The crew who had just stood up slipped and fell to the ground again...

And this ship has officially entered the sea, the sea that Jack and Ye Kai yearn for very much!

Ye Kai let go of Jack, his eyes gleaming.

Sure enough, the sea is the most passionate!

Chapter 100 Star Map

"Unsinkable!" A little dwarf shouted excitedly.

The crowd also cheered. Although there were not many people, an unsinkable boat was worth a lot!

Even Ye Kai was a little surprised, he thought that according to the piss of the plot, the ship sank, and then everyone went to the navy to grab one or steal...

and many more……

"Hey, Jack, why don't we go to the navy to snatch one? With my current strength, if I snatch a boat, the success rate is very high! It's better than this." Ye Kai said to Jack inexplicably.

He didn't think that Jack would be polite to him.

Jack was stunned, then pondered for a moment, and said helplessly, "...I forgot."

However, they had just walked out of the execution ground, and the defense of the navy must be very tight.

This time is not like before, only him and Ye Kai are extremely mobile.

With so many tow bottles, it is estimated that it will be difficult to grab a boat.

Even if you grab it, it's not easy to go to sea, and you will be chased if you go to sea.

Ye Kai and Jack thought of this at the same time, and they both wanted to explain, but neither of them said anything, they could only laugh twice.

There is also a small boat pulled under the Dying Seagull. This boat is not like a big ship that can carry small boats on board.

Ye Kai always felt that the boat was suspicious. It seemed that Jack had planned to abandon the boat and escape from the very beginning?

While Henry was chatting with Karina, Jack found Ye Kai again.

"By the way, this is the chart, can you understand it?" Jack handed Ye Kai a red leather notebook at this time.

"This is...a diary, okay? It's still Galileo's diary. This diary is an astronomy diary." Ye Kai flipped through the diary and rolled his eyes.

If he saw this in his previous life, he would be ecstatic to sell it, it is an antique!

But in this era, Galileo is not far away.

And expect a bunch of pirates to understand Galileo and astronomy?Give me a break.

"Astronomical? I don't understand...then let's go find that woman." Jack shrugged.

Ye Kai didn't expect this illiterate who didn't know many words to understand, so the two walked to the tricky pole, which is where Henry and Karina were tied.

"There are no charts here at all." Jack opened the diary, showed it to Karina, and said with a smirk.

"Oh, Uncle Ye, you can't treat me like this, you and my parents are friends!" Seeing that Ye Kai also came, Henry protested loudly.

"Stop, your father and I are not friends. I think he is upset and he thinks I am also awkward. Your mother used to be my employer, she fired me first, and I took her to rescue your father regardless of the past, Your family owes me enough." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said, he hates this title.

"That..." Henry was a little embarrassed.

He only heard his mother mention this person, and he didn't know much about his experience, he only knew about his strength and appearance, and that he used to be his mother's guard.

The sword that blocked all the navy just now was really amazing!It's really hard to imagine that this is actually something made by humans.

Henry has almost become Ye Kai's fan, if he has this power, he will be able to find the trident by himself!

And Karina felt that Ye Kai must have used the principle of light and shadow, as well as explosives, to create such an exaggerated effect.

Otherwise, why did he run so far before releasing the so-called evil light slash?

Ye Kai said that she was illiterate and did not care about her.

When he said he didn't care, Ye Kai's veins burst out...

This kind of feeling that I can't say anything, and I can't produce evidence, is really uncomfortable!

Scientific lunatics, when they are superstitious about science to a certain extent, are almost the same as those religious fanatics.

The problems that science cannot solve are superstitions, which is the common sense of scientists.

But she didn't know whether the future technology could explain this mystery.

When the power of the human body, the power of mystery, the power of miracles, and the power of ghosts and gods can also be completely analyzed by science, that is the pinnacle of science.

Or rather, the beginning of science.

"Give me back the diary." Karina said coldly.

Jack hugged the diary, showing a bargaining face, and said flatly: "Give me the chart that no one can understand."

"If you can understand it, it won't be called a chart that no one can understand." Karina said with a smile on her face.

This kind of IQ crushing is really refreshing.

"Please, stop talking, you can't tell her." Henry kindly reminded Jack.

"Then do it again, and give me the chart that no one can understand." Jack didn't mind at all.

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