Quadruple split

Chapter 1102 No Expectations

Time flies, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

Game time AM08:55

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Academy City outer ring area, Linyin Inn, Mo's room

"Well, I'm so tired."

Mo Tan, who was refreshed on the bed, rarely got up immediately. Instead, he buried his face heavily in the soft pillow and muttered something haggard. His whole body looked flabby.

The reason is mainly because of what he did when he was 'Tan Mo' earlier today, which was to induce Diana to take the initiative to give a large amount of almost dangerous benefits, plus he spent about twenty minutes after breakfast. Time convinced Evie Lehman to let this girl who likes to come uninvited find a way to keep Diana and Futaba busy who had no plans for tomorrow.

The situation at that time was probably like this↓

"My dear, you are forcing yourself to do something difficult. If I remember correctly, Master Diana should have deliberately set aside tomorrow to relax with you. How can I make her and Little Futaba busy together? "

Evie Lehman angrily hugged Frank Hughes's arm and said that this proposal was completely fantasy.

"I believe in your ability, Evie. I really have some things to do tomorrow. On the one hand, there is business with Her Royal Highness Fiyali, and there are other things... Oh, let alone Diana and Futaba, the specific content is It’s not even convenient for me to reveal it to you, so please help me think of a solution.”

Frank, on the other hand, tried his best to shrink his arms and try his best to prevent himself from touching places he shouldn't touch, while saying something incredible, which directly made Evie's favorability towards him go up a notch.

Of course, the so-called 'favorability' above is not necessarily reliable. After all, Mo Tan knows very well that Evie Lehman is much more complicated than what she shows and what she sees.

But in other words, since she didn't show this complexity, then the words "Don't talk about Diana and Futaba, the specific content is even inconvenient to reveal to you" should still be very useful.

If Evie Lehman still wants to maintain her basic setting of "wanting to be Frank's lover no matter what," then she must be used, or not.

Sure enough, after Mo Tan finished speaking, Ivy's pretty little face suddenly turned red. She let go of the former's arm and squeezed the corner of her skirt for a while before whispering: "Well, actually it's not the case. There’s absolutely no way around it, probably.”

Mo Tan suddenly beamed with joy: "Then please..."

"If I do, will you agree to be your lover?"

Evie suddenly grabbed Mo Tan's arm, her big eyes full of expectation blinking, so cute.

"No, I can't be sorry to Diana."

Mo Tan stood firm.

"Then there's no need to talk!"

Evie pouted angrily, crossed her arms and turned her head to the side.

"Let's talk some more..."

"don't want!"

"Let's chat a few more words~"

"don't want!"

"Come in and sit for a while. I'll make you a small round cake without water, okay?"


Well, that’s probably what happened↑

All in all, Mo Tan 'bargained' with Evie for a long time after that, and finally succeeded in achieving his goal after issuing many airdrop checks, making Evie promise to find a way to hold off Diana and Futaba. All day tomorrow.

Not only that, he also maintained his innocence. Although he could not make Evie give up her 'lover's dream', at least he did not let the girl directly add 'being a lover' to the necessary conditions.

Congratulations, congratulations.

"What a ghost——"

Mo Tan buried his face in the pillow and sighed deeply. He was very angry with himself not long ago, but because it was 'self'... he couldn't do anything except being incompetent and furious.

And in the final analysis, the main reason why 'self' will try every means to gain time for tomorrow is because of 'self' side of things.

At this moment, Mo Tan just felt so tired.

"Team competition final..."

Mo Tan slowly climbed up from the bed, muttering in a low voice as he carefully tidied up the already clean and tidy room. He lowered his head and looked at his hands: "I hope I can bear it."

"Carry what?"

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and a breathtakingly beautiful face that was hard to be immune to no matter how long we stayed together poked in.

"Tomorrow's team competition."

Mo Tan shrugged at Ji Xiaoge who walked into the room slowly, then frowned and said, "Speaking of which, isn't the sound insulation here a bit bad?"

"If you were not close to the door, the volume you just heard would not be transmitted to the corridor, but the sound insulation effect here is indeed not very good. You also know that Yaya lives opposite me, and I can hear the sound of her teeth grinding while sleeping. It needs to be clear.”

Ji Xiaoge fluttered his wings and made a cute face to Mo Tan: "But I heard that the poor sound insulation here seems to be intentional. Well, the reason seems to be because the boss doesn't want this place to become one of those young lovers in the city. As you know, the greenery near the inn is very good, so in the past few years, young couples often went on dates nearby at night, and then... well, if they made a good appointment, they might not want to go back to the academy. It’s dormitory.”

Mo Tan understood immediately and nodded with a dry smile: "I understand, I understand."

"You understand?"

Ji Xiaoge glanced at him with raised eyebrows and smiled narrowly: "What do you mean? Experienced?"

"Where did you get this experience?"

Mo Tan immediately shook his head and shrugged: "It's just that similar situations are often seen near the school. Just opposite the school gate... uh..."

He suddenly realized that Ji Xiaoge would be studying at Tan Hua starting from this year... which was the university he was currently attending, so he didn't continue talking, but ended the sentence rather stiffly.

After all, if you reveal too many details about the school and its surrounding environment, it is very likely that Ji Xiaoge, who has recently gradually figured out the situation around Tanhua School, will notice the clues. Although this sister's character is not that detailed. , but it is still better to be careful so that the Wannian Ship is better.

Moreover, in a previous online gathering, Ji Xiaoge also revealed that he has a very good sense of direction and has been insulated from the word "lost" since he was a child. This has also been confirmed in the game. If the factor of smell is ignored, her path-finding efficiency is even better than that of Yaya, and this is without taking off.

"What's right across from the school gate?"

