Although many times there will be fish that slip through the net, but this is not an indiscriminate attack, so it is considered good.

I saw that Fran's little hand shook lightly.


All the Kabane below were all instantly killed by Fran!

Just rushing over, the girl in uniform was stunned by Fran's action.

Her name is Wuming, she has short black hair, a bunch of artificial fur, amber eyes, which turn red when excited; a blue shackle with a bow is tied around her neck, and her heart is shining ominously like Kabane red rays.

She wears a golden forehead protector, is wearing a red coat and a white inner garment, and is very cool. Her weapons should be two steam guns around her waist.

"Strange, monster!" The middle-aged man pointed at Fran and shouted, "Quick, kill her!"


A sword light flashed.

The middle-aged man held his neck in disbelief, pointed at Ye Kai and was speechless.

"In this world, why are there so many sbs? What Fran said just now was to tell you that no matter it is a human or a so-called Kabane, you can kill it instantly. Who wants to kill an existence that can kill everyone present and Kabane? Courage for you?" Ye Kai sneered.

If he had watched anime, he would know that these people were frightened by Kabane, and would often do some unwise things.

They are very used to dying, and it is normal to push their savior to the opposite and push themselves into the abyss.

Calamus is not very qualified as a leader, at least her heart is not cruel enough.

Otherwise, those messy things wouldn't happen.

Jiu Zhi Laixi was surprised when he saw Ye Kai draw the sword, he didn't realize when Ye Kai drew the sword, let alone when Ye Kai had the sword in his hand.

These two monsters appear here, is it good or bad?

Chapter 186 Support Soldier

"What, what's the situation?"

"Those Kabane, just died like this?"

"That little girl is amazing, but her wings..."

"They are not like human beings, they are enemies or friends..."

Fran killed a large number of Kabane in seconds, and Ye Kai killed a person. Now the position of the two is very unclear, no wonder those weak chickens don't know how to deal with themselves.

Don't mention them, Ye Kai is confused in his heart now.

[Kill Kabane 100, gain 20% experience, the shooter is a support soldier, weaken the experience, gain [-]% experience]

Fulan kills monsters, he can get experience?Although only one-fifth of the...

But, this is just a map for scoring points!

Ye Kai suddenly became excited, this world was really tailor-made for him.

Even on the normal difficulty of Diablo 2, the intensity is much higher than in this world. Could it be that the system considers itself too weak to pass?

Or, did the thing that Grandfather gave us work?

The most important thing now is to find the final boss, then kidnap him, and then let him go after he has reached enough levels.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Calamus stood up first at this time. At this time, she is the leader, and everyone can back down, except her.

The rest of the people all put down their weapons, and they knew that no one could stop Flanna from grabbing her hand.

"Big brother, can they play badly?" Fran looked at those guys who had just put down their weapons with some doubts.

And those people suddenly became terrified, and their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably. Some of them even peed their pants because of Fran's fright.

"Flan, be good, if no one picks things up, don't kill people." Ye Kai patted Fulan's calf, and looked at these people with a smile.

He had a feeling that even if he went down to charge for a while, it would not be as deterrent as Fran's attack.

The unknown is the scariest thing.Who knows what kind of power those little hands have.

Thinking of this, Ye Kai took Fulan off his shoulders and hugged her in his arms, like holding a doll.

Fran enjoyed this feeling very much, anyway, she didn't need to walk by herself, whatever.

"As for us, we don't belong to this world, but I'm not your enemy, as long as you don't mess with me." Ye Kai sneered at Calamus.

Although this girl is very eye-catching, if I don't explain it to them at this time, I'm afraid there will be troubles in the future.

"It's you, you are very strong." Ye Kai looked up at Wuming.

This girl is not very old, but in terms of combat effectiveness, I am afraid that she is not inferior to Shinra's third-level special forces, and she is almost catching up with Andariel.

Even if Andariel is only a weakened version of normal difficulty, reaching that level is not easy.

What's more, she has those monster-like fluctuations in her body, but she is just rational.

Could it be the same as Alice in Resident Evil?

"Hmph, although I don't know what those strange abilities of yours are, but if you put your mind on me, you will pay the price." Wuming glanced at Ye Kai and said proudly.

"It doesn't belong to this world..." Calamus frowned slightly, it was hard to understand Ye Kai's answer.

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