Quadruple split

Chapter 1516 Evenly matched opponents

Game time AM12:29

[About to enter the [Crime Simulation Battle-Team Matching] sequence]

[Please register the temporary team name——]

"A well-matched opponent."

[Please choose whether to use image protection service]

"No need...I'm not a famous person..."

[Please confirm whether your temporary team is normal: Aramis - in preparation / Portos - in preparation / Wu Nian - in preparation / Yu Shang - in preparation]


[The temporary team "Equal Opponents" has successfully entered the matching sequence, estimated waiting time: 1 second]

[Matching completed, character information is being synchronized...]

[Character information synchronization completed, competition map is being generated...]

[The simulation battle of questioning the guilt will be loaded soon, wishing Wu a prosperous future]

Accompanied by an imperceptible feeling of weightlessness, the four people in the private room in the public space felt their eyes blurred, and soon appeared on a quite lively ice field, and the calm system prompts also sounded at the same time. Ringing in their ears——

[You have successfully entered the guilt investigation simulation battle, and the competition will officially start after the explanation]

[After the game starts, both sides will enter a three-minute protection time. During this period, they cannot leave a specific range and cannot interact with the surrounding environment. Players can interact with each other without any restrictions]

[The only main mission in the competition map is to destroy all enemies]

[There may be side missions in the competition map, and there are also a small number of rewards in the simulated battle mode]

[On the game map, you can check the survival status of teammates and opponents through the system menu]

[The recognition of NPCs in the competition map will be slightly revised, please explore the details by yourself]

[In simulated battle mode, all items obtained in the competition map can only be used in that game and cannot be taken out of the competition map]

[The above first meeting prompt will only appear once. The system will give priority to matching the first meeting team. If one of the teams is a non-first meeting team, the protection time will be extended to four minutes]

[The game will start after a ‘ding’]


[The main mission has been triggered: "Harlequin Card" team is completely destroyed]

"God is so 'ding'!"

Having regained control of his body, Portos shook his neck and complained loudly: "It sounds exactly like the sound of my microwave oven!"

Wu Nian immediately fluttered her wings and flew into the air. She looked down at the 50 centimeters thick snow with lingering fear (she herself was a fairy with a height of 110 centimeters), and said tremblingly: "I'm almost bleeding from the cold!"

"Sit on Portos's shoulder. Your stamina will be depleted faster in flight."

Yu Shang, who had temporarily put his main job (fisherman) behind and entered a state of preparation for war, gave a calm suggestion, then narrowed his eyes and looked around, and said quickly: "Everyone, it seems like here. It’s quite lively.”

Portos, who placed Wu Nian on his shoulder pads, laughed dryly and nodded in agreement: "I can see it, so who can explain to me what is going on?"

"It must be a war."

Wu Nian, who had a good field of vision, put his little hand on his forehead and carefully observed the surrounding situation: "Well, there are a lot of powerful-looking people, of different races but dressed in the same uniform, they should be in the same group, right? "

Yu Shang nodded slightly and said softly: "Well, he should be with us."

Wu Nian was stunned for a moment, and then he blinked his big eyes: "We?"

"Do you still remember the system prompt that 'the NPC recognition in the competition map will be slightly revised'?"

Yu Shang subconsciously touched his chin and muttered: "Although we can't see everything clearly, we are obviously at the core of this group of people now. If it is a hostile stance... you won't think that we are Will you still be alive after the protection period ends?"

Just as Yu Shang said, the four of them are at the tip of the iceberg of a huge military formation on the ice sheet at this moment. Except for an area with a radius of about three meters with them as the center, they are surrounded by countless armed people with fanatical expressions. , they are of different races, ages, and genders, but they all wear similar styles of equipment. The breastplates, cloaks, etc. also have the same style of emblems printed on them. You can tell at a glance that they belong to a huge force. The army under his command, and...should be very strong!

