"Even if it's better than eating my old lady!" Qi Lunuo shouted with her hands on her hips.

"Um, well, you go in first, Meihong and Huiyin are inside." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Hui...Huiyin..." Qi Lunuo has already entered the school, thinking of Huiyin's forehead aches, and her legs twitch...

Chapter 150 Child Support

Ye Kai sighed, it's only been a day, how much shadow Huiyin has brought to Qi Lunuo.

Thinking about it carefully, it was the first day when I debuted, the second day I had a drink with Meihong and got drunk for a day, the third day I met Yuyuko, had a banquet, and the fourth day I stayed in the Scarlet Devil Mansion for a day , today is the fifth day.

There are [-] words, and the time in Gensokyo is only five days...

Huh?What does word count mean?

"Big, big goblin, shall we go back?" Qi Lunuo said anxiously.

"Qi Lu Nuo Jiang, Teacher Huiyin is inside, if you don't visit, you will be punished." The big goblin looked at Qi Lu Nuo worriedly.

"Old, my mother is the strongest! Let's go in!" Qi Lunuo also knew whether it was a blessing or a curse, and it was a disaster that could not be avoided.

She grabbed the big goblin and Rumia who had just been let down by Ye Kai, and entered the Scarlet Devil Mansion with a face of death.

Seriously, is it really that scary?

It was Mr. Huiyin's head hammer, which was very memorable.

"Allah, here I come."

A gentle voice sounded, and Ye Kai suddenly felt like a formidable enemy!

I saw Youyouzi, leading a young man, walking towards Ye Kai unsteadily.

"Miss Youyouzi, hello." Ye Kai stretched out his hand.

He has a deep understanding of Yuyuko's appetite, and I hope he won't be asked to buy food this time...

"Ala, don't be so ignorant!" Youyouzi said with a smile on his face, "Just call me Youyouzi."

"Uh, okay, Youyouzi." Ye Kai said awkwardly.

Immediately, something incredible happened.

Youyouzi unexpectedly jumped up and hugged Ye Kai.

Hong Meiling was dumbfounded, that boy was dumbfounded.

When Ye Kai was at a loss, Youyouzi put his lips close to Ye Kai's ear, and said softly, "I still want to eat exotic cuisine today, Ye Kaisang."

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched, as expected, Feilai Yanfu did not exist, he was destined to lose his fortune today.

"Master Youyouzi, as the princess of Baiyulou, you must behave properly." The boy frowned.

"Tch, Youmeng is in charge of others again." Youyuzi pouted and jumped off Ye Kai's body.

It has to be said that Youyouzi's body is very sensual, but has no weight, which is very amazing.

And her body is icy cold, so it must be very comfortable to hold her to sleep in summer, right?

"This is?" Ye Kai pointed to Yaomeng and asked.

Ye Kai was very curious about what that mochi-like thing beside him was...

"Young soul Yaomeng, I see that your excellency is also a swordsman, so we can learn from each other in the future." Yaomeng saluted Ye Kai.

"Mr. Yaomeng, hello, I am honored to be Ghost Swordsman Ye Kai." Seeing Yaomeng saluting, Ye Kai couldn't let himself go, and performed the ancient salute.

"First, sir..." Youmu suddenly petrified.

"Ye Kai-sang is really rude, Youmu is a girl." Yuyuko pouted dissatisfied.

"Female, girl?" Ye Kai was taken aback, how could she be so cute and not a boy?

"That, I'm sorry, I didn't see it for a while." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

Sure enough, if you look closely, Youmu does not have an Adam's apple, and although there is no murder weapon on his chest, it is not completely flat.

Alas... I would have known that I had seen the wave.

"No, it's okay..." Youmeng dragged Yuyuko with a disappointed expression, and walked into the Scarlet Devil Mansion with her head down.

There was no direct conflict between them and the Scarlet Devil's Mansion, and there was no pressure at all to go in.

Anyway, eating and drinking, Yuyuko has always been on the front line.

Basically, wherever there is a banquet, there is Yuyuko.

"Yo! Brother seems to have offended someone."

Just when Ye Kai was confused, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

One is Yakumo Zi, and the other is a beautiful woman with nine tails, her hands are in her sleeves, and there is a cute little monster lying on her back.

"Zi, you're here." Ye Kai smiled.

"Don't make Master Zi so affectionate!" Yakumo Lan frowned.

"Lan, don't worry, brother Ye Kai is special, just like Lingmeng." Yakumo Zi blocked the fan in front of her and said with a smile.

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