Quadruple split

Chapter 1181 The Fatal Game Begins (VII) Sunset

With the arrival of dawn, the brief martial law in Baiying City was soon lifted.

Including the Knight Lord Baghdad Alphonse, who was temporarily promoted to Epic but was still outnumbered, and was captured after killing two entire city guards, a total of twenty-one 'rebels' were completely eliminated. Regrettably, , although a group of lords' personal guards headed by Rose Georgia fought desperately to rescue him, the young lord of the Brilliant City, His Excellency San Joe, was still brutally murdered by the two rebels who held him hostage during the war.

after that……

"Lord Angus Georgia will be furious and order the knights led by you to be executed at noon tomorrow to serve as a warning to others."

Walking leisurely on the streets that still had large bloodstains, 'Rose' tilted her head and looked at the guard captain Baghdad Al who was tightly bound by a large number of mithril locks and his eyes were full of anger and despair. Fons smiled: "A wonderful story, isn't it?"

Having lost a left arm, his armor was stained dark red by dried blood. Baghdad gritted his teeth and roared word by word: "This is a despicable, vicious, clumsy, and riddled with holes." Conspiracy! How dare you...how do you..."

"Who knows, I'm just a loser who takes orders~"

Futaba interrupted the other party's question lightly and shrugged: "But you are indeed stupid enough. To be honest, can you and Mr. San Qiao really not see what our lord wants to do? Or are you sure that even if my uncle-in-law wants to rise up and rebel against his mother, he will not take action against you?"

Baghdad was furious. Although the energy bursting out of him did not achieve anything other than tearing his wounds again, he still struggled uncontrollably: "Who gave you the courage to betray the sun?" ! The great dynasty has given Angus Georgia everything that mediocre people like us dream of, and yet he actually did it just because of a small thing——"

Boom! ! !

Futaba raised his elbow and knocked Baghdad to the ground, then stepped on the latter's face that was distorted by anger, squatted down and said with a smile: "I told you, I'm just a bitch doing things under orders, you're like this It’s really completely~completely~completely unnecessary to express your emotions by frothing in my ears~”

"You vicious woman——"

Boom! ! !

Baghdad, who was roughly grabbed by the hair and then slapped to the ground with his whole face, was forcibly interrupted.

"I'm sorry, but at least for now, I'm just a tall woman with big breasts."

Futaba patted Baghdad on the cheek, smiled kindly, then stood up again, removed his feet from the latter's head, and walked toward the city hall while humming a brisk tune.

The Lord Knight, who had been deprived of his future, was forced to stand up again and continued to stagger forward under the cold and vigilant gazes around him.


He passed by a young man who looked poor and downtrodden and looked very disgraced.

The opponent's bald head looked a bit dazzling in the dawn, and his timid appearance was also very funny, but this did not prevent the loyal Baghdad Alphonse from drawing a conclusion immediately.

The person he just passed by was the young master he was serving, whom the Earl of Georgia was trying to kill.

Although there was no way to guess what the other party did, Baghdad, which had just heard the woman lazily ordering the lifting of martial law and reopening the city gates, knew very well that those despicable betrayers had made up their mind!

It won't be long before this grotesque city faces the wrath of the Glorious City and the Council, and is burned to ashes under the sun's glory.

Looking around at the neighborhood, which although some people were panicked, the atmosphere was still peaceful and peaceful, Baghdad, which was already a hell on earth, was overwhelmed and bent down, laughed secretly and ferociously, and murmured in a low voice: " Praise the sun.”

At the same time, as Futaba's team escorting the heads of Baghdad and 'San Joe' drifted away, Mo Tan, who could already see the city gate, also showed a brisk smile——

"It feels so damn good to be bald."

Game time PM23:18

Academy City Comprehensive Library, Restricted Book Zone, Third Floor, Impression Space

After reconnecting with her original body, the girl who had lost her identity as Qiangwei, her height of 30 centimeters, and her pair of sizable breasts slowly opened her eyes.

