasuke and Sakura expressed such emotion.

"You already know about Akatsuki?"

Tsunade was surprised. She was planning to explain Akatsuki's information to them, but she didn't expect that they already knew about Akatsuki's existence. And from the looks of it, they even knew that Akatsuki would definitely take action against the Jinchūriki.

"We are not out for fun."

It was rare for Nanami to complain about others. Was this because she was taking her younger brothers and sisters out for an outing?

Well, although she didn't actively seek any information, how could she not know about Xiao's situation?

"You just need to know."

Tsunade nodded and didn't waste any more time, and hurriedly said to them:"Nanami, I'm going to give Team 7 a mission now, go to the Sand Village for support, and help them rescue the Kazekage Gaara."

"No problem."

Naruto agreed first.

"As for Gaara, we have to save him."

Sasuke said this, and turned to look at Naruto.

They had each had contact with Gaara, so they knew him and knew that he was also a pitiful person, and he was very similar to them in the past.

The more painful memories a person has, the more sympathy they can have for their kind, and the more they cannot ignore him.

"Well, they are our allies after all."

Sakura's idea is much simpler. The Sand Village and Konoha Village are allies. Now that the Sand Village is in trouble, they naturally have the obligation to lend a helping hand.

"Well..., for Temari's sake, just give them a hand."

Nanami also added to the chaos, but the reasons she forced out made everyone in the room speechless.

"Nanami-sister, do you really want to take Temari back?"

Sakura yelled with her teeth clenched like a hairy firefly, with a warning in her eyes._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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