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Five Kage Summit is obviously not so easy to end. It is very difficult to get a result, because the people present are the leaders of the five major ninja villages, not five idle people.

It can be said that they have to consider more things and ensure that the village will not be damaged.

Especially since they still cannot trust each other and are afraid that someone will stab them in the back.

Don't forget that the Konoha collapse plan that happened three years ago was done by Konoha Village's ally Sand Village and Sound Village.

Who can guarantee that other people present will not do the same?


Yawning with his mouth open, Nanami felt bored.

After all, it was just a small matter. At present, Akatsuki's actions have endangered the entire ninja world. Konoha Village plans to tell the Kages of the other four major ninja villages about the pros and cons and let them make a wise choice.

But as mentioned above, it is not easy to convince them.

Just when Nanami was bored, someone appeared.


Suddenly, a white figure emerged from the floor of the Five Kage meeting room. It was obvious that he was White Zetsu.

But I didn't know if he was the White Zetsu who had been working with Black Zetsu.

"Are they from Akatsuki?"

The Five Kage and their guards all took action, keeping an eye out for the White Zetsu while being alert to any possible situations around them.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here alone this time."

White Zetsu said to everyone with a smile:"I'm here to hand in a declaration of war. We at Akatsuki have made all preparations. In a month, we will send out a 100,000-strong army of White Zetsu, as well as countless powerful people who were once active in the ninja world. If you don't want the village to be destroyed and people to die, send the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki and the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki here now."

Nanami had said before that only the One to Seven Tails were sealed in the Outer Path Demon Statue, and the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails had not yet been captured by Akatsuki

"Attack the heart?"

Nanami smiled and revealed the White Zetsu's intention.

The declaration of war was fake. It was probably because after Obito knew that they were preparing to hold the Five Kage Conference, he wanted to use the 100,000 White Zetsu troops to make the already disunited coalition fall apart before the alliance was formed.

After all, the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails were only closely related to Konoha Village and the Hidden Cloud Village. There was no need for other villages to sacrifice their own villages to protect the powerful combat power of other ninja villages. After all, the military strength of the major ninja villages was limited, and they might not even be able to gather 100,000.

In this case, perhaps surrendering early would be the best choice.

"Who will surrender to you?"

The Raikage was a man of action, and he rushed out in a flash. Before the guards could make a move, he swung his right hand and hit White Zetsu hard, not only killing him with one punch, but also nearly punching through the floor of the conference room.

"What do you think, Lord Tsuchikage?"

He glanced at the already dead White Zetsu, looked at the Tsuchikage and asked,"Don't tell me you still have a fluke mentality."

"How could that be possible?"

The Tsuchikage snorted coldly and said,"I'm not that short-sighted."

"Indeed, we still have the strength to fight if we form a coalition. If any of them choose to surrender, the five major ninja villages will become a thing of the past."

Gaara said the current situation very rationally.

If the enemy really has a 100,000-strong army of White Zetsu, then the five major ninja villages will be indispensable.

"I am more curious about what this guy just said."

Raikage suddenly asked,"What does 'countless powerful people who were once active in the ninja world' mean ?’?"

"It should be the Impure World Reincarnation."

Tsunade explained solemnly:"I don't know if you know that my second grandfather, the second Hokage Senju Tobirama, once developed a forbidden technique that can bring the dead back to this world and be controlled by him.

And in the Konoha collapse plan three years ago, Orochimaru used this technique to summon my great grandfather, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, and my second grandfather together."

"You mean the Ninja God?"

The Tsuchikage gasped.

He had the honor of witnessing the heroic figure of the first Hokage, so he naturally knew how terrifying the first Hokage was.

You know, that was the one who could easily suppress the Nine-Tails, which almost destroyed Konoha Village, and finally forced the Fourth Hokage to sacrifice his life to reseal it.

Legend has it that Hashirama Senju captured all the tailed beasts by himself, and the tailed beasts in the hands of other ninja villages were actually distributed by him, which was also the reason why the first Five Kage Conference was held.

It was precisely because Hashirama Senju divided the tailed beasts equally that the sincerity he expressed moved the other four Kages, and finally allowed that turbulent era to breathe a sigh of relief, and it was more or less peaceful for a while, until the sudden death of the first Hokage and the betrayal of Uchiha Madara, Konoha Village was coveted again.

"Don't worry."

Tsunade also knew how powerful her great grandfather was, and she smiled and comforted him,"The Sandaime has sealed them up with a special method, and even my teacher, the Sandaime himself, has been sealed up, so don't worry about them appearing on the battlefield.

In addition, the only person I know who has mastered the Impure World Reincarnation is Orochimaru, and even he has his hands sealed, so he should not be able to use ninjutsu anymore. Even if others can learn the Impure World Reincarnation, we don't have to worry about anything if we don't have too much time to slowly study it."

Tsunade was very optimistic, but Nanami curled her lips slightly.

If she was not wrong a few days ago, when Pein attacked Konoha Village, there were actually people from Akatsuki taking action nearby.

Later, she used her Byakugan to observe and found that Orochimaru had successfully taken advantage of the chaos to break into Konoha Village, and found the mask of the god of death in the Namen-do of the Uzumaki clan. Not only did he take back the souls of his hands, but he also released the souls of the first, second, third and fourth generations.

In other words, what Tsunade didn't know was that what she thought was safe was actually very unreliable. If Nanami guessed correctly, the first Hokage and his men would also become enemies in this Fourth Shinobi World War.

"Well, it doesn't matter."

He smiled indifferently, but Nanami didn't take it seriously.

They were just a few Hokage. Even if Orochimaru could summon the Six Paths Sage and control him to become the enemy of the Ninja Army Alliance, so what?

Nanami wanted to say that she didn't even take Kaguya Otsutsuki seriously, let alone others.

Look at the Five Kage again.

After this little episode of White Zetsu, the alliance could be negotiated more quickly.

The enemies are ready, and if they continue to argue, they will only become more passive.

Everyone can still clearly distinguish between the important and the unimportant.

"Then let's form an alliance."

In the end, even the stubborn Tsuchikage was persuaded by everyone and agreed:"Since Akatsuki dares to challenge our five major ninja villages, let them feel the fear of the five major ninja villages."

"Since this war involves the entire ninja world, we, the samurai of the Iron Country, cannot stay out of it. Please let us do our part anyway."

Mifune also said that their samurai must also do their part to protect the ninja world.

(PS: Brothers, I really tried my best. My head hurts a lot. I drank from 10 pm yesterday until 5 am and woke up again at 12 am.It's so uncomfortable)_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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