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"Damn it, her power is too great."

Grimmjow got up from the ground in a mess and cursed with a gloomy face.

Just now, when Tanaka Nanami attacked, he did not resist at all, just like a baby being manipulated by an adult.

This made Grimmjow very uncomfortable. Is the gap between them really that big?

You know, Tanaka Nanami not only has no Bankai, but also has not even taken out her Zanpakutō.

According to their understanding of the Shinigami, this is just a casual little fun, not even a battle.

On the other hand, Ulquiorra was not surprised at all, and nodded in his heart, thinking that if Tanaka Nanami did not have such a strong power, Aizen would not be so afraid of her.

"You should return to your Blades."

After seeing that Ichigo had successfully caught the thrown Nel, Nanami turned around and said to Ulquiorra and Grimmjow.

The reason was simple. They were really not good enough without returning to their Blades.

In fact, even if they returned to their Blades, Nanami would not take them seriously, but at least they could still be seen.

"Then it's as you wish."

Grimmjow was not too arrogant, he drew out the long sword from his waist and chanted:"Squeak, Leopard King!""


Accompanied by a huge spiritual pressure beam, Grimmjow once again transformed into a humanoid leopard and completed his return to the sword.

Just like the Shinigami's Bankai, the strength of the Arrancar after the return to the sword will also be greatly improved.

Because their swords are not Zanpakutō, but in order to transform into Arrancar, the original body and power are sealed into the shape of a 'sword', so that they can turn into a human form.

"Seal it, Black Winged Demon."

After Grimmjow, Ulquiorra also chose to return to the sword.


A more powerful and violent spiritual pressure beam appeared. When the beam gradually dispersed, Ulquiorra was revealed to have changed. Not only did the mask on his head turn into a helmet with horns, but he also had a pair of huge black wings behind him and a weapon in his hand that looked like a fluorescent tube.

It was called the Moonlight Sword....

""Aren't you going to take out your Zanpakutō yet?"

After both of them completed their Return to Blade, Grimmjow couldn't help but ask Kaguya Nanami before attacking.

Ulquiorra turned his head and glanced at Grimmjow, as if he wanted to say something, but finally closed his mouth.

In fact, Ulquiorra wanted to remind Grimmjow not to forget that their mission was just to hold Kaguya Nanami back, and wanted him not to provoke him.

But then he thought again, the sword belongs to Kaguya Nanami, and it's his own business whether he uses it or not, and it has nothing to do with whether they remind him or not.

As a god of death, he can't forget even the matter of his Zanpakutō, right?


After thinking for a while, Qishi raised his hand and took out a small, beautiful knife from his sleeve.

"In order to carry it conveniently, I always hide it close to my body, and also to keep the blade touching my skin at all times, so as not to be hypnotized by Aizen's mirror flower and water moon."

Nanami explained to the two why she put it into her sleeve.

In fact, the knife is no longer in the state of mirror flower and water moon. Aizen has gone to the real world, so there is no need to worry about being hypnotized.

"Since you insist on watching, then go ahead and watch, but don't kill him right away, that would be too boring."

As he spoke, he slowly pointed the knife in his hand at the two of them, then deliberately said loudly,"Shoot him, the God Killer Gun"

"Ding, ding."

Two consecutive light sounds were heard. Because the speed was too fast, it seemed as if Nanami had only attacked once, even though she had attacked twice.

Ulquiorra and Grimmjow disappeared again, and were knocked away by Nanami again.

They were not actually injured by the God Killing Spear just now, and they both made blocking actions in time, otherwise there would not be the crisp sound of"ding".

However, Nanami's power was indeed too great, and they could not withstand the terrifying power contained in the blade, so they were both knocked away.

"So weak."

Nanashi stood there and taunted mercilessly.


At this moment, a blue flash rushed over from a cloud of dust in the distance. It was Grimmjow's attack.

""The King's Hollow Flash? I have one too."

Nanami muttered nonchalantly, and with a thought, he condensed a ball of black and gold light in front of him, and then released it when Grimmjow's Hollow Flash came close.


A huge hole with an unbearable bottom was blasted out directly at the place where Grimmjow was just now. If Grimmjow had not dodged in time, he would have been in danger of his life.


Don't forget that Nanami is facing two people. While Nanami is using his virtual flash to attack Grimmjow, Ulquiorra has come behind Nanami with a loud swirl and slashed at him with the Moonlight Sword in his hand.

They won't show any mercy, they are going straight for Nanami's head.


Nanami seemed to have eyes behind her. She raised her hand and blocked Ulquiorra's attack with her short Zanpakuto. Then she chanted:"Getsuga Tensho"


Ulquiorra watched helplessly as the knife in front of him turned into a huge moon-shaped shape in an instant, but he had no time to dodge and was slashed.

Blood rained down from the sky and Ulquiorra fell to the ground helplessly.

He obviously had super-speed regeneration, and the wounds healed quickly.

However, a certain feeling suddenly appeared in his heart and made Ulquiorra lose consciousness.

Without waiting for Grimmjow to wake him up, the next moment, Ulquiorra suddenly stood up from the ground again.

"So that's what happened."

He said something incomprehensible with his eyes shining, and then he was once again enveloped by a huge spiritual pressure.

Nanami was nearby, but he was not affected at all as he looked at Ulquiorra inside, and saw with his own eyes how he completed the second stage of the transformation.

It turned out that Ulquiorra had always mastered an immature transformation, and only now had he completed the real transformation, also called the second stage of the transformation.

There was no other way, because he was one of the only two automatic Arrancars in the entire Soul Society, and he could only grope his way forward.

In addition to Ulquiorra, the second automatic Arrancar was the first of the Ten Espada, and except for the two of them, all other Arrancars were made by Aizen using the Hougyoku, also called Hougyoku Arrancars

"So this is your true return to the blade."

Nanami looked at Ulquiorra, who had transformed into a night demon, leisurely.

Grimmjow's face changed color.

He didn't care much about Ulquiorra at first, but now he felt the huge gap between them.

But now is not the time to think about these things. He took a deep breath and looked at Nanami again with a firm gaze, not affected by the big pit not far away.


After Ulquiorra familiarized himself with his own situation, he looked at Nanami with a rare look of fighting intent.


Qishi smiled and nodded, and without warning, he suddenly waved his hand and hit

"Six Styles of Hollow Blade Style: Dandelion"


Ulquiorra, who had just completed the second stage of the Blade Return, looked down and found that his skin was easily pierced, and that was Nanami's hand, not her other hand that was pointing at Grimmjow's Zanpakutō.

"Sure enough, he is very strong."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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