The gun and sword all fell to the ground.

"What are you panicking about?" Ye Kai waved the crack in his hand casually, and said coldly, "Or do you think that you can beat me with one piece?"

Seeing Ye Kai make a move, Jack couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and it was right to take him out to sea.

On the other hand, Henry and Karina were already stunned. Things were developing so fast that they couldn't have expected them at all.

"Ye Kai, I know you are powerful, but there are so many dead people on the other side, how many can you kill?" Gibbs said with a sullen face.

"Then choose a way to get the best of both worlds." Ye Kai frowned.

Those dead people can walk and run on the sea. Although his evil light slash is far away, they will instinctively dodge when he slashes past.

Moreover, Ye Kai's Evil Light Slash isn't that big, it's big enough to smash a ship.

"How about we leave alone?" Jack pointed to the boat below.

"Alright." Ye Kai sneered.

How many swords did Andariel hold against him, just relying on these dead people?

You know, he just came to this world and killed a few guys who claimed to be immortal.

Even if he only has level [-] power, he is still a ghost swordsman with level [-] ghost sword skills.

These idiots don't even know that at this time, only Ye Kai's side is the safest.

Chapter 106

There is a small island not far away. It seems that there should be no city, but there may be traces of human existence. After all, this is the normal route.

Since they were acting separately, it was natural that a group of people and Jack would drive the boat away by themselves.

The result is obvious, there are not many smart people.

Gibbs, Jack, Karina, Henry, they are ready to go to the end together.

As for the wreck?A few people don't want it at all.

The only downside is that it's a bit crowded with four people.

As for why there are four people on board...

There was no way, there were too many people, and there was only one swimmer, and Henry was naturally thrown down by Ye Kai.

For the rest, Gibbs rowed and Jack and Karina chatted.

Ye Kai didn't expect that Gibbs trusted him so much, and he resolutely teamed up with Jack in such an absolute disadvantage.

Ye Kai wiped the wound, as long as he didn't use magic power or shake it vigorously, it wouldn't be damaged by flames.

In the distance, a strange ship sailed towards everyone, covered with ominous black energy and endless blood energy that only Ye Kai could see.

The ship was rags, rags in a concrete sense.

Because half of its keel is broken, and the hull is full of incompleteness.

Even the sails are missing a lot.

It is hard to imagine how such a ship can go to sea.

In the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, as long as the name is cursed, everything is reasonable.

Some of the people on board had only half their bodies left, some had no heads, and some looked like fossils.

The captain was intact, his hair was floating in mid-air as if there was no gravity.

There are also those without legs, which can also float like ghosts.

Ye Kai has seen it before, so he is not surprised at this kind of thing.

After all, their combat power is actually similar to when they were alive, except that they cannot be killed by normal means.

"What are you doing?" Henry looked at Karina who was undressing while swimming.

Ye Kai also glanced at her in surprise, he had been paying attention to that ship all the time, but didn't look at this side, he didn't know what kind of plane she was planning.

"The people on that boat are looking for Jack, and Jack is on this boat, so I want to abandon the boat and run for my life." Karina said with a look of course.

Ye Kai suddenly realized that this woman followed him not because he believed in him, but because he had no choice.

Only the people on this ship will not do anything to her, and they are sure to find clues to her father.

Her purpose from the beginning was different from that of Ye Kai and others. Jack was for the trident, and Henry wanted to undo all the curses about the sea brought by the trident. Gibbs felt that it was safer to be with Ye Kai.

As for Ye Kai, it was entirely for the task, and he more or less enjoyed the feeling of taking risks with Jack.

Karina felt that the small boat could not escape the pursuit of the big boat, so she was ready to take risks.

"How dare you treat me like this? Although if I were you, I would do the same." Jack said bitterly.

"Karina, stop!" Henry persuaded.

This guy is swimming, pulling the boat, and can talk to Karina at the same time. Ye Kai is also a capital word for him.

"No, no, don't stop!" Jack's eyes lit up, after all, Karina's coat was about to be taken off.

"You've gone too far!" Henry yelled.

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