The next moment, she heard the familiar system prompt:

[Blank Book 1: The Afterglow of the Sunset and the Purging Sword mission has been completed, and the reward is: the right to open the sixth floor of the forbidden book area. Since the completion rate of the mission is 127%, the additional reward is: Water Element School Specialization +1. 】

Then the girl was confused.

[One hundred and twenty-seven? 】

She stood up suddenly, her delicate and pretty face full of disbelief: "How is this possible! How the hell is this possible?!"

Obviously, the final evaluation made by the system completely failed to meet Futaba's own expectations, and the difference was not even one star!

In Futaba's imagination, with Qiangwei's stupid skills, most of the historical San Joe managed to escape, so after he successfully killed the young lord, he also took care of all his guards in one go. Next, you can hit the 200% full completion rate!

Even if there are some small flaws in the middle, the completion rate will never be lower than 190%!


She narrowed her eyes and completely ignored Frank, who regained consciousness half a minute after her and was greeting her with a smile. He murmured softly in the mist-filled space: "I made some fatal mistakes. ."

Mo Tan, who had regained consciousness like Futaba and heard the system prompts at the same time, blinked and asked curiously: "What's fatal?"


Futaba glared at Mo Tan angrily and said dryly: "How are you doing over there? Did the mission fail? How complete is it?"

"What degree of completion?"

Mo Tan looked at Futaba with a confused expression, and then said hesitantly: "If you mean the 'goal' that Mr. Shu Ling told me, I should have accomplished it."

[If the target is an NPC, will the book spirit tell you the specific requirements in person? Tsk, that thing really knew that players like me could receive missions directly from the system, so it didn’t even show its face from the beginning to the end. 】

Futaba frowned and was about to continue asking something when she saw the book spirit, who always appeared in the form of a fat middle-aged man, slowly walked out of the mist and smiled at the two of them: "Congratulations, Shuangye." Ms. Ye and Mr. Frank, you have shown me a very wonderful story. The door to the sixth floor of the forbidden book area has been opened for you. Of course, it is the sixth floor of the mirror image that I reproduced."

Mo Tan immediately bowed to Shu Ling and smiled, "Thank you for your generosity."

"What does mirror mean?"

Futaba curled her lips in dissatisfaction and frowned: "That's not what you said at the beginning."

"I said from the beginning that I have no right to interfere with the operation of the library, and naturally I can't grant you additional access rights."

Shu Ling looked at Futaba calmly and said slowly: "So I have no way to bring you to the real 'sixth level', but..."

"It's just that based on your derivative's understanding of this library, it's not difficult to copy an identical sixth floor of the forbidden book area."

Futaba's dissatisfaction went away as quickly as it came. She chuckled and teased: "You are quite skilled at taking advantage of your own loopholes."

Shu Ling shook his head and said calmly: "I just share the knowledge I know with my 'friends'."


Futaba whistled frivolously and said slowly in a long tone: "Oh, how can you be so virtuous~"

"I enjoy my time with you two, and my knowledge will be of help to you as well."

Shu Ling gave the answer meticulously and said with a flat expression: "So I am willing to unilaterally define you as 'friends'."

"Okay, my friend."

Futaba smacked her lips, raised her eyebrows and said, "Well, I wonder if it's inconvenient for you to answer a few questions about the inherent barrier just now."

Mo Tan also found a rare opportunity to interject: "I also have something I want to know."

The tower spirit nodded slightly: "Please speak."

Futaba and Mo Tan exchanged a look, and half a second later, the latter took a step back in a very sensible way: "You first."


After thanking her nonchalantly, Futaba looked back at Shu Ling, whose expression was unwavering: "Is it because you guessed that 'people like me' would get some kind of 'revelation', so you didn't tell Frank the way you did?" Give me a 'goal'?"

