"I am so idle."

At noon that day, the skinny little Yan Qishi slumped down on the roof of a small house, closing his eyes lazily in the sun, muttering something like"I am so idle, so idle"

"If you are so free, come down and help me."

Just then, a shout suddenly came from below the hut. Although the voice was still very childish, it already had some authority.


Nanami lazily rubbed her feet downwards, exposing only one foot and shaking it, then retracted it.

"That guy."

Below, in the yard was a young man with white hair. He was completely irritated by Nanami. He gritted his teeth, and there were cross-shaped veins on his forehead that were throbbing.

"All right, all right."

In fact, the boy was not the only one in the yard. An old woman was sitting not far away and advised with a smile:"Nanashi-chan is just like this. Dongshiro, you have gotten used to it a long time ago."

It turned out that the boy was Dongshiro. No wonder they said he had begun to be dignified. It turned out that the reason was here.

"And grandma too."

Dong Shilang turned his head to the other side in dissatisfaction and accused:"Don't always favor that guy"

"What is that guy?"

Nanami's voice came from above again:"You should call me sister."

"Why don't you come down and tell me now?"

Dong Shiro became even angrier.

He was the one who came to Soul Society earlier, and he was the one who"picked up" Tanaka Nanami, so he should be the older brother.

But this issue has been discussed many times, and Tanaka Nanami always said that whoever is taller is the older sister because she is taller. Ugh....

Dong Shilang said that this topic cannot be discussed, even if he is taller, he can't be a sister.


Nanami Kazue would not be fooled by such a childish trick. She turned over and exposed her back to the sun, continuing to enjoy the rare sunshine. In the blink of an eye, she had been in this world for more than a year.

At first, Nanami Kazue thought that her soul had traveled to the world of Dao Yu, but she did not expect the plot to be so unexpected. After the real Nanami Kazue passed all his power to her, she did not survive in that world.

In other words, she 'died' and came to this world of the 'God of Death'.

"How tragic."

Nashi couldn't help but complain, thinking that she had never seen a more tragic protagonist than her. She died after finally traveling through the soul, and then traveled through again. Fortunately, this is the world of the god of death. What if she was taken directly to the real underworld?

"Fortunately, I came to the world of the God of Death."

Nanami took the words back to himself, and whispered in his heart with some relief:"If I hadn't come to this world, I'm afraid that even if I was resurrected in the world of Daoyu, I would still die because of the 100 million viruses in the end, right?"

"Also, because Nanami's body hides a power that even the 'God' fears, her body would have collapsed long ago."

"So, this actually saved my life."

"After all, this is in the world of the god of death. I'm already dead, so I can't die again, right?"

"Moreover, without a body, whether it is the 100 million viruses or the huge force that the body cannot bear, it will be perfectly solved."

"What a fluke."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but let her imagination run wild, thinking that if she had the chance to go back to the real world in the future, she really wanted to buy some lottery tickets to try, what if she got rich?


It seemed that even if she had the chance to go back to the real world and won the jackpot, what was the use of the money in the real world?

"So tangled."

Speechlessly scratching her suddenly itchy shoulder, she had to give up the idea.

""What are you struggling about?"

But suddenly, Dong Shilang's voice rang in her ears, and the place where she had just scratched became a little painful?

Nanami turned her head and found that it was Dong Shilang who had quietly climbed up and kept hitting her shoulders with a small branch.

Just now, he was afraid of hurting himself, so he touched her lightly, which made her feel a little itchy, and now it was the result of his increased strength.

In other words, Nanami's body is really thin.

You do the math, she is only 1.4 meters tall and weighs only 50 catties, which is just over 20 kilograms.

Speaking of which, this is completely the rhythm of a breeze blowing all over the sky.

No wonder Dong Shilang didn't dare to touch her, what if he was hit by a porcelain?

Nanami has done it before, and Dong Shilang has suffered a lot.

"How did you get up here?"

Nanami looked around, actually showing a guilty conscience, not daring to look directly into Dong Shilang's eyes.

"Of course, it's because the work is done, so grandma asked me to call you downstairs for dinner.

Dong Shilang rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I know that grandma is the best."

Nanashi smiled happily, making Dong Shilang a little confused about how to scold him.

"How cunning!"

Muttering, Dong Shilang turned around and left.


And Qishi was actually making a scissors hand gesture from behind. She had won again.

But when she came to the place where she had climbed up before, she couldn't help but be stunned. Why was the ladder gone?


Then she saw Dong Shilang, who had gone down earlier, imitated her and made a scissors hand gesture, and the ladder was not far behind him.

"This guy."

This time it was Nanashi's turn to be speechless.

But it doesn't matter, even if there is no ladder, what does it matter?


Suddenly, Nanami bent down and pressed the eaves lightly, and she came down lightly.

Are you kidding? Do you really think that the memory of Yuan Nanami is useless?

Apart from anything else, in this year, she has perfectly mastered all the memories and powers of Yuan Nanami. How difficult is it to build such a small house?

Dong Shilang naturally knew that Nanami had such a method a long time ago, so he shrugged and turned to go into the house.

Nanami followed closely behind, and when he caught up with Dong Shilang, he knocked him on the forehead.


She even complained first.


Dong Shiro had no way out because he really couldn't beat her. He tried and was beaten up by Nanami one night. The next day, he didn't dare to let his grandmother know for fear that she would worry. He was really helpless.

Moreover, Nanami's appearance was very deceptive. He was really worried that he would accidentally break her arms and legs.

Of course, Nanami really had no ill intentions. She just treated Dong Shiro like a younger brother.

It seems that because Nanami was originally a brother-con, the current Nanami also wants a younger brother.

But don't worry, Nanami is no longer a brother-con. As mentioned above, she is just bullying Dong Shiro.

As for the orientation issue, don't forget her original gender.

"Should I pursue Rukia in the future? Or should I live with my nanny Rangiku? Actually, Yoruichi is not bad either, and I can also take Soi-Fong with me. Oh, yes, Hana-sama is not bad either, or should I say, she is more attractive, right?"

Uh..., I'm afraid Soul Society will be in turmoil in the future.

It's not because Nanami is so strong, but because no one should be on guard against her, right?

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