"Tifa, Tifa, wake up..."

Early in the morning, Ye Kai sneaked into Tifa's room, gently shaking her pink shoulders.

This time was an hour earlier than usual for Ye Kai and Tifa to get up. To avoid Myron's surveillance, they had to get up earlier.

Although it's spring now, Tifa's clothes are as cool as ever, but unfortunately all the key parts are blocked, and Ye Kai can't see anything.

"Here we come." Tifa opened her eyes in a daze, seeing Ye Kai's sneaky and cautious look, she couldn't help laughing again.


Ye Kai quickly covered Tifa's mouth, and made a shh gesture.

Tifa winked at Ye Kai, but Ye Kai didn't understand, but he felt that Tifa couldn't speak anymore, so he let go of his hand.

Tifa's dazed look was so cute, Ye Kai couldn't help it, and pinched her nose.

Tifa opened Ye Kai's hand angrily, and glared at him. This guy has become more and more daring since he promised to date him.

No, I have a chance to cure him in the future.

Tifa had nothing to prepare, so she casually put on a coat and a cowboy hat.

Although it is more beautiful without a hat, who made the two of them wanted criminals now?

The two walked out of the house lightly, but it turned out to be a tragedy as soon as they went out.

"Where are you going!" A loud voice rang out.

Tifa's father Myron, apparently remembering Tifa's birthday, was trying to figure out how to get some ingredients for the cake.

I don't know what's going on, I was a little restless in the morning, so I got up earlier.

But what he didn't expect was that just as he left the door, he saw a scene that made him tear up. What does Ye Kai want to do, elope with his daughter?

Ten minutes later, Ye Kai and Tifa sat side by side, with their heads down, unable to speak.

"Hmph, if you can go to Midgar without telling me this time, will you elope next time?" Myron yelled.

You know, Midgar is the stronghold of Shinra, and it is very dangerous. Although Ye Kai has repeatedly assured him, he is still a little worried.

Ye Kai's ability has nothing to do with her daughter's safety, even if he is as strong as Sephiroth, Myron doesn't want Tifa to be in danger.

"Well, uncle, I..." Although Ye Kai could hit Myron ten times with one hand, he couldn't move at all!

How could he have imagined that today's luck was so bad that he wanted to take his daughter out on a date, but when he went out, he ran into his father-in-law.

It's a good thing he left notes in his room and Tifa's room before he left, otherwise Myron would have tore him alive.

"What about me, Tifa, how good you were before, why this month... oh..." Myron sighed helplessly.

My daughter has really grown up and has her own mind.

It's all his fault. He didn't teach him well these years, and Tifa developed a character that is a bit fearless.

Even if she almost suffered a loss in the hands of Shinra before, she did not show the slightest fear, but was very interested in anti-Shinra.

"Dad..." Tifa was also a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

She was used to being wild before, and she was used to going out to play in the middle of the night. After all, she has good skills and is not afraid of running into bad guys.

It is said that those children who are going to "go out" the next day always ask her out at night to say something and come back to marry her, she is used to it.

However, she never responded to anyone, she just made an agreement with Claude, and this agreement was preempted by Ye Kai.

"Forget it, I'm getting old, and you are too, so I can't control you anymore. Remember to come back for dinner at night and bring a cake." Myron sighed.

He is quite satisfied with Ye Kai, but this kid said that he will go to other places to perform tasks in three years.

Although he will return, his occupation is too dangerous.

In fact, Myron only wanted Tifa to spend her life in peace, and didn't want her to be exposed to the dark side of the world too much.

It's a pity that Tifa is a stubborn child, no matter what he says, she won't listen to her.

She will not give up on the hatred of the village.

Instead of getting stuck, it's better to let her fight Ye Kai.

I dare not say anything else, when Ye Kai stood in front of Tifa, he would never let Tifa die first, this has passed the real test.

It can be done at that terrible time, it can be done now, and it can be done in the future.

What if Ye Kai doesn't come back in the future?If the relationship between the two has developed to a certain level in the past three years, will Tifa be alone forever?

He didn't dare to think about it now, he didn't want to think about it.

Those, are horrible.

But he believed in Tifa, in her vision.

The child is older and has his own choices, and he can't hold back now.

Tifa is now in a rebellious period. If he continues to implement high-pressure policies, it may be self-defeating.

"Dad, you're still very young." Tifa glanced at Myron secretly, and said softly.

She could also see that Myron was a little relieved, and she couldn't help being a little happy.

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