Just saw Calamus, Ye Kai didn't have any idea of ​​what to like, the reason why he brought Nine Wisdom Laiqi was because this guy looked decent, and when the time came, he would throw it to the Renzhili Guards.

For the experiment, neither a woman nor a man will work. Take them away together to see if there will be any problems.

"Big brother, are you going to fill in my family's servants?" Fulan looked up at Ye Kai and asked.

"Uh... no, it's to add people to the family. After all, there is no decent big family other than the Baitian family. We need a teacher of etiquette." Ye Kai said.

"That's it..." Fran nodded, since she wasn't looking for someone for her family, then she didn't have to worry about it.

"What kind of world are you talking about?" Calamus asked with a slight frown.

"It's very peaceful, there are no disputes, just be careful of some human-eating monsters. Well, you can use my banner when you go out, and ordinary monsters will not eat you." Ye Kai pondered.

"Monster?" Jiu Zhi came to Qimeng.

"Cannibal?" Calamus was taken aback.

"Is this what you said, a peaceful world without disputes?" Sifang Chuanjian said with black lines all over his head.

Could this guy be a man-eating monster?

"Don't worry, man-eating monsters have no form, they are similar to wild beasts. Is there no such thing as a man-eating tiger in this world? As long as they take human form like us, basically no one is a man-eating monster. Like Fulan in my arms, she is a vampire, and if she drinks blood, she has to go to a human place to buy it." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

As he talked, he turned into a monster in shape.

Afterwards, he popularized Gensokyo with brief language, including several big forces.

By the way, tell them that someone like me doesn't even count in the second echelon of Gensokyo, and he just doesn't rank at all.

If it's reckless, hehe...

"This... so..." General Sifang Chuanjian hesitated, this world is over, maybe it would be a good thing if he could go to another world?

There is no way to refuse, so I can only comfort myself and think on the bright side.

"Also, I'm just informing you, not discussing with you, I must take the person away. Well, in case you are unwilling, I will escort you civilians to a safe place." Ye Kai said with a smile .

As for the information on the final boss, he planned to ask slowly. There is no rush, since the villain will die late anyway.

The location where he appears should not be far from the protagonist or the mission, and there is no need to bump around like a headless chicken.

Acting with them, the main goal is big!When the time comes, Fran will kill as many Kabane as she comes. She is having fun, and she can still level up. What a good deal?

Fran is still easy to kill, if it is Yuyuko, I don't know how much food can make her shoot.

It is estimated that the food in this world may not be enough for her to eat...

"Father, if I can save everyone by sacrificing me, I will!" Chang Pu made up his mind first.

"If that place is really that good, why don't you bring more people there?" Jiu Zhi Laiqi frowned.

Ye Kai looked at him with mentally retarded eyes, and said speechlessly: "You don't think I'm the savior, do you? All I need are the people I need, or capable people, and I can only take two. Don't talk about it."

Speaking of this, Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

"Well, since the little girl agrees, I don't have too many opinions." General Sifang Chuanjian had no choice but to do so.

Let him, who just escaped from birth, fight Ye Kai desperately?He dare not.

In the end, not only can't fight, but everyone has to be included.

"Since I am the lady's guard, I will naturally go wherever the lady goes." Jiu Zhilai lived as a loyal warrior, and has always carried out his warrior spirit.

Not to mention going to enjoy the blessings with the young lady, even if the young lady asked him to stay, he would stay without hesitation.

"Don't say it's like jumping into a fire pit. It's obviously going to a peaceful and comfortable place. Those monsters are easy to get along with." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"Big brother, I'm starting, ahh..."

As soon as Ye Kai finished speaking, Fulan slapped her in the face.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Fulan's small cherry mouth, and they just bit Ye Kai's right wrist, and the blood in the artery slowly flowed into Fulan's mouth.

Goo-dong, goo-dong.

The noise of the commoners in Kamikotsu Castle couldn't suppress the sound of Fran eating.

There was a happy expression on Fran's face.Sure enough, big brother's blood is the best drink.

Not long after, when Fulan finished drinking, Ye Kai stopped the bleeding, and then gently wiped the corners of Fulan's mouth.


The three people opposite Ye Kai couldn't help swallowing, and Sifangchuan and his daughter took a step back at the same time.

But Nine Wisdom Laiqi stood in front of them.

Calamus is very suspicious now, Ye Kai came to them, did he just want to give Fulan rations?

"Uh...you don't have to worry, Fulan only has a certain blood type, other monsters are not so casual. Besides, didn't she greet me before she drank it?" Ye Kai said nonsense in a serious manner.

"Father, for everyone, I am willing, I am willing to dedicate my life..." Calamus had a generous and righteous look on his face.

"Miss, if she wants to drink your blood, I will definitely die before you!" Jiu Zhi Laiqi said forcefully.

"So, you have misunderstood, okay!" Ye Kai looked helpless.

Can you get mad at Fran?He can't do it.

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