No one expected that Nanami would start fighting as soon as she said it.

Generally speaking, when the opponent says something harsh, shouldn't you also say something?

Nanami did say it, but while she was talking back, she also launched an attack.

Who would waste time talking to you? Nanami thought that all villains died because they talked too much, and she would not waste time when fighting with others. The best way is to kill them quickly.

In a hurry, Aizen quickly raised Kagami Water Moon to block it.


First, the two swords came together with a crisp sound, and then, Aizen suddenly turned into a meteor and flew out.


He groaned, and before he even landed, Aizen couldn't help but exclaimed in mid-air,"What a powerful force!""

"I'm still showing mercy."

Qi Shi secretly snorted:"Do you really think I'm a weak woman who can't even tie a chicken? The Dongkong clan's strange power is not given for nothing."

The original Tan Nanashi was on his way to find his brother to die, and he ran around because he was bad at finding his way, and then a series of battles took place. Among them, when he wiped out the Toso clan (leaving only one survivor), he copied all the strange powers of their clan.

Now if it is just a competition of strength, I am afraid that the entire world of death may not be able to find a guy who can withstand Tan Nanashi's punch, because the current Tan Nanashi has inherited everything from the original Tan Nanashi, naturally including the strange power of the Toso clan.

And Aizen just responded to the battle hastily, it would be a miracle if he didn't suffer.

This is also the result of Tan Nanashi showing mercy, not wanting to kill Aizen now, because he still has to rely on him to make all the truth clear, and he also has to rely on him to wash away Rukia's guilt. Anyway, it is right that Aizen cannot be killed now. He has to wait until everyone knows that Aizen has betrayed before he can kill him.

Otherwise, Tan Nanashi and Toushirou and others breaking into the 46th room privately is also a big crime

"Is this all you have got?"

Looking at Aizen falling to the ground in a panic, Nanami, who had been planning to show mercy, did not chase him, but mocked him:"So this is the captain!"


Dong Shilang rolled his eyes and reminded her that he was also the captain and she should not get hurt by mistake.

"Ahem, mistake."

Nanami coughed dryly. She just said that subconsciously and forgot about Toushirou.

"Speaking of which."

Turning back to look at Ichimaru Gin who was standing on the other side, Nanami waved and said,"Do you want to come too?"

"I won't go."

Ichimaru Gin shook his head. Firstly, there was no need to start a war with Nanami. Secondly, he saw that even Aizen had suffered a loss, and he didn't want to become so embarrassed himself.

""Should we go?"

Ichimaru Gin reminded Aizen, fearing that he would get angry and argue with Nanami.

As Toushirou's spiritual pressure exploded in the 46th room, no one knew if anyone else was coming here. It would be bad to delay for too long.

Moreover, they had already planned all the steps, and any mistake in any link would be very troublesome.


Aizen snorted unwillingly, knowing that he could no longer ask Nanami for the knife back, so he could only stare at her fiercely and remember it in his heart. Then, when Ichimaru Gin came over with a long white ribbon, the two of them disappeared instantly.

""Tsk, did you escape?"

Nanami snorted, turned around and looked at Dong Shilang, and asked with concern:"How is it? Are you not hurt?"

Dong Shilang felt warm in his heart, shook his head and said:"I'm fine, but Hinamori is......"

"It would be better if she died."

Nanami interrupted Dong Shilang and glanced over there with disdain, thinking that this guy is really lucky and is not dead yet.

"Don't be like this."

Dong Shilang said awkwardly:"Well, can you help me treat her? Uh..., Qishijie"

"Wow, you."

Kagami pointed at Toushirou and said with a look of deep sorrow:"For such a green tea girl, you even called her sister who has not spoken for many years?"

Toushirou's face turned red when he was accused by Kagami, but he was also unwilling to accept it. It was Kagami himself who did not act like a sister, and he was obviously the first to arrive at that house. According to the rules of Rukongai, he was the older brother, but he was forced to not beat Kagami due to power, so she always suppressed him.

""Will you help me?"

Dong Shilang shouted in anger. He was really anxious. After all, Hinamori Tao's injuries were not light. At first, Dong Shilang's heart sank when he saw her. Fortunately, she did not die on the spot.

"I have conditions."

But Qishi suddenly became sinister and took the opportunity to say,"From now on, you have to call me sister all the time."

"No problem."

Dong Shilang knew her character and didn't dare to bargain at this time. Whatever she said was fine, as long as Hinamori Momo could be saved.

"I really don't know how many lifetimes you have cultivated to be blessed."

Nanami muttered to Hinamori Momo. What the two sisters didn't see was that Hinamori Momo's eyebrows moved slightly.

""Just watch me."

After the terms were agreed, Nanami didn't delay any longer and squatted down in front of Hinamori Momo, and put his hands directly on her two balls without any hesitation.


A cross of blue veins throbbed on Dongshiro's forehead. He wanted to say something, but in the end, he was defeated by the look in Nanami's eyes when he turned around.


She raised her pointed chin proudly, and Nanami pinched it provocatively, which made Dong Shilang so angry that he closed his eyes and turned his head away, unwilling to look at this guy anymore.


But the next second, Nanami's words made Dong Shilang open his eyes again.

"So fast?"

Dong Shilang couldn't help but wonder if Nanami was fooling him.

"Who do you think I am?"

Nanashi sneered,"It's just that I'm too lazy to go to the fourth squad, otherwise Sister Hua would have to give me a seat."

"In fact, it's you who dare not leave Rangiku and me, right? You're afraid of getting lost. And if you really go to the Fourth Division, you'll only go out to rescue people more frequently."

Toushirou wanted to complain, but before he could open his mouth, he heard a soft voice from outside:"Oh? If you are really willing to come to our Fourth Division, I can give the captaincy to you, Nanami-chan."

Unohana Retsu suddenly appeared at the door with a smile on her face. She glanced at the miserable situation in the conference room and asked,"What's going on?"

Because Nanami and Toushirou were present at the scene, Unohana Retsu was not in a hurry to check on the conditions of the 46th Division members, but wanted to hear what they had to say

"It was Aizen and Ichimaru Gin."

Toushirou gritted his teeth and told the story of Aizen and Ichimaru Gin's betrayal.

"And Tosen Kaname."

Suddenly, Nanami interrupted and added:"The effect of Kyoka Suigetsu is complete hypnosis. Aizen did not die before, but hypnotized everyone in the 13th Division."

"As for Tosen Kaname, he is blind and will not be affected by the mirror flower and water moon. Since he said nothing, it proves that he must be in Aizen's group."

"Oh, I have something to do over there, so I'll leave it to you, Sister Hua, to preside over the meeting."

While speaking, Qishi was moving towards the door. By the time she finished speaking, she had already rushed out.

"This girl."

Unohana Retsu shook his head in amusement and anger, and stopped bothering Nanami. After all, this was not the time to be idle.

"Yongyin, inform all captains, vice-captains, and the travelers of the situation here."

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