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"Why, why did it become like this? I wanted to protect you, but why..., why did I take back my power?!"

Under the night sky, Ichigo shouted to the sky in loneliness and despair.

He was still fooled.

When Ichigo went to Ginjo Kugo to practice, his sisters, his friends, including Chad and Inoue, etc., all had their memories manipulated by Tsukishima's ability.

According to Ginjo, Tsukishima's ability is to mix himself in the past of others. In this way, it is not just as simple as manipulating memories, but it will make others firmly believe that Tsukishima is their friend.

Even in the memories of Chad and Inoue, if it weren't for Tsukishima's help, they would not be able to rescue Rukia, let alone defeat Aizen. So they didn't understand at this time, why Ichigo attacked Tsukishima?

At this moment, Ichigo and Ginjo were the target of public criticism. What was particularly pitiful was that not only were they besieged by other Fullbringers, but even Chad and Inoue were fighting Ichigo.


As the chaotic battle began to break out, at a certain moment, Ginjo was finally slashed by Tsukishima while blocking a knife for Ichigo.

Ichigo shouted Ginjo's name in worry, fearing that he would also think that Tsukishima was his comrade. If that happened, he would be too desperate.


Just then, someone else broke in.


Ichigo turned around and found that the person coming was Ishida Uryu. He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, he was also attacked before, so which side is he on? Will he also think that Tsukishima is his companion?

""Kurosaki, come here quickly."

Ishida pretended to be calm and said to Ichigo, and slowly raised his hand to summon the Reizo Bow and pointed it at Ichigo. In fact, it was because Ginjo fell next to Ichigo that he pointed it at him.

Ichigo misunderstood.

"As expected, even Ishida..."

Ichigo was about to say sadly that even Ishida had fallen for Tsukishima's trick


Ishida interrupted Ichigo and saw Ginjō slowly standing up, and shouted:"It wasn't Tsukishima who attacked me, but the guy standing behind you, come here quickly, idiot."


Ichigo's eyes widened in shock at what Ishida said.


Behind him, Ginjo came close to Ichigo with a gloomy expression, and when Ichigo turned around subconsciously, he chopped down the knife that he had raised high just now.


A long and deep wound was cut into Ichigo's body, and large handfuls of blood spurted out like water. It was very worrying that he might die.

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh."

Over there, Ishida quickly attacked.


Tsukishima instantly stood in front of Ginjō and quickly wielded his long sword to block all of Ishida's attacks.

"Ginjo, why? It's because of Tsukishima's ability....Even now, Ichigo still thinks that Ginjo became his enemy because of Tsukishima's ability.

"That's right, it is indeed Yin's ability."

Ginjo grinned and said,"It's just that I didn't become your enemy because I was hit by Tsukishima. I only returned to my 'original state' after being hit by Tsukishima 'for the second time'."

Ichigo is not stupid. He understood what Ginjo meant after a simple thought. He was hit by Tsukishima first, and then he thought Tsukishima was an enemy.

And now, when Tsukishima hit Ginjo again and resolved the previous 'misunderstanding', Ginjo naturally became Ichigo's enemy.

In other words, it can be said that Ginjo has been Ichigo's enemy from the beginning.

"What is your purpose? Why do you want to approach me?..."

Ichigo thought that he had lost his power as a god of death, so there should be nothing worth Ginjo approaching him.

"Because of your Fullbring."

Because his companions were all around him, Ginjo openly told him his real purpose:"You are very powerful, Ichigo, so I will accept your Fullbring without hesitation." It turned out that Ginjo's real purpose in helping Ichigo regain his power was to take back the power that Ichigo had finally found.


He thrust the sword into Ichigo's body again, and then with the naked eye, a steady stream of spirit particles flowed from Ichigo's body to Ginjo's body, and the amount was huge.

"As I expected, your power is indeed very strong."

After taking away Ichigo's power, Ginjo couldn't help but laugh.

On the other side, Ishida continued to fight with Tsukishima while looking at Ichigo with a sympathetic expression on his face.

Ishida could best understand the feeling of loss and despair of losing power, because he also once lost the power of a Quincy.

But compared to Ishida, Ichigo was too unfortunate. Those guys who approached him and said they wanted to help him regain his power actually coveted his power. The power he had just regained was immediately taken away by others. The hope that had just risen immediately turned into despair, and his family and friends had fallen to that point. Under the manipulation of others, they thought he was the enemy. How sad Ichigo must be now!


Sure enough, even though Ichigo had experienced countless battles, he could not hold on and knelt there and shouted unwillingly after losing his power again.

Fortunately, Ichigo's injuries had healed before Ginjo took his power away. Maybe he still had the ability of super-speed regeneration (awakened by the Gyuto Hollow)? Maybe even God couldn't bear it anymore and started to rain because he was too pitiful, or maybe he wanted to���He is hiding his vulnerability at this moment

"Are you crying? How pitiful."

Tsukishima also knocked Ishida down, and came over at this time, looking at Ichigo pitifully.

After all, Ishida was always affected by Ichigo, and was injured inadvertently.

"Let him cry his heart out."

Yincheng turned around coldly and walked towards his companions who were waiting not far away, saying without looking back:"He is no longer of any use, and I'm afraid we will never meet again."

"I don't think so."

Suddenly, a petite woman in a Japanese kimono appeared next to Ichigo.


Ichigo turned his head and looked at Nanami with despair and innocence.

"Stand up, Ichigo."

Nana showed her gentle side, and reached out to Ichigo.

Ichigo took her hand with some hesitation.

"Are you doubting that I have been controlled by that kind of guy too?"

Nanami Tanaka instantly revealed her true dark side, and was dissatisfied with Ichigo's hesitation and scolded:"Just wait for me, kid."

Then, she turned her head and said to the person behind her:"Rukia, give it to him."

At this time, Ichigo had become an ordinary person again, so he could not see Rukia in the state of a god of death.

As for why Nanami Tanaka could be seen, it was because she became a human being as soon as she came to the world.

And at this moment


A long, snow-white sword pierced through Ichigo's heart from behind.


Ichigo's eyes widened, and before he could ask any questions, he felt a huge force mixed with countless familiar auras surge into his heart.

Moreover, he finally saw the figure behind him.


Ichigo murmured the person's name.


Then, a beam of spiritual pressure burst out from Ichigo's body again, and it was the spiritual pressure of the god of death that had not been seen for a long time.

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