Chapter 27 - 2.8 – A day off

After two years...

Bing Shi 21, Xuan Mu 19.

Xuan Mu got a few days off to prepare for his finals, but instead of studying, he took this opportunity to play with Bing Shi, who had her finals earlier.

Bing Shi needs time to adapt to her surroundings. After she got used to the university life, she finished all her exams in two weeks. Usually, she would go back home to help out her parents. But this time, she decided to stay back.

Right now, both of them were in their rooms, playing an MMO together.

"I need a part-time job. I'm going for an interview this Friday. A pretty big construction company. Wish me luck!" notified Bing Shi nervously, checking her avatar's inventory.

"Will you be alright? Do you need money?" Xuan Mu asked as he went through the prices of items in the game's market place.

"No, don't I have a money-making machine?" Bing Shi sent all her money from her character to Xuan Mu's character.

"Good luck with the interview," Xuan Mu chuckled and accepted her money.

"Thanks! Did you know, after I finish school, I'll be an engineer without an authorization stamp? To get this stamp, I need to work under somebody who has the stamp, for three years. Plus, I need to finish special legislation exams successfully. Ugh, legislation is hard to understand, I'm bad at law..." Bing Shi sighed.

"Is that stamp a necessity?" Xuan Mu raised a question.

"Yes! It's people's safety we are talking about. Berau won't accept a blueprint of a building without that stamp. Such a hassle..." Bing Shi sighed again.

"University is such a waste. Students struggle with it for such a long time, and when they finish, they will be less successful than a high schooler," Xuan Mu laughed at her.

"You are too much, stop making fun of us! But what you said is true, haha!" Bing Shi agreed, "Why don't you skip grades?"

"Even now, I get calls from the company to resolve some problems. At least during finals, I have a few days off. They are helpless without me," stated Xuan Mu, it's not like school was a necessity for him.

"Xuan Mu~ I have to congratulate myself for catching such a big fish~," Bing Shi sang out.

"I'm a big fish now?" Xuan Mu smiled smugly. Until recently, he was her sugar daddy and a money-making machine, "Even that surgeon who was interested in you. Can he be compared to me?"

"Don't even mention him, just hearing him, and my ears are bleeding. And it wasn't him who was interested but his parents," Bing Shi grimaced.

"Is there anyone else who I need to know about?" Xuan Mu was furious. What's with all these marriage proposals? His little girl was still young!

"Uhm, my landlord introduced me to a lawyer? No worries, I wanted to tell you today, such an awkward scene, haha..." she laughed awkwardly.

"Did you exchange contact info?" Another fly!? Xuan Mu wanted to put a bug repellent on her.

"He gave me his business card? I didn't give him mine though. But there is a chance my landlord gave him my number..." And right at that moment, she got a message from an unknown number. "Oh, he invited me out for a drink..." she muttered disinterestedly.

"Block him. Delete his number. Throw away his business card," Xuan Mu said with irritation. He was the first one to notice her! She was his! Why were there so many people after her?!

"If he weren't an acquaintance of the landlord, I would ignore him. But he is. I can't disrespect the landlord, who was always good to me, right?" she asked.

"If he contacts you again, I'm sending all my lawyers under me, to go after him. If your landlord introduces you to somebody again, I'll be your new landlord." Nobody knew if he was telling the truth or joking.

"You are so funny~," Bing Shi giggled and answered to the invitation. "What if he wants to be friends only? I wrote that my parents don't want me to go out alone with a stranger. Like a good girl, I have to listen to them. He has to gain their approval first. I gave him my parent's number, let them take care of it," she laughed evilly.

"I'm calling your parents," he said. Was this her new way of chasing men away? But this man? He wanted her as a future wife, not a one night stand or a girlfriend! That lawyer would call her parents for sure.

"Sure, go ahead, say hello to them from me," Bing Shi grinned.

