If they were able to resist those ghost soldiers before, Ye Kai could play soy sauce, but now Ye Kai is not sure at all, after all, their opponents have risen to a level.

As for the original plot, Ye Kai didn't know, and he didn't even know how much he messed up.

Ye Kai pressed his hand on the huge stone giant's head, and a burst of blood spurted out.


Soul addicted hand!

Click, click.

There was a crack in the giant's head, as if it would shatter if it was repaired with another sword.

Out of blue?Drugs!

After taking another two bottles of MP medicine, Ye Kai cheered up.

"Good job Ye Kai, kill it!" Seeing that Salazar had already knelt on the deck, silently bearing the damage of Primon of Corrosion, Jack looked up to the sky and shouted at Ye Kai.

"Oh, it was really scary to fight against a guy like you before. However, as a teammate, no one is more qualified than you, haha!" Barbosa laughed while waving his sword.

He also saw that Ye Kai is actually at the end of his strength now, every time he uses that magical ability, he drinks two bottles of blue potion in a row.

This is the source of his strength, right?

I just don't know how much of his blue potion is still enough to last this battle.

"Come on, Ye Kai, let these dead people see how powerful you are!" Gibbs shouted at Ye Kai in the air.

Both he and Jack are a little bit excited. It's been too long, more than ten years, and they haven't seen Ye Kai's violent fighting power in more than ten years.

This is the man who ended the legend of Barbossa and the ghost ship when the Black Pearl was in full swing.

Now, he faced another ghost ship again!

The green phantom of ghosts and gods makes the enemy feel intimidated, and makes the people feel safe from the bottom of their hearts.

As long as it is recognized as an enemy by Ye Kai's heart, the ghost array will take effect!

Henry also put down his sword, and silently looked at Ye Kai who was showing great power in the air.

This is the guardian of the mother.

How sloppy is she... Wait, she's her own mother.

How much did she love her father to fire such a strong man?

So strong, I feel stronger than my father, even stronger than that flying Dutchman!

Fortunately, this person seldom appears, otherwise, in the sea, would anyone be his opponent?

Karina also looked at Ye Kai silently.

Is this the ghost swordsman he was talking about, ghosts and gods?That huge stone giant was enough to break her down, but Ye Kai's performance was more than capable.

In terms of knowledge, I am only better than him in astronomy and chronology. For some physics, history, and even future prospects, I am completely different from him in my grasp of the overall situation.

Unfortunately, he is destined not to belong to himself, not to this sea.

As he said, his journey is the sea of ​​stars, right?

"Damn, how is it possible..." Salazar yelled angrily, holding his head tightly.

What he didn't expect was that he just released the statue on the prow, intending to kill Jack, but Ye Kai, who had been standing still all this time, was dispatched.

If it doesn't make a sound, it's a blockbuster.

After he did it, he was too strong, right?

And Ye Kai didn't expect that he was so strong with only the third level, or they were too weak.


A will-o'-the-wisp came out of Ye Kai's wound, and he slashed at the stone giant's head.

Before it was over, the golden lion head energy body blasted towards the stone giant.

Soul Devouring Ghost Slash!


The stone giant seemed to have discovered that if he didn't kill Ye Kai, he would continue to suffer forever.

He waved his hand and patted Ye Kai.

And the javelin in his hand also stabbed towards Ye Kai.

Ye Kai stepped hard and flew away from its head in an instant.

In the air, Ye Kai drank two more bottles of potions in a row, and all the potions had bottomed out.

However, Ye Kai has already established the outcome.

Familiar fluctuations, familiar feelings, familiar black and white colors, in his pure black pupils, exudes a strange light.

Ye Kai held up his Lie Chuang in the air, and a golden light radiated from Lie Chuang's body.

I saw Ye Kai slashing hard, braving blue, yellow and white sword lights, and flew towards the stone giant.

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