"I said the bald guy lost."

Nanami was not surprised at Ikkaku's fall. Only Rangiku looked at Ichigo with surprise.


After the fight between Ikkaku and Ichigo was finally over, Nanami finally jumped down from the roof.

"Are you going to fight me too?"

Ichigo looked at the two men warily.


Nanashi waved her hand:"I just don't want to see you die like this."

As she spoke, she lowered her head to pick up the Ghost Pill that had turned back into a shallow-handled form because its master had fainted. She then felt around behind the handle for a few times and found a small mechanism, then spread some wound medicine out of it.

"Yachiryu was right, this battle maniac is not stupid."

Nashi smiled and suddenly threw the sword with the sheath to Ichigo.

"This is a top-quality hemostatic drug, use it as you see fit."

After saying that, Kaguya Nanami turned around and sat down, looking at Ichigo with his chin in his hand.

Rangiku said nothing, letting Kaguya Nanami make a fuss there, and didn't even leave the house, continuing to stand on the rooftop looking around, so that if someone came, she could notify Kaguya Nanami in advance.

After all, Ichigo was a travel nuisance, but Kaguya Nanami not only didn't take the opportunity to take him down, but also helped him, which was a serious crime.

However, after all, there was no one else around, so let her do whatever she wanted.

It seems that in the 10th Division, Toushirou is not the only one who has no way to deal with Kaguya Nanami, Rangiku is also very accommodating to her.

"Thanks...Thank you."

Ichigo was stunned for a moment, then quickly thanked Nanami for his kindness, and then without a doubt, he poured out the medicine and applied it to the wound.

"He is not on guard at all. He is indeed a fool and a bit of a good guy."

Nashi laughed and felt that Rukia's previous evaluation of Ichigo was not wrong at all.


Ichigo was troubled by Nanami's words.

"I'm Lucia's..."

At this point, Nanami paused again.

She wanted to introduce herself as Rukia's boyfriend, but she was not a man.

But if she said she was Rukia's girlfriend, that would be a bit wrong.

"A friend of mine, so I heard him talk about you."

Finally, Qi Shi could only vaguely introduce you like this.

"Are you Rukia's friend?"

Ichigo ignored her ambiguity and even his wounds, and rushed over to stand in front of Nanami and asked,"Then do you know where she is imprisoned? I heard that she committed a serious crime because of me?"


Zhong Qishi nodded:"They will all be sentenced to death. There is no crime greater than this."

Zhong Qishi was trying hard not to curse directly at Room 46.

"Do you want to see her?"

Nanami asked Ichigo again.

"I came to save her."

Ichigo directly stated that the purpose of entering Soul Society this time was to rescue Rukia.

"If you are really her friend, please tell me where she is imprisoned."

Ichigo looked at Nanami sincerely, hoping that she could help him, otherwise he would not be able to find Rukia.

""Do you see the white tower over there?"

Ichigo said without even looking up.

He turned his head and looked around, but couldn't find it. He asked in confusion,"Where is it?"

Ichigo lowered his head in embarrassment. She didn't know where it was, so she gave random directions. Unexpectedly, the tall White Tower and the Palace of Confession were not visible here.


Rangiku on the roof couldn't stand it anymore and laughed secretly. He asked a person who was bad at finding directions to him. This travel misfortune kid was too funny.

And Nanami was too bold. He knew he was a person with poor directions but still dared to give directions to others. He wasn't afraid of sending people to hell.

"Ahem, well, you should apply some medicine to the bald guy over there, otherwise I'm afraid he will die here from excessive bleeding."

In order to hide her embarrassment, Nanami had to change the subject and let Ichigo take care of Ikkaku first, while she took the opportunity to raise her head and send a distress signal to Rangiku. But

Rangiku turned her head away, pretending not to see Nanami's eyes.

She was loyal enough not to say anything, and don't even think of dragging her into this. Rangiku didn't want to be forced to live a life of exile in such a muddle, and she wanted to stay with Gin Ichimaru.

""Huh? I don't seem to be dead."

The next moment after Ichigo finished tossing and turning, Ikkaku woke up, still wondering why he was not dead?

"Do you want to die so badly?"

Ichigo was amused by Ikkaku, thinking that he had never seen someone who was so determined to die.

Ikkaku snorted, too lazy to tell him his own ideas, and turned to look at Tanaka Nanami on the other side, and asked puzzledly:"Sister Tanaka Nanami, you and Vice Captain Rangiku are just watching like this? Don't you plan to do anything about this kid?"

It's no wonder he was confused, because Ikkaku didn't know the real purpose of Ichigo and the others.

And even if Ikkaku knew that Ichigo came to save Rukia, he didn't know the relationship between Tanaka Nanami and Rukia, so he originally thought that they would take down Ichigo while he was unconscious.

After all, one of them is the vice-captain and the other is the third seat. If they work together, it should not be difficult to take down Ichigo.

As someone who has just fought with Ichigo, Ikkaku is qualified to judge Ichigo's strength, and feels He is now at most a little stronger than the vice-captain, but not yet at the captain level.

He even knows in his heart that as long as he is willing to unleash his Zanpakutō Bankai without hesitation, Ichigo will not be able to match him now.

But he can't do that.

Look at Nanami Kagami again.

Facing Ikkaku's questioning, she seemed very unhappy and scolded:"You baldy, your sister is kind enough to save your life, but it makes you unhappy, right? Come on, Rangiku, come and help me, let's throw this damn baldy into the garbage over there."���I want him to die down there."

"No, no, no."

Seeing that Nanashi was really coming to lift his head, Yijiao was frightened and shouted in a cold sweat:"Sister Qi, Sister Qi, I was wrong, please let me go for the sake of our deputy captain."

Yijiao was willing to die in battle like a soldier, but was unwilling to be trapped and starved to death, which was a bit too cowardly.

And he didn't know Nanashi very well, what if she really did what she said?


Nanami snorted coldly, and let Ikkaku off, but she still had something to ask:"By the way, I want to go to the Palace of Confession to see Rukia. Do you know which direction to go?"

As I said before, Ikkaku didn't know that Ichigo broke into the Soul Society for Rukia, and she didn't know that Nanami herself was a super directionless, so she told her the direction of the Palace of Confession without any suspicion.

"Ichigo, you heard me, didn't you?"

Nanami looked up at Ichigo in front of Ikkaku and said,"You can find the way there by yourself. I don't dare to walk with you.""

"By the way, if anyone asks you, you have to tell the truth that it was this bald guy who showed you the way, and it has nothing to do with me."


Ikkaku was dumbfounded.

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