"A professional at level [-]? I don't feel the power of a professional from him at all. Don't lie to me." Kane shook his head and sighed.

He has already understood that these children are just newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. They just want to get more honor, so they resolutely fight against the devil.


They are all children.

Seeing that Kane didn't believe it, Ada pouted and ignored him, the facts will explain everything.

Also, the instructions came quickly.

Kane's eyes widened, watching Ye Kai's extraordinary swordsmanship, the strange underworld fire that did not belong to this world, and the powerful attack power.

What kind of occupation is this?Could it be that he is ignorant?

Griswold has no power to fight back against Ye Kai, even a level [-] professional can't do it!

This is not a battle, it is a one-sided massacre!

Kane rubbed his eyes involuntarily, and pinched his thigh, realizing that he was not dreaming.

This world is about to change!

It was his only thought.

Chapter 85 Do you want to try?

When they returned to Rogue's camp, everyone truly enjoyed the treatment of heroes.

The welcome to Deckard Cain and the liberation of Tristram with everyone boosted everyone's morale.

Akara even gave Ada the ring she was wearing, and she also knew that Ada was the most favored girl in the whole team.

After the war in Tristram, Ye Kai and others cremated all the rotting corpses, and unexpectedly found a pile of magic gold coins.

As for the legendary prosthetic leg, I haven't found it yet.

After all, it is impossible for Ye Kai to look for a needle in a haystack to find a special corpse to see if he has hidden money.

And Kane did play his role and gave countless help to everyone.

The reclamation of the dark forest, the clearing of the black wasteland, and the clearing of the Taimo Highland all went smoothly.

Even the outer corridors, barracks, and inner corridors of the monastery, where everyone changed their faces, were opened up by Ye Kai and others.

Time-consuming, four months.

Ye Kai has successfully grown from [-]% experience at level [-] to level [-]. Whether it is a blacksmith or a countess, they are all buried under his sword.

Tomorrow is the day to attack Andariel's lair, the Catacombs.

Tonight, the Rogge camp is going to hold a grand banquet in honor of Ye Kaizhuang.

The strategic arrangement this time is that Ye Kai goes in alone, and the rest of the team, as well as a team of twelve Rogue archers, will respond in the inner corridor.

Ye Kai can advance and retreat freely by himself, but he is not afraid of being trapped or besieged.

He was more worried about the safety of his friends.

Asking them to respond is just a helpless move. If there is no task, they will not do it.

Before, he insisted on cleaning the first three floors of the catacombs with Ye Kai, but Ye Kai himself was not sure whether the catacombs were really four floors.

If there are only two or three floors, leading them to meet Andariel... that would be a tragedy.

Ye Kai is not sure, how many moves they can catch Andariel.

Lai Wei's tenth level, Dutch's ninth level, and Robert's siblings' eighth level, the gap with Andariel is too big.

It would be fine if Andariel only attacked Ye Kai with an IQ of zero, but whether it was the orderliness of the barracks or the traps that the Countess had set for him, he did not dare to underestimate the IQ of these demons.

Those monsters can leave their own territory, such as going upstairs or something, they can do it completely, unlike in the game, they can only wander around on their own floor.

When confronting the Countess in the Forgotten Tower, it was on the fourth floor. You must know that the Forgotten Tower has five floors, not four floors. It is likely that the mobs reported to the Countess. Fight to the death with Ye Kai.

That being the case, it is enough to act as a support, meaning that if Ye Kai loses and escapes, they will fight together.

Or Ye Kai can attract some monsters, and they can solve them together, which can improve a lot of efficiency.

If you fight Andariel, you may encounter her and her army on the first floor, and then rely on Ye Kai's own fighting skills.

In order to deal with Andariel, Ye Kai bought ten bottles of common poisoning detoxification medicine in advance, a bottle of 500, which can relieve the abnormal state of poisoning, and the maximum can be detoxified by lv50.

Although the novice antidote is theoretically sufficient, Ye Kai is unwilling to risk his life.

He even bought ten bottles of 400 bottles of ordinary hp medicine.

Ordinary mp potion, I bought two bottles.

This is very luxurious!

He has made a lot of money in the past few months, so Ye Kai can't help but become a little extravagant, and he doesn't have a long memory at all.

But yes, experience capsules are getting more and more expensive now, 10% dare to ask for 5000 yuan a piece, can this be tolerated?You know, Ye Kai didn't have a few five thousand in total.


The system can always find a way to recover gold coins from him.

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