Even the legendary Spanish captain Salazar is not Ye Kai's enemy, even if he is a dead man, only his soul remains.

Ye Kai's sword doesn't care whether the opponent is dead or not.

"Oh, buddy, these two guys can take us to find the trident, we have to take them." Jack had gathered all the pirates at this time, and appeared here with a smile.

He feels a little high-spirited now, one is Ye Kai's return, the other is that he has a goal, and the other is that he can go to sea again!


As soon as the words fell, Ye Kai led the way, and the rest followed behind him.

In the distance, a team of marines rushed towards the crowd.

bang, bang, bang...

Flames were spraying from the muzzle, as if trying to stop everyone.

With Jack's hide-and-seek ability, it might be difficult for the navy to catch him.

But Ye Kai didn't want to be so hasty. After finally returning to this world, why didn't he leave some souvenirs?

Ye Kai stopped in his tracks, his eyes suddenly turned black, hollow and lifeless.

I saw a little bit of golden light appearing on his body, and Lie Chuang held it up high.

The navy didn't know what he was going to do, so they couldn't help but stop!


The huge X-shaped sword light was split by Ye Kai.

On the ground, two deep scratches were drawn, reaching [-] meters!

Ye Kai pointed at the stunned navy with a crack, ignored a group of dumbfounded pirates behind, and said coldly: "Those who cross the line, kill without mercy!"

Chapter 99 Set sail

Afterwards, everyone easily arrived at their secret base, which was a long-abandoned place.

A huge wooden house and a not-so-big wooden boat seemed to be able to accommodate a dozen people.

Ye Kai was very skeptical about whether the ship could go to sea.

Dying Seagull, the name of this ship, it should be about the same age as Jack.

Sigh... If you can get a Golden Meili, Wanli Sunshine, how great would it be?

No matter how bad it is, it’s okay to get some ship girls!

On the way, Jack explained Ye Kai's glorious history to everyone, and then emphatically mentioned how he killed Barbossa back then...

On the other hand, Henry and Karina were devastated, because they were now prisoners.

"Captain, do you really think we can find the Trident?" Gibbs looked hopefully at Jack on the boat.

Originally there was no hope at all, but Ye Kai would give him a miracle, right?

"Mr. Gibbs, you always worry about it. There is nothing to worry about." Jack comforted Gibbs while doing exaggerated movements.

"What could go wrong? Isn't it?" Jack walked to the rudder and looked at Gibbs with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Jack, are we going to go to sea like this? This ship is too broken!" Ye Kai said helplessly.

Not to mention that this ship is far behind Anne's Revenge Queen and Black Pearl, even compared to the Interceptor.

He doubted whether the ship would sink at any time.

"Man, we have no better choice." Jack spread his hands.

"Where's the black pearl?" Ye Kai asked seriously.

The black pearl is Jack's lifeblood, Ye Kai doesn't think he has hidden the black pearl.

"Here." Jack reluctantly took out a bottle from his arms.

Ye Kai stared at the bottle in a daze.

This is a very ordinary glass bottle, but the contents inside are not ordinary at all.

He had seen this bottle in the Pirates of the Caribbean 4 movie, and the black pearl was sealed inside it, the fastest ship in the Caribbean, a symbol of freedom.

In addition to black pearls, there are sea water, seagulls, and even a monkey in the bottle.

"Black Pearl... I don't know if I can release it."

Ye Kai took the bottle and sighed with emotion.

Immediately, he pulled out the crack and slashed the bottle severely.


Jack's liver trembled, and he regretted handing the bottle hastily to Ye Kai.

[The power of the host is insufficient, and the strength of the blade that splits the soul is not strong enough to destroy it]

[Note: Blackbeard's sword can be destroyed and is a supporting item]

Ye Kai sighed, really can't do it?

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