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's crimes caused a great sensation in Konoha Village, and even had a significant impact on the entire ninja world.

But these have nothing to do with Tanaka Nanami, so she doesn't bother to care about those things, even if she is the protagonist of this incident.

Of course, there are people who secretly resent Tanaka Nanami. For example, many of Danzo's men come from some big families, such as the Aburame clan, the Yamanaka group, the Nara clan, and the Inuzuka clan.

And when Tanaka Nanami attacked, she showed no mercy at all, and she killed them all in seconds.

You can imagine what she would look like in the eyes of those big families, especially those people's families.

But even these, Tanaka Nanami was too lazy to care about.

‘If you have the guts, come and seek revenge on me, I will definitely kill you. '

This is how Sister Qishi acts, she does whatever she wants.

And she has been very busy recently, so she doesn't have the time to relax.

"Nanami-sister, I heard that you are one of the examiners for this Chunin Exam?"

That day, Naruto dragged Sasuke and Sakura over to find Nanami, who was basking in the sun bored.

She said that she was very busy now, because Tsunade actually wanted her to be the examiner, and it was not just once, but twice, for the first exam and the last exam.

So she didn't have the heart to play with Naruto and the others recently, and planned to let them go out and run wild on their own.

"Didn't I tell you to move around freely? Why are you bothering me again? Can't you see I'm busy?"

Nanami lazily turned sideways, facing Naruto and the others with the back of his head, as if he didn't want to look at them.

"You call this busy?"

All three of them looked very unhappy.

""Wake up, Nanami-sister."

Naruto jumped over here without knowing whether to live or die and continued to shout at Nanami:"We were just discussing that if Nanami-sister is the examiner, maybe we can also go and participate."

"Are you sure?"

Nanami was annoyed by him and had no choice but to sit up and look at Naruto with a gloomy face:"If you also participate, just think of an exam item that you will definitely not pass."


Naruto was startled by the low pressure of Nanami.

"Don't mess around, Nanami-sister."

Sakura quickly persuaded Nanami:"The purpose of the Chunin Exam is to select Chunin. If you set too strict questions, won't everyone be eliminated?"

If even they can't pass, it's conceivable that other Genin will be even less likely to pass.

Don't let everyone fail at Nanami's hands. That would be embarrassing.

"This is what I'm worried about."

Tsunade couldn't help but sigh:"She actually asked me to set questions for a bunch of kids. Tsunade is really difficult. How can I know to what extent she can't kill those kids?"

His life was in danger as soon as he opened his mouth. He couldn't help but wipe his cold sweat and mourn for the Genin who were going to participate in this Chunin Exam.

Then again, maybe their decision to participate in this Chunin Exam was a mistake.

But there was no way. Tsunade had specifically told them once that they must participate.

The main reason was that in addition to Konoha Village and Sand Village, even the Mist Village that had been silent for a long time had to participate in this Chunin Exam, as well as some other small ninja villages. In order to better demonstrate the strength of Konoha Village, Tsunade specifically asked Team 7 not to be absent.

The other members of the Twelve Little Strongmen are all Chunin, and some have even become Jonin, so among the new generation of Genin, only Team 7 can be entrusted with important tasks.

Tsunade is also helpless.


With another sigh, Nanami complained to his brothers without a clue:"I really have a headache. What kind of questions should I come up with?"

Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other. It seemed that their plan to find out about the exam items from Nanami had failed, because Nanami hadn't thought of it yet.

"Then we won't bother you anymore."

Soon, Naruto didn't want to stay here with Nanami anymore, so he dragged Sasuke along, and the two said goodbye to Nanami and ran away.


Nanami looked at Sakura who stayed behind with some surprise, and asked,"Why didn't that kid call you too?"


Sakura tilted her head playfully, her pretty face slightly reddened.

"You shouldn't...Have you revealed your cards yet?"

Nanami turned her head awkwardly.

It seemed a little unbecoming of a sister to snatch away the woman her younger brother liked, and the woman who should have belonged to another younger brother.


Sakura knew what Naruto was worried about, so she came to sit next to Naruto in silence.

In fact, she was also hesitant, because this way of loving each other was against common sense. Maybe the obstacles between them were not only Naruto and Sasuke, but also the eyes of the world would cause trouble to them.


Suddenly, there was a hand on Sakura's waist. Nanami turned to Sakura and smiled:"Well, there will always be a way out. You should help me think of the questions first."

As a man (fog), Nanami is at least the attacker in the yuri relationship. How could she let Sakura be troubled alone?

When it's time to stand up, she must stand up.

And she doesn't care about the eyes of the world. Just now, she saw that Naruto and Sasuke were not entangled at all, so she was relieved soon....

In the blink of an eye, seven days had passed.

And at ten o'clock in the morning of this day was the first exam of this Chunin Exam.

According to the rules set by Nanami, all candidates who were going to take the exam had to arrive at the Konoha Ninja School before ten o'clock, and then find their location accurately.

In other words,���As long as there is any deviation, such as not arriving at the examination room within the specified time, or not finding their seats, they will be eliminated.

Some people are worried that Nanami Tanaka will set obstacles on the road to prevent them from arriving in the classroom on time.

Some people are also worried that Nanami Tanaka will set traps on the position numbers, and when they think they have found their seats, he will take the opportunity to eliminate them.

But in fact, there are no settings on the way to the classroom or on the corresponding seats, and it is even simpler than the last Chunin Exam.

After all, during the last Chunin Exam, some people set up illusions to hinder the candidates.

But there are none of them here with Nanami Tanaka. Everyone came to the examination room smoothly and found their respective positions smoothly. They also found that the position distribution of this Chunin Exam is in the form of teams, which no longer disrupts everyone's formation.

What is this secret?


Finally, Naruto couldn't help but ask Sakura:"You should know what Nanami-sister's test questions are, right?"

"It's no fun to tell you."

Sakura laughed and refused to tell Naruto the true form of the test, saying that he would know after waiting.

As a result, they waited for a whole day....

(PS: Well, I had a backache and a headache yesterday, so I didn’t write anything. Today I plan to make up for yesterday’s work, which means I want to update five chapters. I will try my best)_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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