bang, bang, bang...

The rebels all have their own way, which is to fight with their brains.

Although those zombie crew members were not dead, they were a little stupid. One by one, they were either tripped and tied up or tied up with nets.

Ordinary crew members were knocked unconscious one by one, and even three of them had already gone to see Hades.

Ye Kai quietly got out of the box at this time, staring at the door of the cabin.

The war was over in half an hour.

Jack stood not far from the cabin door on the second floor with a smile on his face, opened his hands and shouted, "The boat is ours!"


The rear cabin door was opened.

Quiet footsteps sounded.

Pop, pop, pop.

There was only the sound of this person's footsteps on the entire ship, and the rest was silence.

Even the seagulls gave up singing, as if they were afraid of something.

A dark-faced guy with a beard and a three-cornered hat came out.

He held a bottle of rum in his hand and took a sip casually.

Blackbeard, the pirate king, is this man.

Jack turned around involuntarily, and couldn't help lowering his head when he saw his appearance, twitching at the corner of his mouth.

The few zombie crew members who were caught also lifted the nets on their bodies.

None of the remaining mutinous crew dared to move.


Blackbeard said softly.

Although the sound was very soft, it spread to every corner of the ship.

He shook his head lightly and took another sip of his wine.


He threw the wine bottle onto the deck, and the glass mixed with the wine splashed all over the floor.

At this time, Jack started playing lewd sex and quietly walked down from the second floor.

Blackbeard put his hands on the guardrail, and said calmly: "I feel a little confused."

He pointed to the cabin at the back and pretended to be surprised: "I was resting when I suddenly heard a commotion on the deck."

He put his hand on the knife at his waist, and the rope on the boat twisted gently as if he had come alive.

"Without an order, the sailors are not allowed to leave their posts without authorization. Those people before the mast took this ship as their own. What does this mean?"

He put his hand on the knife at his waist, slowly pulled it out, and said calmly, "What will happen to the rebels?"

The rope moved little by little, like a living poisonous snake, ready to devour its prey.

That seemingly ordinary saber is probably Blackbeard's weapon and the key to the ship.

Jack was sobbing at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't dare to look at Blackbeard at all. This sense of oppression was too strong.

Blackbeard continued: "I think everyone knows, right?"


Just as he was speaking, a samurai sword suddenly appeared around his neck.

"You just need to know that it's right for the villain to die because of talking too much."

Chapter 21 Departure, the Island of Death

Countless ropes were entangled towards Ye Kai like flying, and Blackbeard pressed a voodoo doll with his other hand, and the appearance on it became somewhat similar to Ye Kai.

A long needle appeared in his hand, and stabbed fiercely at the abdomen of the voodoo doll.

Blackbeard is invincible on his own ship, this is his self-confidence.

This ship is capable of more than boarding, flames, or those cannons, zombie crews.

Most importantly, as long as Blackbeard is here, he is an undead zombie, not a pure human being.

Even if Ye Kai's knife rested on his neck, he didn't feel nervous at all. He only felt that the person behind him was fast, but he was a bit overconfident.

This was also his last thought.


A huge purple flame ignited, and the figure of Blackbeard disappeared, leaving only a lone sword on the ground.

His body, as well as his soul, were swallowed by purple flames.

In the stunned expression of everyone, Ye Kai picked up the sword.

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