Chapter 171 Reimu vs Sakuya

"After all, the opponent is a big monster, and Reimu has never encountered it before." Xiandai said indifferently.

"Can you rest assured now? Little Lingmeng has grown up." Yakumo Zi covered half of her face with a fan, and said with a smile.

"Yeah, Reimu has grown up. By the way, is there no news from Yu Wentuo yet? If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I would have died? Even Cirno, it would have fallen into Rumia's hands, The former king of goblins has become what it is now, in Tai Gongwang's words, it must have been a trick of good fortune." Xiandai looked in the direction of the foggy lake and sighed.

"No, it's like disappearing from the world. That guy Taigong Wang can obviously do a lot of things, but he never does anything." Yakumo Zi hated.

"No way, even if he has no power at all, he shouldn't be underestimated. If you want to plot against him, I'm afraid you and the brain of the moon are not enough. After all, he is a strong man in the Conferred God War, although It was relatively weak at that time, but these thousands of years were not in vain." Xiandai shook his head.

She naturally also knew that Tai Gongwang, the hermit powerhouse in Gensokyo, even Shenqi, was unwilling to deal with him often.

"Oh... Maybe, I'm really not reconciled, there are existences in Gensokyo that I can't control." Zi Yakumo said helplessly.

"Oh, that Ye Kai, can you master it?" Xiandai smiled.

"He will listen to Meihong's words, Huiyin's words, and Taigongwang's words. Also, I asked Remy about one thing. There is a very obvious marriage line on that guy, and it is in Gensokyo." Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"Who?" Xiandai asked suspiciously.

"Guess?" Yakumo Zi said indifferently.

Finally, Xiandai was stunned for a while, the marriage line was too ethereal, where would Yakumozi and Remi know where to go?

Time went back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and when Reimu defeated Hong Meiling, he entered it.

Although she came here once last time, she was there for looting and robbing, this time it was a mutation and should not be confused.

At this moment, a figure walked down the stairs.

"Hakurei's priestess, Sakuya in the next sixteen nights."

There was a sneer on the corner of Sakuya's mouth, and he said calmly.

Reimu was a guest last time, but now he is an enemy.

But Remi didn't give the death order, so there's no need to take it too seriously.

"Now, tell your master to get rid of that troublesome red mist. Do you know how much trouble it has caused everyone?" Lingmeng frowned.

As for why she came to solve the mutation, only she knew.

"Miss can't meet with you now, I was ordered to entertain you instead of her."

Suddenly, Sakuya's figure appeared in front of Reimu just like that, and Reimu didn't even know how she appeared.When Lingmeng came to be a guest before, he didn't think about it at all.

"Huh? Hey!"

Reimu was startled, then swung the coin and slashed at Sakuya's position.

And Sakuya also nimbly dodged Reimu's blow.

Although Reimu's attack looked unpretentious, no one wanted to challenge Reimu's lethality.

If it weren't for the spell card rules, Reimu could even use the Hakurei Great Barrier to annihilate the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Lingmeng held the coin in one hand and the dream charm in the other hand to seal the magic circle, and shouted: "If you come to make trouble, no matter if it's a human or a monster, I will kill you!"

The dream talisman is an ordinary talisman paper, which can restrict the enemy's actions.

To challenge the Hakurei Miko, you have to face the Dream Talisman and her Yin-Yang Jade.

If the barrage hits Reimu too much, Reimu will be judged as defeated, and this mutation cannot be resolved.

And if she uses Dream Born close to her, she will be judged as the mutant party and lose.

Since dreams are born with only one chance, Reimu will use dream charms or barriers to seal the opponent's actions, and then use unique moves to instantly kill the opponent.

Of course, if Sakuya could fight hand-to-hand with Reimu, Reimu would be happy to play with her.

Reimu's body strengthened by the Great Barrier is comparable to the Onizu in strength, so only the Onizu or Kazami Yuka Kurumisuzu would give Reimu a chance to fight in close combat.


Sakuya didn't reply, but suddenly flew up.

Reimu was stunned for a moment, because in her opinion, Sakuya didn't stand in that position just now, nor did she move over there.

It's just... teleportation!


Sakuya couldn't hold back for too long, and threw countless throwing knives at random. After the flying knives flew out, they became static again because of her ability.


As if the mirror surface was shattered, the time-suspended barrier just disappeared.

Lingmeng frowned slightly, because countless flying knives suddenly appeared in front of her.

At this time, it would be great if he could use the power of the Great Barrier to bully people... Alas, that's all, the rules set by oneself.Yakumo Zi, that guy, isn't he trying to trick himself, is he?

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

bang, bang, bang...

Reimu swung the coin quickly, a veteran in melee combat, and none of the throwing knives hit Reimu.

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