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"Byakuya, are you all right? How's Rukia?"

After Nanami left, Ichigo brought Inoue and Nel to find Byakuya and Rukia following their spiritual pressure after Inoue healed his wounds.

Byakuya frowned unhappily and wanted to warn him to call him Captain Kuchiki, but then he thought again, if this guy was obedient, he wouldn't still call him by his name.

"I'm fine."

At this time, Rukia came out weakly with the help of Unohana Retsu.

She had been seriously injured before, but under Unohana Retsu's superb medical skills, she was almost healed now, and she only needed to rest for a while before she would be fully recovered.

"Ichigo, what happened to your face?

Suddenly, the bruises on Ichigo's face made Rukia a little concerned.

"It was Nanami-sister who beat him, and even Inoue couldn't be eliminated."

Ichigo shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't complain at all. Instead, he was very grateful that Nanami could stop him in time, otherwise even Inoue and Nel would be in danger.

"What is that?"

At this time, Unohana Retsu pointed to the front and reminded everyone


Everyone turned their heads and saw a cloud of smoke approaching them quickly.

"Is it an enemy?"

Ichigo picked up his sword cautiously. He was still in the Bankai state, only his Hollow state was broken by Nanami.

"Can't you sense the spiritual pressure?"

Byakuya glanced at Ichigo with disdain, and then said:"Don't worry, it's Captain Zaraki and Captain Nanami"

"It turned out to be them."

Ichigo heaved a sigh of relief, but then became a little nervous again, wondering if Nanami-sister would beat him up again.

"Sister Hua, it's great that you're here. Eh? Is Inoue here too? Come and help Zaraki with his treatment."

From a distance, I heard Nanami Yama shouting to a few people, and then in front of everyone, she smashed a huge stone pillar that was blocking her way forward, and continued to rush here while dragging something on the ground.

Everyone here couldn't help but frown, but they understood Nanami Yama in their hearts. If she couldn't rush straight to a certain goal without any obstacles, she would get lost as long as she turned a corner....

""Captain Zaraki, what happened?"

When Nanami dragged Zaraki to the front, everyone realized that Zaraki was in a bad condition.

It turned out that the 'thing' that Nanami dragged on the ground was Zaraki....

I saw that Zaraki's body was in a miserable state. Not only were his hands cut off and thrown on his body, but even his legs were in a bad state. One was broken at the knee, and the other was also cut off.

"Who did this? Is there such a strong enemy in Hueco Mundo?"

Unohana Retsu subconsciously exclaimed, this is the man she recognized, she didn't expect that he would be so miserable now.

"Well..., who is it?"

Qishi turned her head away subconsciously, as if it had nothing to do with her.

But she had gone too far, so everyone subconsciously stared at her, wondering if it was her.


Unohana Retsu even squinted his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that."

Nanami was shocked and waved her hands, not daring to admit it:"I just dragged him here."

This was not a lie, she did drag Saraki here, but she did not say that Saraki's injury had anything to do with her, nor did she say it had nothing to do with her.


This is the art of language.

"I see."

Unohana Retsu pretended to be nonchalant, lowered his head and looked Zaraki up and down, and was not in a hurry to treat him. Instead, he was curious about the wild animal held in one of his broken hands:"What is this?"

"That's Nosho, it's Zaraki's Zanpakutō Shikai, he doesn't even know Bankai..."

Nanami let the cat out of the bag subconsciously. It was too late to cover her mouth.

"So it's really you."

Unohana Retsu smiled so happily:"Nanami-chan, can you come to the Fourth Division to see me after you go back? I have something small to talk to you about."

Nanami wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. She really didn't want to provoke Sister Hua. It was not because of her opponent's strength, but because Sister Hua was too sinister, even more sinister than her.

By the way, if it weren't for Sister Hua, she could have realized her wish and taken a bath with the girls of the Female Death God Association.

What a pity, her little thoughts were all seen through by Sister Hua, and everyone was on guard against her.

So she really didn't want to provoke Sister Hua.

And she also knew that Sister Hua didn't have any other thoughts about Zaraki, but as the first generation Kenpachi, Sister Hua's belligerent genes in her bones have not cooled down until now, and she has the will to fight. It

's the same as when Nanami was provoked to fight on the double killing stage before.


In the end, Qishi finally accepted Hua Jie's invitation.

"That's great."

Sister Hua was very satisfied with Nanami's understanding, so she asked Inoue to work with her to heal Zaraki. Sister

Hua's medical skills are beyond words, and Inoue is not bad either, he can even revive a dead person, not to mention Zaraki is not dead yet.

It didn't take long for them to cure Zaraki.

""Takashi Nanashi, come and fight me again."

As soon as he opened his eyes, Zaraki shouted that he wanted to continue fighting with Takashi Nanashi.

However, there was no trace of Takashi Nanashi around.

""Where's Nanami?"

Zaraki turned his head and looked at Byakuya who was closest to him.

"They have already gone to the living world."

Bai Ya pointed to the black cavity in front of him that was slowly closing, and said:"Captain Unohana, Captain Tanaka Nanami, and Ichigo Kurosaki are rushing to the living world."

Just before Zaraki was healed, Tanaka Nanami suggested going to the living world to join the battle in order to stop being"harassed" by him.

After all, Hueco Mundo has been conquered by them, and even the last remaining���The Eighth Espada was about to be defeated by Mayuri Kurotsuchi, so there was really no need to stay any longer.

But the situation in the real world was different, the decisive battle there had just begun....

""Nana, how strong are you?"

Sister Hua couldn't help but ask as she walked into the black chamber that Nanami opened with a wave of her hand. What surprised her the most was that she could even open the black chamber, which meant that she must have the power of a Hollow, which the Soul Society didn't know from the beginning to the end. Isn't it too hidden?

""It's OK."

Qishi smiled awkwardly, mainly because she didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Sister Hua didn't continue to embarrass her. Anyway, the two of them had already agreed to have a fight, so they could talk about it after they got back.

"We have reached the exit."

Ichigo reminded the two, they could already see the exit.

"Get ready for battle."

Sister Hua put away her curiosity about Qi Shi and warned them that they might have to go into battle directly after they got out, so it was best to get ready now.

"No problem."

Nanami and Ichigo said they were ready.

"Then go ahead."_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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