Jack shook his head and said helplessly: "The one that can't be controlled, my compass is with him, he wants to fight for the treasure of the island of death, and I want to get back the black pearl, this time is a win-win cooperation."

"Aren't you afraid of curses? Want me to tell you the story of the black pearl? Young Oriental boy." Gibbs looked at Ye Kai, as if he wanted to help Jack get the compass back.

Ye Kai shrugged and said calmly: "I know more than you, buddy."

After speaking, Ye Kai took off the glove on his left hand, and a slightly ferocious scarlet ghost claw was revealed in Gibbs' eyes.

"What a powerful curse, probably stronger than the one on the island of death." Gibbs looked at Ye Kai's ghost hand in amazement, and understood why Ye Kai dared to bang the treasure.

"How many secrets are you hiding?" Elizabeth rolled her eyes at Ye Kai.

Anyway, what Ye Kai and the others are discussing has been around the Black Pearl and Barbossa. Rescuing Will will pass that level, and she doesn't care much about the crooked building.

"It's still not enough. There are more than a hundred people and more than a hundred guns. Even if we pull out a crew, it's unlikely that anyone will take the Black Pearl hard." Gibbs said helplessly.

This is also a question that Ye Kai has been thinking about. Although his swordsmanship can be said to be the pinnacle in this world, it is not bad for him to hit ten at a time, and the opponent is not a soft guy.

Of course, when he said one hit ten, it was when the opponent used a gun.He is not so afraid of guns in this era.

But what about the remaining ninety?

"Unless we can get in touch with the other seven Pirate Kings and try to get one to cooperate with us, that's unrealistic." Ye Kai sighed.

Only the Pirate King can move the Pirate King.It was hoped that Jack could pull out a team of at least a hundred people, but now it seems to be a fantasy.

"Wait, there's another person who can move Barbossa."

Chapter 19

Elizabeth didn't speak at this time, which was smart.

Maybe that Gibbs would think something wrong if she said she was the Governor's daughter.

She can only guarantee that the governor and the brigadier general will go to sea to find her, but she cannot guarantee whether they can find that island of death.

Now we have to rely on Ye Kai and the others.

Ye Kai and Jack were stunned when they heard what Gibbs said. There are really not many people who can move Barbossa.

Although the Pirate King of the Caribbean in front of him is a legendary captain, he knows a lot and has his own charisma, but he is now a pauper, and it would be nice if he could pull out a dozen or twenty people.

Ye Kai felt itchy when he thought of this, and asked him to take someone to stop the crew of the Black Pearl?Don't make a fuss, you will die miserably.

Seeing that Ye Kai and Jack were staring at him, Gibbs pointed to the table where the pirates were chatting quietly, and said with a smile, "The Blackbeard's crew is right there."

The expressions of Jack and Ye Kai changed instantly, becoming extremely serious.

Blackbeard is not an ordinary pirate, nor is he one of the nine pirate kings, but he can completely surpass the nine pirate kings.

He is cruel by nature, and he is also decisive in killing the crew. He is extremely greedy and cares about his own life very much.

He has a demon knife, which is the key to Anne's Revenge Queen. As long as the knife is still on his body, he can open the legendary pirate ship by himself.

His own witchcraft is also quite good, as long as he uses voodoo dolls, he can make anyone fall for him.

In the entire sea, there is only one pirate who can compete with him at present: Davy Jones, the captain of the Flying Dutchman.

Both have become undead, Davy Jones is the guy who helps Poseidon transport souls, and the Flying Dutchman is also a real ghost ship.

Three legendary pirate ships: the mysterious Flying Dutchman, the dark Anne Revenge Queen, and the Black Pearl of Liberty.

It is these three pirate ships that have written countless legends. If you don't go and have a look, will you regret it for life?

Ye Kai tapped lightly on the table and said in a deep voice, "I think that ship is pretty good."

Jack rolled his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

The timeline here is somewhat different from the original book. Ye Kai and Jack arrived one day earlier, just in time for the Anne's Vengeance Queen's supply dock.

However, the opponent is Blackbeard, the guy who can be called a zombie, so how easy is it?

Suddenly, Jack looked at Ye Kai and said, "How much do you know about Queen Anne's Revenge?"

Ye Kai told all he knew.

"It's really amazing. I actually have the feeling that you know more about this sea than I do. If you say that, it's useless even if he instigates his crew. His knife can completely suppress all resistance with violence. strength."

Jack's complexion was a bit ugly, he hated that pirate devil very much.

His cruel nature can no longer explain anything. He doesn't leave any room for things, even his own crew. This is what makes Jack most unhappy.

But it was because the ship was too fast and too strong that no one could move him.

Listening to the chatting of several people, Elizabeth felt as if she was listening to a bible. She had never seen such a detailed introduction in a book.

She knew about Blackbeard, but she didn't know that Blackbeard was so powerful.

And Ye Kai's knowledge is the most amazing, his understanding of pirate forces almost surpassed that of Jack.

In fact, this is an illusion. Ye Kai only remembers the general plot. Apart from Jack, the nine pirate kings also know Barbossa and Sao Feng. After all, Sao Feng is played by Brother Fa.

Knowing Blackbeard is because his control ship and voodoo doll in the fourth part are too impressive. As long as he is still on the ship, Ye Kai really doesn't know how to deal with him.

In fact, if you only do world missions, this mission is really not very difficult. If you only take a box of gold coins, hide them and wait for them to finish the fight?As long as they set foot on the island of death, what to do at that time is Ye Kai's own idea.

But those ways of gaining experience made Ye Kai want to take a risk, seeking wealth in danger.

If he got a legendary pirate ship, would he be able to get something like an artifact by sacrificing it?Or suddenly soared ten levels?

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