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"They actually ran away, you are really in such a mess."

Not long after the three of them left, suddenly, a guy wearing a bull skull mask appeared next to Dorudoni.

"You actually came here in person?"

Dorudoni glanced at the guy and couldn't help laughing:"By the way, all your men were killed in seconds, so you had to come here in person. Is it to confirm the strength of your opponent?"

"It has nothing to do with you anymore."

The Bull Skull Broken Face shrugged indifferently:"Take him away."

The second half of his words were directed to the people behind him. They were a group of guys wearing skull masks, known as the Funeral Troops, and this Bull Skull Broken Face was the captain of the Funeral Troops, Rudborn.

"I didn't say I was going to surrender."

""Sister Nanami, slow down."

Behind the guard of Torodoni, Ichigo chased after Nanami closely, but he could not get any closer and could only maintain a distance of ten steps away.

Fortunately, this is a straight passage, otherwise Ichigo would have lost her.

It was precisely because he was afraid that Nanami would get lost that Ichigo hurriedly called her. The exit could be seen not far ahead. Wouldn't she be lost after going out?

And what worried Ichigo was that Nanami seemed to be very anxious. Did something happen to the others?

Ichigo guessed correctly. In fact, when he was fighting Torodoni, the others also encountered enemies.

Similar to the original work, Ishida Uryu and Peixe, and Chad Taisho with Bawa Bawa encountered two other three-digit Arrancar respectively.

Then Renji and Tondo Chaka rushed all the way to the location of the eighth Espada....

What worried Nanami most was that if she was not mistaken, Rukia had met the ninth Espada, which was why she was so impatient just now.

Especially at this moment, Nanami realized that Rukia was injured. If she did not believe that Rukia could successfully pass this experience, she would have rushed straight through, and would not have walked along this passage.


Finally, as Rukia's injuries worsened, her spiritual pressure fluctuated greatly, allowing Ichigo to finally discover the situation over there.

"You finally found it."

Nanami glanced at Ichigo from the corner of his eye, and the worry on his face was beyond words.

"You go first, Nanami-sister."

Ichigo then realized what Nanami was so anxious about, and quickly told her to go first.

Although Nanami was a road idiot, as long as she used a method that didn't require her to worry about the road, she could still find the target.

In this way, Ichigo didn't need to worry anymore.

"You can't go anywhere."

Suddenly, someone walked in from the passage that was already visible in front.

"It's you."

Ichigo recognized the person who came. When he first fought with the Arrancar and suffered a loss, he was the only one who, I remember, should be called Ulquiorra?

"Your two companions, Rukia Kuchiki and Renji Asai, met the Espada, and they are definitely going to die."

Ulquiorra said expressionlessly, without any confident expression, as if he was stating a fact that had already happened.

"I don't think so."

Nanami suppressed his anxiety and smiled, saying,"I guess it will be you, the Espada, who will die."


Ulquiorra looked at Nanami warily, but didn't comment on her words.

"How about making a bet?"

Nana invited Ulquiorra:"If I can kill you here, it means I am right. And if you escape, I will go to save her, how about that?"

Ulquiorra subconsciously took two steps back.

This was a woman that even Aizen had suffered from, and he felt that he would not be her opponent.

But fortunately,

"I am not here to fight you to the death."

Ulquiorra directly stated his purpose:"I am here only to delay you from interfering with Lord Aizen's plan."


Nanami smiled, she was really relieved:"The captains are here, Byakuya has also rushed over."

It turned out that Nanami was not talking to Ulquiorra, but she had already sensed that three captains had rushed to Hueco Mundo, and Byakuya Kuchiki was heading towards Rukia.

In this way, she didn't have to worry about Rukia anymore, it was estimated that Aizen should also take action, and by then, Hueco Mundo might be the safest place.

"Woman, you seem very arrogant."

Just then, another person walked in from the direction of the door, carrying a strange big knife, and looked down impatiently:"Hey, Ulquiorra, is that the woman we are going to deal with?"

It turned out that not only Ulquiorra was sent, but also not only the two of them.

"Be careful."

Grimmjow also came, and after entering this passage, he warned the man,"That woman is the most terrifying. Even people above number four are afraid of her, let alone you, number five."

"Don't forget that you are number six, Grimmjow."

Standing at the door, number five and number six actually had an argument.

There was nothing they could do. Number five was a male chauvinist and sexist, and number six had suffered a loss at the hands of Nanami, and was very afraid of her. If number five looked down on Nanami, wouldn't that mean she was also looking down on him?

So Grimmjow had to refute number five.


Ichigo saw Grimmjow and the fifth Espada quarreling, and saw that Ulquiorra was not in a hurry to start a battle. His mission was just to delay Nanami-sister, so he quickly asked Nanami-sister,"What did you mean just now? Which captain is here?""

"Several of them have arrived."

Nanami said,"Byakuya Kuchiki has gone to support Rukia, so we can rest assured now."

"Then there's that guy named Zaraki who also came with Yachiryu, and now he's fighting with that guy who seems to be called Yami. These two guys are really straightforward."

"Captain Nirvana and Sister Hua are also here. Captain Nirvana is here to support Ishida and Renji."

"Wow, it turns out that the captain is still reluctant to lose our fighting power."

With the arrival of the captains, Nanami breathed a sigh of relief.

The most worrying thing just now was Rukia's situation. Now it's fine, the plot should not change much.

"Hey, woman, I told you not to be so arrogant, you guy."

In front, No. 5 was probably too lazy to continue arguing with Grimmjow. At this time, he turned his head to look at Nanami and found that the woman didn't even look at him. Isn't she too arrogant?

What annoyed him was that the guy he had never been able to beat before was now being held in Nanami's hand like a piece of trash, which made him very unhappy.

So, the situation that Ulquiorra least wanted to see happened.

"Go to hell."

The Fifth Espada suddenly came over without warning, trying to chop off Nanami's head with the strange blade he was carrying.

He really thought too much.

"Are you guys done arguing?"

Nanami casually grabbed the No. 5 Ten Blade's sword and said with a cold expression,"Let's get going then."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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