Ye Kai lay on the observation deck, continuing to look at the never-ending starry sky.

Just now Barbosa seemed to have discovered something, Karina turned out to be his daughter.

She is a qualified astronomer, and her diary was left to her by her father.

After she grows up, it is natural for her to follow in her father's footsteps to find the truth in the diary.

She didn't even exchange the gems originally inlaid in the diary for money, no matter how difficult it was.

Karma is so amazing.

Back then, Barbosa stole the diary on an Italian ship and abandoned Karina, who was just born, at the gate of the orphanage.

He'd been a pirate himself, all his life, but he didn't want that for his daughter.

He couldn't understand this diary, but he knew the value of the rubies on it, and he just wanted to make his daughter's life better.

Barbosa borrowed a compass from Jack, thinking about his daughter, and the compass pointed in the direction of Karina.

At this moment, Barbosa was filled with emotions. He never thought that the person who saved him in the end, or had the ability to take him to find the trident, turned out to be his daughter.

He no longer resists Karina at the helm because he trusts his daughter.

But he didn't want to tell Karina the truth. Karina thought her father was a scientist, not a notorious pirate.

He didn't expect his daughter to pursue the contents of the diary, and finally found it back to him.

Ye Kai's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he saw the British Navy's ship.

However, what is this ship doing here, looking for death?

The Black Pearl was chasing the direction of the Trident, so naturally it couldn't sail in the direction of the wind in many cases. In the era of sailing ships, this was very fatal.

And the navy is catching up like this.

Of course, if the bow of the ship was turned and sailed with the wind, the navy ship would definitely not be able to catch up with the black pearl.

But they can't do this, because that would deviate from the course and miss the Trident.

"We must fight to the end, and the Black Pearl must never be taken away again!" Barbossa's shout came from below.


A ray of lightning illuminated the nearby sea area, and thunder rang out one after another.

Ye Kai saw something even weirder, the ship of the dead was chasing after the British navy.

Along with the lightning, Ye Kai sneered at the approaching dead ship.

He had no chess pieces in his hand, so he had to do it himself.Sure enough, can't help it?

Come on then!

Chapter 110 Volatile Explosion


Click click.

The dead ship is like a living creature, completely ignoring the structure of the ship, and the front half is raised high, surpassing the height of a ship.

It is now heading for the navy, lest the navy get in the way.

The body of the boat is like two rows of sharp fangs, ferocious and terrifying.


The two rows of teeth-like hulls just bombarded the navy's ship.

Boom, boom, boom...

Countless shells exploded in situ, and countless navies died in the sea.

A warship that even Barbossa felt troubled disappeared into the long river of history.


Ye Kai jumped down from above, and the ship of dead men was getting closer and closer.

Click, click, the two ships finally collided together.

Fortunately, their ship did not fire, otherwise no one would be able to compete with them in a artillery battle. After all, their ships and people are not afraid of bombardment.

"Protect yourself, guys, we will fight them!" Barbossa raised his sword and shouted.

At this time, it is no longer possible to continue to compromise or trade, and the only way to survive is a bloody battle.

Even if he surrendered, the opponent would kill himself and his people, Barbosa was very open about it.

Ye Kai also pulled out his own wound.

Fire attribute damage, even if it can't instantly kill the ghost soldiers, it can still cause a certain amount of damage to them.

If you can't kill with one cut, then cut more.

"No matter what happens, you can sail with peace of mind." Barbosa turned to Karina and said, his eyes were full of kindness.

Karina didn't see Barbossa's complicated eyes, but just gritted her teeth and nodded after hearing the words.

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