Thousands of epics are unrealistic, but judging from the equipment and temperament of these warriors, it is not an exaggeration to say that all high-level people are at least as strong as the four or even stronger. There are four digits.

Judging from the deafening roar in the distance, this army is obviously fighting a certain force at this moment, and the four people who came in to match the [Inquisition Simulation Battle]...

"If nothing else, this is the camp we are divided into. As for the opponent called "Harlequin Card", they should be assigned to the opposite side."

Although Bodos is usually a careless and delinquent middle-aged man, he is still very reliable when he gets serious occasionally. He first made a concise and precise analysis, and then picked up the bottoming stick behind him with one hand, which he estimated to be worth hundreds of kilograms. , the wild-shaped wooden stake was smashed to the ground with force, and it was directly transformed into a [Fire Totem] that breathed orange-red light, dispelling the chill that enveloped the four people, and by the way, slightly increasing everyone's strength. Physical attributes.

"Let me put on another layer of disguise."

Yu Shang gently shook the pendant that appeared in her hand at some point. If we look closely, we will find that it is a [Pendulum] made of silver chains and cone-shaped blue crystals. The cost theory of this thing The price will not exceed sixty gold coins. It is one of the professional props of many amateur diviners. It is similar to the cross worn by clergy.

Soon, as this layer of water-like blue ripples spread out with Yu Shang as the center, an invisible 'membrane' appeared on the bodies of Portos, Aramis and Wu Nian, although they had no defense. , but it can effectively reduce the presence of the affected person. It is a disguise that takes into account both the material level and the perceptual level. It can not only greatly reduce the possibility of everyone being noticed, but also prevent others from completely ignoring the four people. This leads to tragedies such as stampedes.

"Let me think about it..."

Although he looks rather cute, Wu Nian, a serious current graduate student, can definitely be regarded as ice-snow smart. He then analyzed it logically: "Assuming that the team called "Harlequin Card" is on the opposite side, then I think The strength of the two sides in the war should not be even. According to the announcement on the official website, in our game, the side with a larger number of people and a stronger overall strength is likely to be assigned to the side with a relatively weak combat strength. , to ensure relative fairness.”

Porthos tugged on his beard and said to himself: "So are we the stronger party or the weaker party?"

"I saw a dragon, a real dragon, attacking warriors with the same heraldry as the people around us."

Yu Shang turned aside and made way for a square light curtain with a diameter of about 30 centimeters. It showed a picture with a very serious lag and a resolution of about 480P. However, even so, it still did not hinder Bodos and his shoulders. Wu Nian, who was on the screen, could clearly see the several giant dragons on the screen that were roaring and ravaging the battlefield with their breath, claws and racial magic!

"Challenge the mighty dragon's legion..."

Porthos twitched the corner of his mouth, then revealed a grin and said with a mean smile: "Very good, it seems that in the eyes of the system, we are much better than the clown card opposite us, very good, very good ."

Wu Nian pulled Bodos' hair nervously and said with lingering fear: "What's better! The dragon is very strong!"

"Hey, what's wrong with Qiang? Our mission is not to slay the dragon."

Portos patted his abdominal muscles confidently and said happily: "Looking at the fanatical expressions of the people around us, they have obviously been seriously brainwashed, so they probably don't have anything like a supervising team. In this way, we are completely We can quietly break away from the large army and find a place to hide under the cover of Yu Shang, and then Wu Nian, you can use that book to find them out, and we can seize the initiative."

Wu Nian glared hard at Portos and tugged the latter's hair: "That's not a book!"

"Almost almost."

Because he was not afraid of losing his hair in the game, Portos just smiled boldly and waved his hand: "In short, the advantage is ours!"

"I'm sorry to throw cold water on you at this time."

As a result, at this moment, Yu Shang coughed lightly and raised his chin towards the light screen next to him, whose resolution was gradually beginning to increase to 720P: "You two, take a good look..."


