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"Are the children asleep?"

Nanami asked, sitting there boredly leaning against a big rock and looking at Urahara Kisuke who had just come down.

"You are so gentle, Captain Nanami."

Kisuke opened his folding fan to cover his face and joked with a smile.

Unlike her sinister appearance, Nanami is still very gentle to the people she approves of.

For example, she didn't want to hide anything before, but she didn't want to talk about those things in front of Xiaoyu and Jinta.

"Of course, after all, they have to call me Nanashi-sister."

Nanashi hummed proudly, even though it was she who forced Jinta and Xiaoyu to call her that....

"By the way, Miss Yoruichi hasn't recovered yet?"

Kisuke tilted his head and glanced at the other person who had her upper body lying in the arms of Tanaka Nanami. That was Yoruichi, but at this moment she no longer looked like the queen she used to be. She was like a kitten. Whenever Tanaka Nanami brushed her body with his hands, she would close her eyes and let out a soft cry of comfort.

"I deliberately didn't let her recover."

Nanami turned her eyes away and told the truth, because Yoruichi was too cute like this, so she didn't want her to recover.

"Miss Yoruichi is really careless.

Kisuke laughed nonchalantly,"I actually want to find you to practice with me."’"

It turns out that the reason why Yoruichi became like this is because she has started to practice Black Cat Warrior.

"Who told you to be too weak?"

Naka Nanami shrugged:"Even the mere 'Thunder God Form' is so difficult for you, so she can only ask me for help." Both

Black Cat Vanadis and Thunder God Form are advanced states of Shunken, and Black Cat Vanadis is in the final stage.

Kisuke can't help Yoruichi who has activated the Thunder God Form as a sparring partner, let alone Black Cat Vanadis.

That's why we can see Nanami holding Yoruichi who seems to have turned into a cat girl.


Kisuke couldn't laugh anymore, but he didn't agree with it. His Zanpakutō was not suitable for sparring. Otherwise, if he really used his Bankai, even Yoruichi in the form of Black Cat Warrior would be in trouble.

But they were not enemies, so there was no need to go to that extent.

"By the way, Ishida-san was hacked."

Kisuke changed the subject and told him a message he had received.

"I know."

鑢七心 nodded:"I was nearby at the time."

Why did they deliberately remove Jinta's limbs? It was not because they wanted to punish Jinta, but because they did not want him to see things he should not see.

Unlike Toushirou, Jinta is still too young, and鑢七心 hopes that he can live a normal life.

Even though the boy always challenges the authority of鑢七心, the more disobedient the child is, the more popular he is. In other words, Jinta is a boy. If he were a girl, even Xiaoyu might not be able to compare to him in the eyes of鑢七心.

"Who is the enemy?"

Kisuke became serious.

Although the Fullbring technique is also activated by spirit particles, the full spiritual pressure is different from that of the Shinigami, Hollows and Quincy. It is a new form.

"If I heard correctly, they seem to call their ability Fullbring, right?"

Nanami said her own.

Actually, this is not what she heard....

"Are they enemies?"

Kisuke asked again

"It's not clear yet."

Nanami shook his head:"It seems that they want to get close to Ichigo-kun and see what their purpose is."

"I understand."

Kisuke nodded, and the topic of Fullbringers ended there.

"Then I won't bother you any more."

Waving his hand and saying good night to Tanaka Nanami and Yoruichi, Kisuke turned around and went back alone.

Looking at Tanaka Nanami again.

They waited until Yoruichi recovered on his own, and then they started the next round of training.

But Yoruichi couldn't master the Black Cat Warrior skillfully yet, so she couldn't improve her training progress by fighting with Tanaka Nanami, and could only practice more and more.

As a result, Tanaka Nanami took a big advantage, which was because he didn't have that"handle", otherwise he might even have the"cat cub" in his pocket.... cough cough...

Ten days later

""Captain Nanami Kaku, the captain-general asks you to go back to Soul Society. As for Karakura Town, I will be in charge of it temporarily."

A Shinigami found Nanami Kaku at Urahara's store and said that the captain-general wanted to see her and asked her to go back.

"It seems that Soul Society also knows about this."

Nashi nodded, but he already understood in his heart that Soul Society must have known that the Fullbringers were contacting Ichigo.

"Yoruichi-chan, I'm going back first."

Since it was the captain's order, Nanami could only say goodbye to Yoruichi temporarily.

""Get lost."

Yoruichi turned away, and a blush rose inexplicably on his wheat-colored face.

Nanami didn't mind, and opened the gate to the world, walked into the world and returned to the Soul Society.

"You finally came back."

Rukia, who had been waiting at the gate, started to complain as soon as they met. Nanami liked the real world too much, and it felt like she would never come back.

"It's OK."

Nanami smiled, and she, who had automatically turned into a Shinigami, followed Rukia to the barracks of the First Squadron.

On the way, Rukia briefly explained the captain's purpose for calling her back.

Sure enough, the Soul Society had long known what had happened to Ichigo recently, and it turned out that the Shinigami proxy certificate also had a surveillance function. What worried the Soul Society the most was that the person who contacted Ichigo, the guy named Ginjo Kūgo, was actually the first-generation Shinigami proxy.

In other words, the Shinigami proxy certificate actually appeared for Ginjo Kūgo.

"Then what?"

Nanami asked Rukia:"What does the captain mean?���What?"

"He wants to ask you what you think."

Rukia told him the truth. The captain was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but wanted to know what Nanami Kaku thought first.

This was because Nanami Kaku had never met Ginjo Kūgo. The captain even thought that Nanami Kaku didn't know Ginjo Kūgo, so he wanted to hear her opinion.

Well, this is the privilege of the strong, right?

"What about you?"

Nanami asked Rukia again:"What do you think?"

"I don't know."

Rukia shook her head:"Seeing Ichigo chasing power, I was actually very worried, because that is a different power from the god of death or the hollow. But I don't have any way to help him."

Rukia was very worried that Ichigo would go on the road of opposing the god of death, but she didn't have any way to help Ichigo, so she was very distressed.

"Actually, there is a way."

Nakashi smiled, and said,"And I guess the captain should have thought of a way."

If she guessed correctly, the captain must have already known how to help Ichigo regain the power of the god of death, and then called her back._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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