"Are you all right Will?"

Seeing that Will was not injured, Elizabeth couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Will looked at Ye Kai, looked at Ye Kai again, and said with a sigh of relief, "It's great that you're fine."

Ye Kai also came over and said in a deep voice, "It's fine for now, I just took Elizabeth out of the governor's mansion, those pirates should be able to notice something."

His swordsmanship could wipe out the pirates in the Governor's Mansion, but he didn't do that.

Those pirates must have imagined that his kind of dark flame cannot be used continuously.

Right now, everyone is still in danger.

Elizabeth said anxiously: "Now we must find their captain and negotiate, otherwise Port Royal will be wiped out."

Will said in a deep voice, "I'm going to negotiate with them!"

Elizabeth quickly shook her head and said, "No, they are for my gold coin, and it is this gold coin that is calling them."

Speaking of this, she looked at Ye Kai, and she had a feeling that he must know what was going on.

Ye Kai shrugged, and said helplessly: "This gold coin is their curse, you have seen their appearance, they will not die at all, they want to find this gold coin, and Will Turner, with Will's blood and gold coins to lift the curse."


Will saw Ye Kai's ghostly hand, pulled Elizabeth behind him, and said to Ye Kai vigilantly, "How do you know? Who are you and what are your plans to approach Elizabeth."

Ye Kai couldn't help but feel a little funny, would this guy instinctively lose his IQ whenever he met Elizabeth?If Ye Kai has plans for Elizabeth or the Governor's Mansion, to put it bluntly, who can stop it?

"Hmph, Wiltner, guess it, I'll tell you if I guess it! Forget it, you guys go play slowly."

After speaking, Ye Kai turned around and left.

He's not bad-tempered either, since you don't need me, I'll go, anyway, the initial salary has already arrived, so he doesn't care about the lives of Will and this bastard.

Even if there was a little ambiguity with Elizabeth, it was only because of necessity, not what Ye Kai and Elizabeth wanted.

He yelled those four words of Wiltner, and the pirates who were ambushing all around must have heard them.

"Will, you are so rude!" Seeing that Ye Kai had actually left, Elizabeth panicked, after all, the sense of security he could bring her was unparalleled.

In addition, Ye Kai is a member of the Governor's Mansion, who do you trust if you don't believe him at this time?

But she also knows that a simple contract is not worth the life of an expert like Ye Kai, but now, Ye Kai was pissed off...

Will also realized that what he said was indeed a bit too much.

"I will definitely protect you, let's go to the governor." Will said solemnly.

In Will's mind, although Ye Kai's swordsmanship is superb, it is not strong enough to withstand the entire pirate group.

Elizabeth was helpless, and Will was doing it for her own good. After all, Ye Kai's ghostly hand really didn't look like an auspicious thing.

However, if she wants to negotiate with the pirates, she must have a hole card. The gold coin on her neck is a tool for negotiation, and Ye Kai is the guarantee of force.

Without Ye Kai's deterrent power, it would be difficult to negotiate successfully.

Forget it, let's do this first, Ye Kai has already left, and thinking about these things is empty talk.

And what about Ye Kai?He left as soon as he said, and he didn't intend to stay at all. Now that the problem of food and clothing has been solved and he has been upgraded, the next step is to consider the issue of tasks.

Will is on guard against himself, and this route is not easy to follow.

There is only one person left who knows the location of the treasure.

"Yo, did you have a good day? Great Captain Jack Sparrow."

Chapter 13 Saving Jack

Just after Ye Kai left, a group of pirates surrounded Will and Elizabeth.

Now that the evil star is gone, who is afraid of a brat and a chick?

Will protected Elizabeth behind him, staring at the group of pirates coldly.

He also has a trace of remorse now, if Ye Kai didn't leave, he would definitely be able to kill him.

Growth requires paying a price, and what they are doing now is the process of paying the price.

"Take the man away, and kill the woman directly." A pirate laughed.

Since they are all skeletons, they can't vent their desires at all, so it doesn't matter if the woman is killed.

The pirates who went to the governor's mansion before also surrounded them little by little. They were all guided by the gold coins, and it was impossible to let Elizabeth go.

"Don't even think about it!" Will's hand holding the sword was vigorous and powerful, unmoved in the slightest.

He also heard Ye Kai's words just now, the target of those pirates turned out to be him?As for Elizabeth's gold coin, he didn't intend to ask for it either.

He believed that even if he handed over the gold coins, those pirates might not let Elizabeth go, and it was safest to stay by his side.

Brush, brush, brush...

Countless muskets and swords were pointed at Will, as if he would accept the baptism of guns and swords as long as he moved.


At this time, Elizabeth stepped forward and shouted in a panic: "I want to negotiate! According to the "Pirate Code" formulated by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, you must take me to see the captain."

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