Chapter 1 - Author's note + Character introduction

Hi, dear readers!

*Waves cutely at you* ( ̄▽ ̄)/

I got a few responses and tips from some of you, so I decided to write a small introduction to this novel.

This novel is full of baits.

I warned you. *Smiles devily.*

What would happen when a girl already found her 'true' love before transmigration?

Find out in this novel.

Before we get to the main QT plot, you'll have to get to know MC's and ML's personalities first, their views and aspirations. The last thing I want is to hide their background and identity to make them unnecessarily mysterious. My goal is to make you comprehend my protagonists, to make you like them or hate them as if they were actual living beings.

There may be instances where you would see yourself in my characters, but remember, they are not her to be related to.

I believe that good characters aren't good because we can relate to them, but because they compel us into thinking about things in a different mindset.

While being relatable may allow you to see the world through the character's eyes, it's a far less interesting if the character was just you.

Don't you think so? ????




I put a mysterious tag for ARC 1, because it has a mysterious feeling to it.

We know nothing about our protagonist and her boyfriend.

She seems to be laughing a lot, but is the laughter genuine or is she trying to cope up with her stress?

It's a very short, fast-paced ARC.




I put a psychological tag for ARC 2.

An arc that would possibly make you drop the story. (I noticed from the rapid plunge in views and votes, which conveys that this book is not for everybody.) •́ ‿ ,•́

To understand the character's actions and decisions, we have to dive deep into their past. It's about our protagonist's previous life. How she met her boyfriend, and how she died. ARC TWO is like a separate story. There's no transmigration, no reincarnation and mainly, no second chances.

Don't get discouraged by the length of ARC TWO and give this novel a chance.

It'll be toxic, and if you feel it's too much, stop reading. NOBODY should force you to do anything!




❱ I love interacting with my readers. Your votes and comments are my fuel, they give me the energy to write more. ❤

❱ If you spot any spelling mistakes, please remind me. I'll correct them as soon as I get your notification. Suggestions and improvement tips are highly appreciated. I like to listen to my reader's opinion or criticism, no matter how bad it is. ಠ‿ಠ

❱ This is a very mediocre novel. Don't put your expectations too high, or you'll get disappointed.

•́ ‿ ,•̀

❱ I'm all about gender equality. Well, I have a conflicting relationship with the word equality, so let's go with the term gender compassion.

I'll be working with the stereotypes, because that's what most of our population consists of. I don't want to show 'gender equality' by making a female stronger/smarter/taller/bulkier than a man. A seemingly weaker individual has to work twice or thrice as hard to reach the other, be it male, or female. Some has it easier in one industry, while harder in another. Most would choose the easiest path, because why make it hard on yourself, right?

And there's the conflict. The disrespect and disregard showed towards the weaker, and more vulnerable.

❱ Thank You. ❤


Character Introduction


If you want to see their visuals check this paragraph comment.

???? Bing Shi - Main character. (MC)

冰 ( bing / bīng ) - Ice

诗 - ( shī ) - poetry, poem, verse

Spiritual animal: Snake. They are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing.

Personality color: Blue. (I found the description of the color on the internet.) The color of trust. Blue the shade of the sea and the sky is thought to induce calm and convey serenity and peace. It instils confidence and inspires feelings of loyalty, integrity and responsibility. Cool blue is conservative and can also be perceived as aloof. Emotion: Trust, Responsibility, Honesty, Loyalty, Inner security, Harmony. Used to: reduce stress, create calmness, relax, secure, create order. (I found the description of the color on the internet.)

Her style: High class and sophisticated. But in the comfort of her home, she likes to wear animal pajamas.

???? Mr. Jelly - Bing Shi's boyfriend.

Real name: 玄慕

玄- black , mysterious

慕 - to admire

Spiritual animal: Shark. It stands for fierceness, authority, determination, remorselessness, efficiency, perception, mystery, preparedness, superiority, competitiveness, innovation, grace, and style. Its ability to continually move symbolizes adaptability, activity, fluidity, and control over emotions.

Personality color: Black. (I found the description of the color on the internet.) The color of mystery. Black is actually the lack of color. It covers, hides, and implies that there is a barrier. A strong and powerful color, black is formal and sophisticated, s.e.xy, and secretive. It connotes fear and evil and conveys pessimism and a lack of hope. Emotion: Power, Control, Authority, Discipline, Elegance. Used to: Hide feelings, Intimidate, Radiate Authority, Create Fear, Associate with mystery. (I found the description of the color on the internet.)

His style: Black pants and black shirts. Simple as that. Different from his girlfriend, he doesn't want to waste his great mind thinking about what to wear the next day.


Text copyright ©ChubbyLiv™ 2020


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