Shuling nodded without thinking: "Yes, but I was not sure enough at first, but after seeing your actions, Ms. Futaba, the conclusion is self-evident. To be honest, this is a An unexpected surprise.”

Futaba nodded and continued to ask: "In other words, although you have no idea what 'revelation' I got, the content coincides with your idea? Just like the 'goal' you gave Frank Same?"

"You can say that."

Shu Ling continued to nod mechanically.

"Good, then next question."

Futaba did not dwell on the task for too long, but casually changed the subject: "If I guess correctly, you should be able to clearly see my actions in the inherent barrier, right?"


"So, how did I do?"

“Amazing, very good.”

“What is your definition of excellence?”

“If you can do better than the ‘Rose Georgia in History’ under the circumstances of limited known conditions and limited abilities, that is excellence.”

"I see."

Futaba used light attribute magic to simulate a flash of light on his lenses, and then snapped his fingers: "Then, if the achievements of 'Rose Georgia in History' are regarded as 100 points, and the full score is 200 points, In your eyes, Shuling, how high can I get as an excellent person?"

Shu Ling did not give an answer immediately this time. He was silent for about two minutes before he replied softly: "Although it is just a subjective idea, and this is not something that can be expressed simply with numbers, if Futaba The lady insists on knowing my opinion..."

"I'm very persistent."

Futaba nodded immediately.

"One hundred and twenty-five points."

Shu Ling gave the answer calmly, and then added: "It may be a little higher, but it will not exceed one hundred and thirty points."

Futaba's pupils suddenly contracted, and then she quickly forced herself to calm down. She clenched her fists and said solemnly: "So, what is the threshold of 'excellence'? How many points is it?"

"That's one hundred and twenty-five points."

The answer Shuling gave was not beyond Futaba's expectations.

"very good……"

The girl took a deep breath and stared at Shu Ling with burning eyes: "Tell me, where did this girl come from who is more than 20 points higher than the rose in history."

Shu Ling, who knew the whole story far better than Mo Tan, immediately replied: "The real Rose Georgia was not able to completely wipe out San Joe's guards, and the key figure of the future Brilliant City, Baghdad Alphonse, even managed to escape back to Brilliant City." City, not only that, although Qiangwei also successfully killed 'San Joe' back then, she paid a considerable price. Miss Futaba, you successfully avoided this and only paid a very low price to achieve the goal. It achieved its purpose and objectively achieved the most ideal result in Angus Georgia’s heart.”

Shu Ling's praise is very sincere, and based on the style of painting it has always shown, there should be no exaggeration in it, so it is still very valuable.

But Futaba, whose face became increasingly grim, was still not happy, and seemed even more annoyed.

"good, very good."

Futaba snorted and gritted his teeth: "Then the question is, since I am so much better than that idiot in history, why do I only have a mere 120 points for Te Meow! How did I lose the other 70 points? of!?"

The book spirit shrugged in a rare and humane manner: "Because neither the historical Rose Georgia nor the Rose Georgia you played not long ago, Ms. Futaba, killed the real young lord Sang of the Brilliant City. Joe, but a substitute."

Futaba's expression froze: "Substitute!?"

"That's right, a substitute."

Shu Ling nodded slightly and said bluntly: "That is a young guard who is very similar to San Qiao in appearance, body and age. If nothing else, he should be the old city lord of the Brilliant City who served for his family a long time ago. The substitute was arranged by the legitimate son, and you and the historical Rose Georgia killed that person. The difference is that Ms. Futaba, you have to take it much more calmly, while the real Rose had to go through a lot of hard work..."

"Where is the real Sancho!"

Futaba rudely interrupted Shu Ling's narration and asked through gritted teeth: "What happened to San Qiao who escaped from my investigation, managed to escape under almost impossible circumstances, and played a trick on me? Where!"

"this problem……"

Shu Ling blinked, and then turned to look at someone who had been silent since just now——

"How about you just ask Sancho himself?"

Chapter 1,174: End

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