
"Where have you been?"

In the 10th Division, Nanami Kagami did not go back to the room to rest, but moved a chair to sit in the yard, waiting for Toshiro.

Since she and Rangiku came back in the afternoon, she had not seen Toshiro, and Nanami Kagami could not help but feel a little worried. It is time for

Aizen and the others to take action, and she was afraid that Toshiro would be tricked.

This kid is not stupid, but there is also a Hinamori Momo involved, and Toshiro will definitely not be able to outsmart Aizen.

And Toshiro didn't know that the mastermind behind the scenes was actually Aizen, and he had no way to guard against it in advance.

So she kept waiting until she saw Toshiro coming back, and then she was relieved.

Although she knew the plot, who could know whether the plot would be changed because of her butterfly?

"I went to attend the captain's meeting."

Dong Shilang's expression was very solemn. Without any hesitation, he told Nanami what happened in the captain's meeting:"The latest news is that even the vice-captain of the 6th Division, Asai Renji, was defeated, and the third seat of the 11th Division, Madara, was also defeated.���Ichiko also has the strength of a vice-captain"

"The captain-general was furious and had ordered the vice-captains to join the battle, while also lifting the restrictions on the captains."

In the Soul Society, the captains are not allowed to release their Zanpakutō at any time.

This is actually because of the side effects brought about by the previous generation Kenpachi, or the previous generation Kenpachi. That guy's Zanpakutō could even affect the entire Soul Society. If one was not paying attention, the enemy would not be killed, but the Soul Society would be destroyed by its own people.

That's why the Forty-Sixth Chamber has formulated such a rule that unless approved, the captain is not allowed to release his Zanpakutō in the Soul Society.

And before, Ichimaru Gin was not only blamed for letting the tripod escape, but also because he released his Zanpakutō privately.

But now, the captain-general has lifted that restriction, and even the captain can release his Zanpakutō at any time, which shows how serious the situation is.

"I see."

Nana nodded. She had known this for a long time.

Just like what Ikkaku had judged about Ichigo, he already had the strength to surpass the vice-captain, but he had not yet reached the captain level.

In this way, unless he was blocked by the captain, no one could stop Ichigo.

"Go to bed early today."

Seeing that Dong Shilang had returned, after a brief chat, Nanami stood up and said,"Tomorrow there will be worse situations, so go to bed early and get enough rest to deal with what's coming next."

Watching the back of Tanaka Nanami leaving slowly, Toushirou's expression became more solemn than before.

When the previous captain of the 10th Division, Shiba Isshin, suddenly disappeared, Tanaka Nanami didn't care about him so much. Instead, she came to congratulate Toushirou on becoming the captain soon.

This guy, at that time, she was still in the Shinō Spiritual Academy. She had been hoping that something would happen to Shiba Isshin so that she could come to her brother.

But today, Toushirou could see the worry in Tanaka Nanami's eyes. But could those travel disasters really endanger the captain's safety?

With this confusion, Toushirou went back to the house to rest.

In fact, he still had a lot of work to do today. Who told his vice-captain and the third seat not to work, so he had to work harder.

However, he still cared about Tanaka Nanami's words.

Tanaka Nanami was right. Just as the sky was getting light, the alarm that could resound throughout the Soul Society sounded again.

And this time it was even more urgent than the last time.

"Something happened."

Dong Shilang, who had memorized all the rules of the Seireitei by heart, heard the true meaning of the alarm and quickly got up and put on his clothes.

"Take me with you."

Suddenly, Nanami, who was lazy as hell and never got up before nine o'clock, walked in.

Dong Shilang looked at Nanami deeply and had already sensed something was wrong.

"No need."

But in the end, he shook his head and rejected the kindness of Qi Shi.

"I'll go to the First Team by myself, you wait for me at home."

After saying that, Toushirou left without waiting for Rangiku to come over.

"This brat."

Takashi Nanami laughed and shook his head, knowing that Toushirou didn't want him to worry about him, and he was already the captain, so what would it mean if he didn't want to be protected by him in real time.

Except for Toushirou, no one in the entire Soul Society knew how terrifying Takashi Nanami was, and even the current captain of the 10th Division was no match for her.

So it was true that Takashi Nanami followed Toushirou to protect him....

So, what exactly happened?

"Captain Aizen was killed."

On the way, Toushirou heard some people whispering and was shocked. Could it be that those travel disasters were so powerful? Even the captain was killed.


Toushirou frowned, and because of Hinamori Momo, he changed his direction temporarily and rushed to the scene of the incident.

Then when Toushirou finally arrived at the clock tower where Aizen faked his death, he happened to see Hinamori Momo fighting against the vice-captain of the third division, Kirara Izuru.

"That idiot."

Before Toushirou could even raise his head to look at Aizen's fake corpse, he rushed over and forced his way into the fight between the two vice-captains, separating them.


Hinamori Momo looked at Toushirou with a sad face, muttering:"Captain Aizen, he was killed."

"Arrest both of them."

Toushirou did not hesitate, and before the situation got worse, he directly ordered the arrest of both of them.

People from other squads nearby also rushed over, as well as some vice-captains.

At this time, they acted according to Toushirou's orders and quickly controlled Kirara Izuru and Hinamori Momo.

"Ichimaru, did you want to kill Hinamori just now?"

After the vice-captains left with the two vice-captains involved, Toushirou suddenly looked at Ichimaru Gin coldly.

The reason why Hinamori Momo suddenly broke out in a war with Kira Izuru was because of Ichimaru Gin's existence. Recalling what Toushirou had told her to be careful of the captain of the third squad when he met her yesterday, she mistakenly thought that Ichimaru Gin had killed Aizen.

""Huh? What are you talking about?"

Ichimaru Gin squinted his eyes and continued to laugh, pretending to be stupid.

Toushirou did not relax his expression, because he had just seen Ichimaru Gin put his hand on the handle of his Zanpakutō.

Unfortunately, he did not have any evidence, so he could only warn Ichimaru Gin:"I have said in advance that if anything happens to Hinamori, I will kill you."

Ichimaru Gin was not threatened by Toushirou, and said with a sly smile:"Oh, that's scary. Since you care about her so much, you'd better be careful not to let bad guys get close to her. But I won't give up."


Dongshiro snorted coldly and turned away.

He had already said all the harsh words that needed to be said, and anything else he said would only be a sign of weakness.

And if Ichimaru Gin really dared to get close to Hinamori Momo again, Dongshiro would definitely attack him, that was for sure.

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