Ji Xiaoge, however, took advantage of the situation and continued to discuss this topic.

"Uh...you know..."

Mo Tan touched the tip of his nose with some embarrassment, and replied very cleverly: "Just... there are quite a few..."

"Oh, you look shy, why don't you be so innocent?"

Ji Xiaoge, who was far more innocent than 'Mo Tan' in every sense of the word, chuckled, raised his arm and poked the other person gently, curiously saying: "Yes, yes, I remember Mo, you are also in school." Student, which school are you in?"

【! ! ! 】

Finally, despite struggling for a while, the girl in front of him inadvertently brought the topic to a very dangerous area for Mo Tan.

Real life outside the game!

"Actually, we will be studying in the same school soon."

"I know you and you know me. We met not long ago."

"You may not believe it, but you have been to my house several times."

"About your sister secretly telling me to pay attention to the scumbag I am."

↑If you say this, then Mo Tan's life will definitely fall into huge chaos in an instant.

"Student? Hahaha, you remember wrong, I dropped out of school a long time ago."

"Well, school? I'm studying at the Azeroth National Geographic Academy in Durotar."

↑If you use this kind of lie that Ji Xiaoge may be able to accept, but 100% cannot be concealed from the system's judgment, then he will be directly ganked by [Chivalry-Honesty] in the skill column, and all attributes will be reduced by 9%. nineteen!

And currently wearing the Diesel family's [Silver Eagle Heavy Armor Suit], Mo Tan, who has been weakened to only one percent of his usual level, may have difficulty even walking.



Mo Tan scratched his hair and smiled apologetically: "Although I don't want to say it, due to some messy reasons, although I can be regarded as a college student now, in terms of campus life, well, it will be more or less difficult. Open your mouth."

The implication is, 'Sister, if you are considerate, please stop asking, it's not a pleasant thing anyway'.

He didn't lie, because the symptom of [atypical schizophrenia] can indeed be called a 'messy cause', and the reason why it's 'unspeakable' is because if he really spoke about it, it would definitely be destructive to his daily life. It's a blow, so it's all true.

This was one of the words Mo Tan had prepared in advance to deal with this situation.

It is true that if the target of the explanation is Futaba, then even if the other party is not originally interested, after hearing these words, he will probably try his best to force Mo Tan to say it to make him happy.

But Ji Xiaoge is a good and considerate girl after all, so after hearing Mo Tan's words, instead of asking the question, she even took the initiative to change the subject after being stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Haha, let's be serious. Seriously, how are you preparing for the team competition?"

"I've tried hard enough, in every sense of the word."

Mo Tan, who breathed a sigh of relief, nodded slightly and said seriously: "The rest is up to fate."

"Relax, relax~"

Ji Xiaoge patted Mo Tan's shoulder hard, tilted his head towards the door and raised his chin: "Let's go down to eat first, and then let's go to the arena together."

"Well, are Yaya and Lao Jia awake?"

"Yes, I was sent to tell you to 'get up'. Although Yaya also wanted to come with you, she seemed to be afraid that she might accidentally crack your wound, so she asked me to come over."

"It's not a big problem. I eliminated the energy left in my body yesterday, and now there are no negative states in the panel."

"That's scary enough. It's the first time I've seen a negative state that lasted for such a long time...well, not counting the time when Mr. Luvi removed Cordoba's arm."

"It's not a big problem."

"Really not big?"

"Well, that's what I think."

"Then if you are asked to fight with that sister Mu Xuejian again, you..."

"You will definitely lose."


"He is one of the top twenty strong men in the rankings. Even if Wang Ba and I are brave enough to fight together, there is no way we can win."

"What about the group battle!"

"You also said it was a 'group battle'~"

"What do you mean?"

"In a team battle, I'm not the only one fighting."

"Well, it feels so profound."

"You think too much~ You will know when the time comes."


three hours later

Game time AM12:10

Academy City Central Area, Arena, Player Preparation Area

Liadrin Blood Maple L. Diesel was sitting alone in the corner, calmly wiping her giant sword, which was too heavy for a high-level knight or a girl.

However, although her expression was calm and her aura of keeping strangers away was quite majestic, the hand that could not stop shaking no matter what, still completely betrayed the nervousness in the heart of the female knight.

Yes, Liadrin is nervous, very nervous!

In order to be considerate of her mood, no one in the group, including Gavinrad Diesel, came to disturb her.

Although the final duel of the individual competition and the team competition is tomorrow, the always fair reality may not save the last thing to watch until the end, so although it is not as dramatic as Mo Tan's encounter with Mu Xuejian in the first round, As the number two player in the individual competition between Diesel and Whitesworn Knights Academy, Liadrin also failed to join Mu Xuejian in the finals.

The two collided in today's semifinals.

In at most twenty minutes, Liadrin will fight the white-haired girl who easily defeated Mo before.

Compared with the excitement when meeting a powerful enemy, the invisible material pressure and sense of responsibility on her shoulders almost destroyed her.

Just as Mo Tan had noticed before under the 'Absolute Neutral' personality, an extra sense of oppression was tightening Liadrin, making her breathless.

If not handled properly, this seemingly calm female knight will fall into extremes and even lose control.

This is not what Mo Tan wants to see, at least not what he wants to see now.


"It is indeed here."

Slowly walking up to Liadrin, Mo Tan smiled at the white elf female knight who had noticed her approach early, but just raised her head silently without saying a word: "How do you feel? "


Liadrin forced herself to show a nice, but not pretty smile.

"how do you feel?"

As if he didn't hear the answer, Mo Tan repeated his question.

"no problem."

"how do you feel?"



"I tried, but I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it..."

"Because no one has any expectations for you."


Chapter 1095: End

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