That day, Bing Shi's parents got a call from two men. After Xuan Mu's request, they refused the young lawyer without mercy. Could anyone be compared to their future son in law? No! Their daughter never called them, but Xuan Mu always informed them about her well being. He was so mature for his age, they thought.

If they knew about Xuan Mu's psychological problems or his twisted relationship with Bing Shi, would they still approve of him?

Due to their promise of not touching, they were keeping their relationship as a secret. Only Bing Shi's parents and brothers knew about it. At school, nobody saw her boyfriend yet; even though they knew she had one.

Who would've thought that this promise would help Xuan Mu in his schemes? Because, wouldn't it be bad if someone knew about his weakness?

"Bing Shi, you don't even know how much power do I hold now, do you?" he chuckled.

"Not really, but it sounds so cool! Another reason for me to work harder. I have to catch up to you~," she said, full of determination.

"But don't cheat on me. The thought of you, handshaking with other men, is killing me. Do you have to?" he asked for the last time. She could be very stubborn, sometimes. They talked a lot about this problem.

"Xuan Mu, people touched me before, like my doctors when I went for injection or my dentist. Even though they were all women," said Bing Shi, pursing her lips.

"You are going to handshake with men! Your occupation is full of men!" he insisted. Why couldn't she become his wife and stay at home? Xuan Mu had to remind himself that they wanted to be an OP couple.

"Xuan Mu it's a B.u.s.i.n.e.s.s. handshake. I won't handshake with people who have ulterior motives, don't worry," she reasoned.

"Hmpf!" he pouted.

"..." Bing Shi sighed.

░Who said he is mature!? Take it back!░

During this whole time, they repeated one dungeon many times, waiting for one item to drop. Thanks to Xuan Mu, they found the most efficient pattern to finish the dungeon fast. They didn't find the repetitive action boring because they were voice chatting with each other.

After that item dropped, it was Xuan Mu's time to craft. He went to the city while Bing Shi went to the Eiun forest to gather a few herbs for her potions. After she was done, she moved to a direction Xuan Mu told her to — a PVP zone. A zone, where two different factions fought each other over various camps across the map. Arriving at a safety platform, she notified Xuan Mu.

Their second task was to kill certain NPCs all around the camps to receive emblems needed for a PvP equipment.

(A/N.: PvP = Player vs. Player)

After Xuan Mu teleported to her, he checked all six channels — they had to move fast without a mistake, even their damage pattern had to be according to his orders. They killed all the NPCs in all channels, not leaving one alive. They repeated this action without a break until they had enough emblems. After they finished, both of them teleported to the city.

"Toileeet!" Bing Shi let go of the mouse, stood up, and ran towards the bathroom. Done with her business, grinning in satisfaction, she went to the kitchen to cook a meal for herself.

Chuckling, Xuan Mu cracked his fingers and browsed through the world chat.

『Falcon75:』Where are all the Red Juns? Can't find them in any of their spawns.

『BananaMilk:』Probably Shiro and Kuro.

『YourUncle:』All, prepare your wallets. Shiro is back.

『IceC4eam:』The marketplace is going to be flipped upside down again.


『YumePrincess:』You are new? They are a famous couple. I have a picture of them. Do you want to see?

『Falcon75:』Couple? They are both males!

『YumePrincess:』No, Kuro is his wife. But it's very rare to see her in the city. If you are lucky, you can meet her during instances or in world maps.

"TakoyakiOctopus:』I saw them. It was too fast! After they killed the Red Jun, they changed channels, immediately. The Red Jun didn't even have time to fall on the ground!

『BlackJack:』They invited me once for Red Juns, but I couldn't keep up with them. I even voice chatted with them.

『Falcon75:』Is Kuro really a girl?

『BlackJack:』She is, but she only talks to Shiro. A reminder for all of you. Shiro will make Kuro blacklist you if you try to speak to her.

『YumePrincess:』Doing instances with them is so easy and fun. Shiro is entertaining and a great leader.