Bodos and Wu Nian were stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at the light curtain again, and then froze there as if struck by lightning.

There is no other reason, it is entirely because the giant dragons raging crazily on the distant battlefield in the picture seem to have the upper hand, but they are actually being suppressed and beaten!

That's right, just hit with pressure! The kind that is so suppressed that you can’t even lift your head!

A furious black dragon swooped down, trying to tear apart the seemingly weak and insignificant phalanx in front of it with its sharp claws. However, it was intercepted by a column of knights that came out diagonally. Only those with pure white shoulders could be seen. The heavy knight wearing a cloak and golden armor raised the tower shield smoothly, forming a constantly twisting position. Not only did it directly break away the black dragon's claw, it even dispersed the following with a neat burst of fighting spirit. To the dragon's breath.

Then there was a round of explosions that could not be broadcast in real time, but could be heard several miles away. A large number of silver metal balls suddenly appeared on the screen and exploded, directly blasting the black dragon back into the air. Then two magic crystal bombardments flashed through at the same time like a torrent of seven colors, piercing through the pair of dragon wings that in the eyes of ordinary people could be said to cover the sky, and finally...

A meteorite surrounded by elemental magic circles rose up from the ground, holding a long tail flame and directly hit the fallen dragon, directly blowing half of its body away, completing the final Kill.

"I'm sorry to tell you...this is not an isolated case."

Yu Shang pointed to the light curtain beside him with a slightly solemn expression, and said calmly: "The scenes in front are all like this. According to my observation, the battle loss ratio between 'our side' and those giant dragons is about fifty to one. "

Fifty to one! ?

Bodos and Wu Nian were confused at the time. Although fifty to one was definitely not a beautiful figure under normal circumstances, and even looked like a shame, they both knew what this figure meant in the current battlefield.

Whether humans, elves, orcs, every fifty warriors of these mainstream races die, and they can be replaced by a powerful dragon.

This kind of thing that usually sounds like a fantasy is actually happening in front of the four people at this moment.

"Fifty to one..."

Portos turned his head numbly and looked at the surrounding warriors who still hadn't noticed him and others, their eyes full of fanaticism, and said dryly: "What kind of monsters are these people!?"

Wu Nian nervously held his notebook and said nervously: "I think the point now is not what kind of monsters these people are, but... if the situation is really like what Shang Shang showed us just now, So what kind of team is our opponent?”

Obviously, if the battle loss ratio between the two sides is really about fifty to one, then the army of four people is definitely the stronger side. In other words, the strength of the opposite team may be quite terrifying.

"this problem……"

Yu Shang shrugged, and then turned his attention to Aramis, who had been silent since entering the game map and said not a word: "We might as well ask this captain who is rarely so quiet and well-behaved."

At the same time, Aramis, who had been in a trance, also turned his head and cast a very subtle look at the three teammates behind him. After a while, he said in a more subtle tone: "I... just opened the menu. , took a little look at the composition of the opposite team."

"Well, it must be a very interesting result."

Yu Shang smiled with interest. He did not open the menu to check it himself, but waited for the other party's next words in a dignified manner.

Portos and Wu Nian also looked at Aramis, who was obviously not right, and swallowed in unison, looking very nervous.

"The protection time is almost over, I'll keep the story short..."

Aramis was not in the mood to show off at all. He took a deep breath and immediately said in a deep voice: "The team opposite called Harlequins only has three people. No one is anonymous. The leader is called Tan Mo."

"What is Tanmo?"

Porthos looked confused.

"I've never heard of it."

Wu Nian also blinked in confusion.

"I remember this name was once on the overall strength rankings."

Yu Shang had a little idea, and then continued to ask: "Where are the other two people?"

"One is called Mu Xuejian."

Aramis looked at his companion with a twitching corner of his mouth, and showed a smile that was uglier than crying——

"The other one is called Futaba."

Chapter 1507: End

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