In fact, Toushirou has known about the Shinō Academy for a long time, and five years ago, his childhood sweetheart, Momo Hinamori, went to study at the Shinō Academy.

He should have gone with her, but he didn't do anything because he was worried about his grandmother being alone at home.

Toushirou is still a filial son....He was a filial grandson, otherwise he would not have been bullied by Nanami Kagami all the time, because grandma always spoke on Nanami Kagami's side, so he was so depressed.

But after Matsumoto Rangiku suddenly came like this, he had to change his mind.

And Matsumoto Rangiku came again a few days after that day.

This time she went directly to grandma and told her about Toushirou's talent and that staying would not only delay his potential, but also hurt his family and her.

As grandma also persuaded Toushirou to go to the Shinou Spiritual Academy for further studies, he finally made up his mind to go out and find out who the voice in his dream was. Nanami Kagami needs no further explanation. She has only been here for a few days. Although she is grateful for her grandma's shelter, she knows that she does not belong here and she will leave sooner or later. Instead of being more inseparable in the future, it is better to leave early.

It's not that she is cold and heartless, but everyone is dead, okay, can't you be a little aware?

Where is this? This is the world after death.

Even if grandma encounters an accident, she will only become a Buddha, or go to the real world to be reborn, isn't that a good thing?

So Nanami is very open-minded.

Just like that, the two siblings? Finally persuaded by Matsumoto Rangiku, they just happened to follow her out of the house that day

A few days later, in Rukongai near the Joureitei

"This is the place to sign up."

Led by Matsumoto Rangiku, the two finally came to the west block of Rukongai to the back of the White Road Gate, found the relevant personnel and successfully signed up.

"I'm waiting for your good news."

Seeing that the two had signed up, Matsumoto Rangiku waved goodbye to them, but she didn't go back to the Pure Spirit Court, but found a pub nearby and sat in.

By the way, this guy is also a drunkard.

"This guy."

Dong Shilang curled his lips in disdain and muttered,"He actually started drinking in broad daylight, isn't that too outrageous?"


Qishi covered her mouth and laughed secretly:"Are you already interested in that nanny?"

"What nanny? What are you interested in?"

Dong Shilang's face instantly turned red, and it was also because Nanami's adjective was too...


Qishi smiled and waved his hands, as if to say,"You don't have to say anything, I understand."

"You don't understand anything."

Dong Shilang was really a little anxious. If she really misunderstood him, it would be too much trouble.

Besides, his childhood sweetheart was in the Shinyang Spiritual Academy where he was going to enter. He really couldn't let her misunderstand him.

""Okay, okay."

Seeing that Dong Shilang was really anxious, Nanami finally became serious and said that she was just joking.

"This kind of joke is not funny at all.

Dong Shilang lowered his head in exhaustion, thinking that the campus life in the future would only become more bleak.

He now felt like going back.

"That, number 136 and number 137, are ready for the test.

At this moment, the two people's registration numbers were called out by the relevant personnel.

"It's our turn now."

Dong Shilang quickly changed the subject.

"Finally, we're here."

Nanami stretched a little before following Dong Shilang forward.

Following the instructions, the two of them stood in front of the two relevant personnel.

""Put your hand on this stone."

On the side of Qishi, the man pointed to a stone in front of him and asked her to test it.

Qishi raised her eyebrows and thought that this was very similar to a novel about cultivation. Doesn't it feel out of place?

But since this was someone else's arrangement, she could only do it.

Then, when Qishi raised her slender little hand and really pressed it on the big stone,


Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed.

Qi Shi quickly pulled his hand back, but he was secretly happy in his heart, thinking that this must be a good omen.

"this...Is this the sixth grade quality?"

The relevant personnel were dumbfounded.

"The ones here are not bad either."

The test results from Toushirou's side also came out, and the people over there exclaimed:"This one is also of grade six quality."

Reiatsu is also divided into qualities, with a total of six levels, divided into grade one, grade two, and so on. The higher the ranking, the better.

For example, Shiba Kaien, who was called a super genius back then, had grade six reiatsu. As a result, not only did grade six quality appear again today, but two of them appeared in succession.

In fact, this result is not surprising. After all, Toushirou has a captain-level talent. It would be surprising if this result was not obtained.

As for Nanami, it goes without saying. After all, she is an unrivaled powerhouse.


At this time, I don't know where Matsumoto Rangiku came from. She was seen circling around Nanami and Toushirou with shining eyes, and repeatedly promised them:"We have a deal, after you graduate, you must come to our 10th Division."

""You've won them over so quickly?"

Some of the people nearby couldn't help but frown."Sister, please be reserved, okay?

The only ones who can help the Shinagara Academy prepare for enrollment are the Death Gods. If we let the Ryuhun do it, I'm afraid everyone will pass."

"Let's go."

Matsumoto Rangiku thought that there were too many people here, so it would be better to take the two geniuses away quickly.

Since they had passed the test and their scores were so good, they naturally didn't have to worry about admission.

Matsumoto Rangiku took the two people to a small restaurant nearby, saying that she wanted to celebrate for them, but in fact she wanted to win them over.

Originally, she didn't expect that the two siblings would have such outstanding results. Thinking about Shiba Kaiyan who has now become the vice-captain, wow, such talents cannot be missed.

"I understand. We will join the 10th Division."

Faced with Matsumoto Rangiku's constant pestering, Toushirou was the first to give in and has already promised to join the 10th Division in the future.

"I don't mind."

Jian Qi shrugged indifferently:"Anyway, Dong Shilang will definitely become the captain, so I will follow him."

""Isn't this a bit too far-fetched?"

This time it was Matsumoto Rangiku's turn to be upset. She thought to herself,"You are too fanciful, aren't you? Can you become a captain just because you want to?

You know, in the entire Soul Society, there are only thirteen captains. If you add the Zero Squad and the retired captains, there are only thirteen captains."...I don't know how many there are.

At least no more than 20.

Are you so sure that Toushirou will be the captain? That's too crazy.

Nanami Kagami didn't seem to sense Matsumoto Rangiku's attitude, and she had already made a reservation with Toushirou.

"Dong Shilang, as a younger brother, you must take good care of me when you become the captain. It's not much, just don't let me do the work, otherwise I will tell grandma about it."

Well, it's good to know the plot, at least I can hold the thigh first.

As for whether it's bad to talk nonsense like this, and whether it will attract others to target it.

It doesn't matter. If someone really dares to make trouble, she will knock them down one by one.

If anyone dares to underestimate Nanami, it will really be a"painful lesson".

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