『Falcon75:』Isn't their equipment maxed out? Why are they killing Red Juns?

『BlackJack:』Because of Shiro. What was his full name?


『BlackJack:』I'm in their guild. And there are ShiroNi, ShiroIchi, ShiroSan,...Until ShiroNana. He is working on his new character, I suppose.

『Falcon75:』He is crazy!

『YumePrincess:』Not only him. His wife is crazy too. Every time he creates a new account, his wife is the one who carries him around with her top equipment. That's why he has so many maxed-out characters.

『BlackJack:』Don't forget, he crafted her top equipment.

『Falcon75:』Such a strange pair. What is their guild called?


『YumePrincess:』A pink flag with a white rabbit face on top, made by Kuro.

『Falcon75:』Huh? Such a troll name. But I like it?

『ShiroNana:』Seems like you have fun talking behind our backs. Why don't you sell me some Phoenix claws?

『Falcon75:』I have some. How many do you want?

『ShiroNana:』Meet me under a clock. I want them all. My wife will be there too.

『Everyone:』 !?!?!!?

『TakoyakiOctopus:』ShiroNana, why do you have so many accounts?

『ShiroNana:』 I like to be carried by my wife. *chuckle*

『YumePrincess:』Haha, I asked him the same question before. If you want an answer, open your PvP rankings, and look at the top ranks.

『TakoyakiOctopus:』No way! You have no life!

Exclaimed TakoyakiOctopus the moment he saw all the Shiro in top ranks.

『ShiroNana:』Do you have a wife?


『ShiroNana:』So, who is the one who has no life? *chuckle*


Under a clock, there were two top characters, standing next to each other. They looked the same but not the same, one black, one white.

When Falcon75 arrived at the destination, he noticed many players flocking around Kuro and Shiro. He never thought they would be this popular. When Shiro noticed his nickname, he came near Falcon75. Like a train, everybody followed after Shiro. They were too afraid to be near Kuro. What if they provoked this male God?

Xuan Mu opened the trade function; after their exchange, he repeated the action with all the people, who came with their phoenix claws. Somehow, he didn't only buy their phoenix claws. If they didn't stop him, he would go as far as buying their whole accounts!

The same day, the marketplace was turned upside down!

Everything was overpriced!

Was it Shiro's work?

It had to be, who else would set new prices to all items?!


But at the same time, he received everybody's respect. So cool!

"My money-making machine, let me give you a hug~," laughed Bing Shi when Xuan Mu screenshotted his bank account.

"Offering myself for a hug," Xuan Mu grinned, ignoring his heart which was beating too fast.

"Are you tired?" Bing Shi rubbed her tired eyes under her eyeglasses.

"You are tired, right?" Xuan Mu laughed lightly.

"How do you know?" asked Bing Shi with red eyes.

"Instead of saying you are tired, you always ask me if I'm tired first," Xuan Mu chuckled.

〖She is so cute!〗

"Oh, you noticed?" Bing Shi asked.

"Yeah, what if I said I'm not tired?" Xuan Mu inquired with a smile.

"I would accompany you until you feel ready to sleep," Bing Shi slapped her cheeks with both of her hands to wake herself up.

"Bing Shi... Don't tell me you just slapped yourself?" Xuan Mu's eyes flew open. At the same time, an arrow shooted right through his heart.

"Hehe," Bing Shi laughed and started to rub her rosy cheeks.

"I'm feeling sleepy. Good night," Xuan Mu let her go to sleep helplessly.

"You sure?" Bing Shi implored.

"Yeah," No.

"Oh, good night then~ I'll dream about you," wishing him good sleep, Bing Shi turned off her voice chat with a good mood and went to sleep.

"Bing Shi, why do I love you so much?" Xuan Mu voiced out his question.

Too late.

She didn't hear him.

The voice chat was already turned off.

That's why he asked because he knew that she couldn't hear his confession...

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