
Tifa hammered Ye Kai's chest, pouted in dissatisfaction.

Not a girlfriend yet, which means the future is?Where does self-confidence come from.

Ye Kai laughed twice.

The uncle obviously saw it, and laughed loudly: "Young man, it seems that your task is very difficult!"

"Uncle, no matter how difficult it is, I will overcome it!" Ye Kai responded with a smile.

He hasn't been this happy for a long time.

Even in Pirates of the Caribbean, that is, the joy of reuniting with my friends, I didn't do anything, let alone stayed for a long time, leaving without any nostalgia.

But now, he is very likely to reach the legendary state of reluctance to leave.

The destination of the truck was the fifth block in the slum area, and the soldiers who inspected it obviously did not connect Ye Kai with the photo on the wanted notice.

In fact, Ye Kai just put on a little makeup and cut his hair, so they couldn't recognize him.

No wonder so few people from Xue Beng won against the huge Shinra in the game, this is not completely unreasonable.

"Wow, what a beautiful church." Tifa looked at a dilapidated church and said with some emotion.

This church, Ye Kai looks familiar, isn't this the same church where Tifa fought with people in the CG movie?

It is said that it is full of flowers.

"Let's go later, first go to that jewelry store to exchange some money." Ye Kai shrugged.

"Hey, I thought you didn't have anything, are you in that magical space?" Tifa looked at Ye Kai strangely.

At this glance, Ye Kai's embarrassment was seen as a crime. No money to take the girl out shopping?What kind of mentality is that, Zhu Gusheng.

Ye Kai took out two cracked rubies that were made in the dark world, which can only be said to be fragments.

It's not that he's stingy, it's that everyone is innocent and conceived a crime. If they come out perfect, they will be easily spotted by others. He doesn't want to cause trouble today.

Besides, the world might not be able to eat gemstones of that level.

I don't know how this system is calculated. The gems of the dark world can be put in the backpack, but the pirates of the Caribbean can only be turned into gold coins.

Maybe it's a matter of difficulty?

The owner of the jewelry store was also unambiguous, and gave him [-] yuan, which was considered a small sum of money.

Although Final Fantasy 7 is a Japanese movie, the purchasing power of the coins in it is similar to that of RMB, or even stronger.

The most worthless thing here is probably the housing prices in the slums.Those who are rich will go to the big carousel above, and those who have goals will also go to the villages or small towns outside. They will never stay in this heavily polluted and depressing place.

But if it is exchanged for the gold coins of the system, it is only 200 yuan, which is really worthless.

He took Tifa to seven or eight jewelry stores, put the money in the system to fifteen hundred gold coins, and then kicked sixty thousand yuan in his pocket, only then was he satisfied.

"Let's go, go to the church you want to go to first." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Okay." Tifa didn't retort.

It didn't take long before the two arrived inside the church.

In the dilapidated church, there is a field of blooming flowers.Bright sunlight shines in from the colored windows and shines on the flower field.

"Excuse me, do you want to buy flowers?"

Suddenly, a girl's voice sounded.

The two turned their heads and saw that the girl looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with a beautiful and delicate appearance.She was wearing a pink dress and a red coat, looking more lively.

In her hand was a small flower basket.

"Are these flowers yours? Everyone says that Midgar doesn't grow flowers at all." Tifa asked curiously.

The girl walked to the side, looked at the blooming flowers and said, "I don't know why, but the flowers grow very well here. I think this is a sacred place, so the vitality of the flowers is also very strong."

"It's so beautiful." Ye Kai said with some emotion.

In this city full of steel and concrete, this place can be regarded as a piece of pure land.

"So, do you want to buy it? You seem to be a couple." The girl said teasingly.

"That's not true." Tifa crossed her arms and turned her head away. She has been misunderstood n times today.

"I think your flowers are very good, please help me make a flower basket." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Hey, you can't spend money carelessly." Tifa said a little dissatisfied.

"It doesn't matter, money is hard to buy and I am happy." Ye Kai is not ashamed, but proud.

He'd be able to treat someone to a big dinner with gold that might save his life, and he'd be able to get into a fight over Jack spending what was left of his fortune, let alone buy flowers for Tifa.

"It's ready, thank you for buying my flowers." The girl made a beautiful flower basket in a short time and handed it to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai took the flower basket, handed over five hundred yuan, and said with a smile, "Thank you for the flower basket."

Pop, pop.

The crisp sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground, a black standard suit, turned up sunglasses, and red hair.At this time, a man in a suit and leather collar came in from outside.

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