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"Teacher Tanaka Nanami, be careful, they have abilities that go against common sense and are immortal."

Seeing Tanaka Nanami about to attack Hidan and Kakuzu, Shikamaru quickly reminded her.

Before Tanaka Nanami arrived, Team 10 had already fought with the immortal duo for a while, and they even worked together to injure Hidan and cut off his head.

But Hidan was not dead yet, and after Kakuzu connected his head and body together, he came back to life.

This is really a bit too scary.

"Against common sense?"

Nanami smiled, turned around and said to Shikamaru:"Shikamaru, I'm not afraid to tell you that I've been dead for a long time."


Shikamaru was stunned, not knowing what Kashichi was really saying.

"I mean, I've been dead for a long time." As

Nanami said this, she turned into a god of death.

Instantly, even her clothes changed, and she put on the Shinigami uniform and the captain's haori of the 9th division again.

Shikamaru was dumbfounded. As a member of the Nara clan, he found that Nanami had no shadow at this time?

Legend has it that ghosts have no shadows. Only in the Soul Society can shadows appear. Otherwise, even the god of death cannot see a shadow when he goes to the human world.

"Compared to the immortal body, I, who have already died, cannot die again."

Nanami turned around and smiled at Hidan and Kakuzu.


Kakuzu exclaimed, not because he was frightened by the current Kaku Nanami, but because he found that Kaku Nanami was just a shadow.

According to Kakuzu himself, he had fought with the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, and had survived for so many years, so he had accumulated a lot of combat experience, so he was the first to notice that Kaku Nanami had already made a move.


Hidan, who was lying there, was the first to suffer and was kicked away.

"What the hell is this? Puff."

Fell far away, Feiduan opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and found that his internal organs were almost broken.

"Lightning Escape..."

Kakuzu was about to perform a ninjutsu


A hand pressed firmly on his forehead, and then he felt a strong force coming, and Kakuzu also took off.

"Since you are immortal, I will attack your souls."

Standing where Kakuzu and Hidan were just now, Nanami no longer pursued them, but raised her hand to condense a long bow of spirit particles, bent the bow and drew arrows, and shot a rain of arrows at Kakuzu who had not yet landed.

The attack methods of the Shinigami and the Hollows could not completely destroy the souls, only the power of the Quincy could make the souls fly away.

So she simply used the Quincy's sacred arrows to destroy Hidan and Kakuzu.

""Puff, puff, puff, puff."

In the distance, Kakuzu had no time to dodge, and in an instant he was pierced all over by the Holy Arrows, like a giant hedgehog or porcupine.


Kakuzu roared in reluctance, but he found that his soul was gradually annihilated and his body was almost destroyed by the Holy Arrow.

A moment later, the great warrior was killed instantly.


Over there, Hidan had just gotten up from the ground, but when he looked up, he saw that Kakuzu was already dead.

They were known as the immortal duo, so how could they be dead?

"You can't do that."

Suddenly, Feidan mocked,"I've asked you to believe in the evil god with me, but you didn't accept my kindness."

"Do you think that your evil god can protect you?"

Kagami turned the longbow around and pointed it at Hidan, sneering,"I am the god of death. How dare a mere evil god act wildly in front of me? Do you believe that I can kill your evil god as well?"

As he spoke, Kagami loosened his hand, and with a"whoosh" he shot out a larger sacred arrow of destruction.

Hidan subconsciously picked up his sickle to block it. Although he was known to be immortal, no matter how immortal he was, the pain would still occur.

That's why he didn't want to suffer for no reason.

But when he really raised his sickle and collided with the sacred arrow of destruction, he found that his strength was too insignificant.


Fei Duan was stunned. Before he could react, the sickle in his hand was knocked away instantly, and then he was pierced by the Holy Arrow, and was dragged back dozens of steps.

"I destroyed your lock and soul sleep."

Putting away the spirit bow and changing back to the 'living form', Nanami said:"When your soul is reduced to ashes, you will die."

"Is this what death feels like?"

Falling to the ground helplessly, Fei Duan felt death approaching.

For the first time since he believed in the evil god, he felt death approaching.

Before this, no matter how serious his injuries were, he would survive in the end because he was immortal.

But now, in front of the god of death, even the evil god could no longer protect him.

"Are you scared? Evil God?"

Nanami looked in a certain direction again. The reason why she turned into the state of the God of Death was because she sensed a certain power that did not belong to any power known in the ninja world. It was also because of that power that Feiduan could have an immortal body.

But when she was about to fight with the unknown so-called evil god, it chose to retreat.

"A wise choice."

Nakashi smiled. She was omniscient and could see a certain future scene. If the evil god really dared to appear in front of her, he would definitely be killed by her in an instant.

Even the god of death in this world was no match for her.

""The job is done."

Turning around, Nanami made a 'V' sign to Shikamaru and the others.

"Isn't this too strong? Teacher Tan Nanami."

Shikamaru and the others could only exclaim, and were extremely impressed by Tan Nanami. They subconsciously turned to look at Asuma, thinking that they were both jonin, so why was there such a big gap?

Asuma was helpless, thinking that it was precisely because of the huge gap between them that even the entire Konoha Village did not dare to go against her.

Comparing him with Tan Nanami, he really looked down on him.

"What should we do with the bodies of these two people?"

After a while, seeing that Hidan and Kakuzu really didn't get up again, Ino was relieved and asked Nanami what to do with their bodies.

"Of course I have to take it back."

Nanami said,"Is there any need to ask this question?""As the little princess of the Yamanaka family, you should understand the importance of corpses better than me, right?"


Ino didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly called Choji and Shikamaru to accompany her to collect the bodies of Kakuzu and Hidan.

The secret technique of the Yamanaka family can even work on corpses that have just died, and can enter their still functioning spiritual world to steal information.

Although Ino has not yet mastered this level, she knows how to protect the brain of the corpse from dying too quickly.


At this moment, a huge explosion suddenly came from the direction of the village.

"What's going on?"

The four people in Team 10 all turned their heads in surprise.

Nanami seemed to have known something for a long time, and sighed without any surprise:"Tsunade, please don't die, otherwise I will be pushed to the position of Hokage, which is very annoying."_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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