"This is where?"

"Yachiryu? Where did you go?"

"Hey, I'm here, come find me, can you find me?"

In the middle of a cross street with many connections, Nanami stood there with a look of despair, shouting Yachiru's name.

I don't know what she was thinking before, but she actually ran away with Yachiru for some unknown reason. By the time she realized it, it was too late....

According to Nanami's extreme lack of direction, once she went out, she would have no chance of finding her way home. Even if she stood at the door of her house, she would hesitate for a long time before daring to push the door, and she would have to knock on it first to test it out.

So she could only bite the bullet and follow Yachiryu's steps, secretly praying in her heart that this girl's intuition would be accurate.

As a result, before she could see whether Yachiryu's intuition worked, at the last corner, Yachiryu suddenly discovered something and ran away with a smile, leaving her alone.

After waiting for a long time, Nanami didn't see Yachiryu come back.

You said she couldn't just wait there forever, right? So she walked carefully along the original route for a while, wanting to go back to the place where Yachiryu had left her behind and wait for her.

But it was obvious that the place where Yachiryu had left her behind was a corner, and no one knew how she walked, but in the end she came to such a place with many access roads. This was obviously the wrong direction, okay?...


While calling out Yachiryu's name, Nanami continued to walk in a completely unknown direction, but he didn't know that he was going in the opposite direction. Not only was he getting farther and farther away from the place where he and Yachiryu had separated before, he was also not in the direction of Shuangjitai at all.

On the other side, at the edge of the area where Room 46 was located, Dong Shilang looked around and saw that no one had noticed his whereabouts, so he quickly jumped into a hidden corner.

"Wait for me, Captain."

Behind Toushirou, Rangiku also jumped in hurriedly.

""Stupid, keep your voice down. If people know that we broke into Room 46 without permission, it will be a serious crime."

Dong Shilang scolded angrily. He obviously didn't want to bring Rangiku with him, but she insisted on coming with him.

"I was nervous because I knew this."

Rangiku rolled her eyes in annoyance. She had overheard what Nanami and Toushirou were saying before, and after Nanami left, she saw Toushirou rushing out, so she insisted on following him. She felt that something big was going to happen.

""Okay, let's go in."

After arriving at Room 46, Toushirou's movements were no longer as sneaky as before, because no one would approach here unless they were specially recruited.

As for the purpose of coming here, he wanted to ask Room 46 what they were thinking and why they were so persistent in the matter of Rukia. Moreover, the trial date was changing every few days, which was too weird. It was not until Toushirou opened the door of Room 46's meeting room that he discovered the truth.

"How could this happen?

Dong Shilang's forehead was sweating.

"this...How is this possible?"

Rangiku was also shocked.

Looking through the crack in the door, she saw a group of dead people in the meeting room of Room 46. They were all members of the original Room 46.

And it seemed that they had been dead for a long time. Then who issued the order yesterday?

"You are here, Captain Hitsugaya."

At this moment, a voice came from behind the two of them.


Toushirou looked at the person who came.

Kira Izuru glanced at Toushirou and Rangiku from the corner of his eye, and without saying another word, he turned around and ran away.

"Rangiku, chase after him."

Toushirou made a decision. This matter must be related to Kira, but he didn't know if there was someone else behind him.

As the captain, Toushirou's speed was naturally not something that Kira, the vice-captain, could outrun.

When Kira saw that the distance was gradually shortened, he couldn't help but say,"Captain Hitsugaya, instead of chasing after me, don't you think it is more important to protect Hinamori?"


Toushirou was stunned, not understanding why Kira mentioned Hinamori Momo.

"She thought you were the murderer of Captain Aizen, so she followed you all the way here, but she was not discovered."

Kira explained to Toushirou

"Damn it."

Dong Shilang couldn't help but give up on Kira who was already in front of him, and turned around and rushed back in the direction he came from.

"Leave it to me."

When passing by Toushirou, Rangiku said with a serious expression.

Kira is the vice-captain of Ichimaru Gin, so they all have reason to believe that it was Ichimaru Gin who ordered Kira to do this.

And now Rangiku is expressing that she will stand on Toushirou's side because Ichimaru Gin did something wrong.

Toushirou just nodded, said nothing and walked away quickly.

Then when Toushirou returned to the door of the meeting room, he saw Hinamori's back disappearing into the door of the inner room.


Dong Shilang hurriedly chased after her, and when he arrived at the door of the inner room, he just heard a"puff" sound and a muffled groan from Hinamori Momo.


Pushing open the door of the inner room, Toushirou looked inside with a mixture of shock and anger, only to see that Aizen Sosuke, who was supposed to be dead, was alive and was stabbing Hinamori Momo with a knife.

"Hi, Captain Hitsugaya, long time no see."

Aizen smiled and greeted Toushirou, and casually threw Hinamori Momo to his feet, as if throwing away garbage.

"He found out."

Ichimaru Gin grinned and said without any concern:"It seems that Kira didn't delay for much time."

"I don't blame you."

Aizen also smiled and said,"I should have been more decisive and destroyed her body."

These two people seemed to be discussing what to eat for breakfast today, but in fact, they killed the childhood sweetheart that someone cared about in front of Toushirou.

"Damn it, why did you do this?"

Dong Shilang was almost confused. He didn't understand why they, the two captains, did such a treasonous thing.

Now there was no need to think about it anymore. The members of the 46th room outside must have been killed by them.

""When did you start conspiring?"

Dongshiro continued to ask the question in his mind. In his opinion, these two people should not get along well. They always target each other, so Dongshiro asked Hinamori Momo to be careful of Ichimaru Gin.

But now, Ichimaru Gin's position is like Aizen's vice-captain.

"Of course, from the beginning."

Aizen no longer planned to hide it, and kindly told Toushirou:"Since I became the captain, I have never thought of letting anyone else be my vice-captain except him (Ichimaru Gin)"

"But Hinamori admires you so much.

Dong Shilang felt sorry for Hinamori Momo.

"You won't understand."

Aizen looked down at Toushirou and said indifferently,"Admiration is the furthest emotion from understanding."

This sentence completely angered Toushirou.

"Go to hell, Aizen."

Pulling out the long sword from behind and performing Bankai, Toushirou rushed towards Aizen

"Blinded by hatred? This is really a suicidal act."

Aizen still had a smile on his face, as if he was sure of victory.

This was because he had already used his ability of Mirror Flower and Water Moon. In fact, what Toushirou saw was an illusion. The real him was standing aside with a knife in hand, waiting for Toushirou to come to him.


But just as Aizen was about to raise his sword to chop down, a slender and beautiful long sword suddenly appeared and blocked Aizen's attack.

"Don't hurt someone else's brother in front of his sister."

鑢七实 walked in with a murderous look on his face.

"Why are you here?"

Dong Shilang couldn't control his curiosity, because he knew that Jian Qi was a person with a poor sense of direction. Even if she felt that something was wrong here, she would not be able to get there in time unless someone showed her the way.

"I heard a lot of noise on the Shuangjitai, and the more I hurried, the more confused I became. I actually got lost here, and then I found that your spiritual pressure was obviously Bankai. Fortunately, I broke through the wall and arrived in time."

Kanami explained to Toushirou why she was here. It turned out that she got lost all the way here, and she broke through the wall on the way, otherwise she wouldn't be able to find the door....

"Hey, Aizen, do you really want to die again?"

(PS: Well, some people have been complaining that the protagonist's presence is too low, not even a supporting role, so let's be braveI should have laid more groundwork, that would have had a better effect and made the explanation clearer. I blame you for being impatient.���snort...)

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