Seeing that Paqiuli was going to take over, Ye Kai was also happy and relaxed, closed the wound, and said with a smile: "Then Fulan and I will be able to see you show your power, Muq."

Chapter 173 Marisa vs Patchouli

Paqiuli ignored Ye Kai's yelling Muq, she was used to it.

Since she can't change Ye Kai, let's bear it silently...

"Hey, can you guys be serious about da☆za?"

Seeing that a few people were chatting, Marisa couldn't hold back immediately, stood on the broom with both feet, pointed at Patchouli and shouted: "Even if I underestimated me, there must be a limit. It is not the exclusive right of witches to fight monsters! Humans Also da☆za who can use very powerful magic!"

Ye Kai nodded instinctively, you know, theoretically, he was also a human being before.If it were changed to Arad's four sword masters and two sword gods, they would be more vigorous, and they are also human beings.

Soderos, in particular, has broken through the sky.

"Let me, Kirisame Marisa, come and get rid of you, da☆za!" Speaking of this, Marisa pointed her thumb at herself, with a hearty smile on her face.

Ye Kai stared at Marisa dumbfounded, he came to steal things and said so confidently, he has learned a lot.Stealing is not possible, so change it to rob?She should get along well with Reimu.

Of course, he didn't know about the mutation of the red mist, he only knew that this guy was a thief.And Marisa also didn't know about the change in the red mist, she just happened to pass by and came in before the red mist came out.

However, for her, it doesn't matter whether she has a formal reason or not to get rid of monsters. She is a person who can't stay idle.

"It's an amazing Gensokyo that the kid wants to use this level of magic to deal with me." Paqiuli said helplessly.

"What?" Marisa gritted her teeth and said, she will always be underestimated.

"Human, let me show you the real magic. I will show you the realm that has been studied for longer than your lifetime. It can be a good topic after you go to hell." Paqiuli said in a deep voice.

This time she learned to be smart, and a golden light shrouded her in it.

Open the shield.

Paqiuli's listless eyes remained unchanged, and the magic book she had been holding in her hand slowly floated into the air, and the automatic page-turning mode was turned on.

A faint blue light appeared around the magic book, showing its mystery and power.

And under Paqiuli's feet, a huge blue magic circle appeared, as if there was wind, blowing her skirt and hair from bottom to top, making the magic robe like a nightgown on her body swell. stand up.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Everyone seems to have entered the boundless universe, and dots of stars illuminate this extremely dark space.

Countless magic circles appeared in the air, gradually enveloping Marisa.

"Patch is amazing." Like Patchouli, Fulan is always listless, and only when eating, her eyes will shine.

Or, while playing.

Although Fran is in Qua Pachiuli, if Patchouli doesn't use the flowing water magic to restrain Fran, or the two confront each other head-on, Fran doesn't know how many Patchouli can beat.

After all, Fran's unique move, the taboo quadruple existence, Paqiuli can't face it head-on, and can't control four Fran at once.

"Well, I always thought she was stupid." Ye Kai said helplessly.

Paqiuli has always looked like she is easy to bully, and the two have never fought against each other, so it will naturally give people the illusion that she is not strong.

As for Paqiuli's age, Ye Kaichang has seen it too. The girl with a childlike face is actually over a hundred years old?He didn't care, anyway, he is immortal now.

The gap between eighteen and one hundred and eighteen years old seems huge, but what about adding four or five thousand years to the front?In the long river of history, what is a hundred and eighty years...

I don't know how long the lifespan of Patchouli's magician race can last.

Well, Ye Kai definitely didn't have any thoughts on Paqiuli, he still likes the Yujie type.

Marisa looked left and right, and was immediately surprised. This magic is indeed much better than hers!If it weren't for the spell card rules, Paqiuli would have to use a magic shield with the same defensive power as hers, and she could completely crush Marisa with zero damage.

"Ah, Master Paqiuli has shown her true skills! Now that mouse is probably going to be turned into ashes!" The little devil said with his hands crossed and his eyes shining.

"It's so noisy!" Marisa yelled.


A star-shaped magic hit the little devil at once, and after it dispersed, it turned into a bunch of cute five-pointed stars.

"Ah!" The little devil was immediately sent flying, she was not as capable as Paqiuli.

Paqiuli ignored the little devil, since she couldn't die anyway, she chanted a mantra softly, and the dazzling magic bullets overwhelmingly pressed towards Marisa.

"The moon symbol silentselene!" Paqiuli said softly.

She didn't use too much magic at all against Marisa, nor did she use too complicated compound magic.

For her, just this is enough.

What she didn't know was that this was the right way. Although the one she used before was powerful, it was more troublesome to control.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Countless barrages shot at Marisa overwhelmingly, and Marisa was not too weak. She was riding a broom, like a solitary boat in the sea. She was obviously going through the baptism of the storm, but she couldn't hurt her at all.

Ye Kai looked at Marisa in surprise, isn't this little girl really good at dodging?

For things like barrage, you have to hit someone. If you can't hit it, it's no different from nothing.

But even so, Marisa couldn't fight back.

"Why aren't you as stubborn as before?" Paqiuli said softly, still maintaining the gesture of activating magic.

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