Others could not understand the tacit communication between Toushirou and Nanami.

But they understood Ichigo Kurosaki's subsequent attitude.

"You guys don't want to stay here overnight, do you?"

Seeing that the sky was gradually getting darker, none of the guys had any intention of leaving, so Ichigo could only take the initiative and say,"I'll state in advance that I only have the right to allocate this one room, so you'd better figure it out on your own."

"I see."

Nanami tilted his head as if thinking.

"Then we'll leave first."

Ikkaku and Yumichika said goodbye first, without saying where they were going, and no one cared whether they had a place to stay. Anyway, they left without saying anything.

"I have already agreed with Orihime that I will stay at her place for a few nights, so I am leaving now."

Rangiku playfully winked at everyone and left as well.

"I have a place."

Dong Shilang snorted and said to Ichigo:"Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you."

"What about you?"

At the end of his speech, Dong Shilang turned to look at Nanami who was still in distress.���He said,"Want to join me?"


Nanami shook her head directly:"I have to find a way to take Rukia with me, otherwise she will continue to sleep with Ichigo, and then I will be in danger of being cheated on."

Dong Shilang thought to himself, you and Rukia are not together, how can it be considered cheating?

Besides, they lived together in such a small house before, what should have happened has already happened, and what should not happen will not happen in the future, it's really a waste of worry.

But he is not the kind of person who talks too much, and he left with a frown on his face.

"I also have a place I want to go."

Renji also stood up. This was not a perfunctory response, but he really wanted to go to the Urahara store. He mainly wanted to meet the store manager Urahara and wanted to know how he trained Ichigo Kurosaki, who was not his opponent at the beginning, to become a captain in such a short time.

Renji didn't know yet that the reason why Ichigo could become a captain in such a short time was not only due to Urahara Kisuke and Yoruichi, but also because his bloodline was not simple. He was a true blood, and with a captain-level father, how could his qualifications be bad? Seeing that the people who were traveling with him had all left in a blink of an eye, only Nanami and Rukia were left in Ichigo's room.

"Nanami, stop it."

Rukia looked at Nanami with a smile on her face and said directly,"I have something I want to talk to Ichigo about alone."


Nanami pretended to think about it, and after a while she said,"Ichigo, why don't you sleep on the floor? I don't mind you sleeping in my room.""

"This is my room."

Ichigo exploded. Why did he ask him to sleep on the floor? Even Rukia didn't have this treatment before. She could only sleep in his closet.

"Well, that's really cold-blooded."

Nanami sighed, and finally compromised and said to Rukia:"I will only give you one night today, and you are not allowed to sleep within ten meters of each other at night. It's better to stay twenty meters away from me. This is the captain's order."

"My room is not even ten meters long."

Ichigo yelled again, this is too much to ask, if it is really like what Nanami said, then only one person can sleep in the corridor outside the door.

"Okay, I'm leaving too."

Qi Shi finally stopped bothering the two of them, turned around and walked towards the wall behind him.

"The window is over there, the door is over here."

Ichigo weakly pointed out the direction to Tanaka Nanami. He really had no way to deal with Tanaka Nanami.

Tanaka Nanami coughed dryly and turned his head. Then he found the right direction and jumped out of the open window.

"Don't forget my warning."

Even though the person left, she still reminded the two people in the room that they were not allowed to get within ten meters of each other.


Rukia also smiled very weakly...

"Or maybe he was kicked out."

Under the window, Dong Shilang did not leave, but waited there with a plan in mind.

"There is nothing I can do."

Nanami spread his hands helplessly:"This child is not good, I don't want him anymore, Dong Shilang is still the best brother"

"I told you not to call me that."

Dong Shilang's forehead was throbbing with blue veins. What he hated most was that others treated him like a child, and he didn't want to become an adult....

"So, where are we going to stay tonight?"

Nanami quickly changed the subject and asked about accommodation, wisely not provoking Dong Shilang who was about to explode.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Dong Shilang reminded him unhappily,"There is no time to sleep tonight. Don't say you didn't feel"

"Yes, that's why I let Rukia stay here without any worries."

Nanami laughed secretly.

Dong Shilang shook his head:"I plan to sit in the park, it's very close to here, do you want to come?"

"Isn't this nonsense?"

Qishi shouted in grief and anger:"Where else can I go except following you?"

Now there are only her and Dong Shilang here. If she doesn't follow Dong Shilang, Qishi doesn't even know where she will end up.

"Come on, find a place to rest and prepare for the upcoming war."

Toushirou's expression seemed very solemn, because under the moonlit night sky, he felt a dangerous spiritual pressure approaching slowly. Nanami shrugged nonchalantly, thinking that if she was right, it should still be Grimmjow, so there was nothing to worry about.

In fact, even if the No. 1 and No. 2 of the Arrancar Corps came, Nanami's expression would not change at all....

At night, the dark sky was suddenly torn apart, and in a darker space crack,���Several guys wearing white clothes and some strange masks on their heads walked out.

Those masks were not intentional, but grew on them, proving that they were Hollows.

After becoming Hollows, they would just look like humans, but they would not become humans. For example, some Hollows would have Hollow holes on their bodies, and some places would kill humans instantly if placed on humans.

In other words, these people were Hollows.

"Are you all here?"

There was another man sitting on a rooftop not far from the group. He was Grimmjow.

No one knew when he had arrived in the human world in advance. Anyway, the spiritual pressure that Toushirou had sensed before belonged to him, so he told Nanami that he had no time to sleep tonight because a big battle was about to begin.

"Xiaolong Kufang, Edorard, Nachim, Ilfert, Di Roy."

He read out the names of his five subordinates, and then heard Grimmjow's order:"Let's go, anyone with a little spiritual pressure, don't be polite, kill them all."

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