But the rescue signal is still there, and there are still some survivors inside.

Besides, this road is the only way to go, otherwise, there will be no enough food, and Ye Kai will not give his own food to them.

There are too many mental retardations, if Ye Kai sets this precedent, Yakumozi will despise him.

When they arrived at the place, everyone got off the Iron Fortress and looked at the road map.

"It's right here. Something fell on the line and it's impossible to pass through." General Jian looked at the map and said with a heavy face.

"Fulan can destroy this thing, but there will still be some tiny things left on the road, which may affect the operation, and then we can send someone to clean it up." Ye Kai said indifferently.

"If it takes too long to attract Kabane..." General Jian frowned.

"Fulan and I are in charge of cleaning up, provided that we wait until night." Ye Kai said indifferently.

There are still a few hours before night, and Kabane has not completely captured here.

If she wanted to pass during the day, Fran would not help.

Even if Ye Kai asks Fulan to help her, she will listen, but vampires are always uncomfortable in the sun, so Ye Kai will not make Fulan suffer.

"Alas... the original plan was to supply supplies at this post station, but now it seems that some supplies have to be paid." General Jian shook his head and sighed.

Ye Kai looked at the sky with both eyes, pretending not to hear.

As for Wuming, he followed Calamus to appease some people who were in trouble here.

Under Ye Kai's several shots, the people are no longer afraid of Kabane. In their impression, as long as Fran is still there, those Kabane will not have the ability to approach them.

Besides, with Ye Kai participating in the plot, Wuming didn't show his combat effectiveness at all, so he was underestimated.

In a residential house, a samurai looked at a few guys who were already starving, and said in a deep voice, "They are all survivors from the Eight Generations Station. Give them some food and water."

An aunt nodded, walked in with a small basket of food, put it on the ground, and said with some pity: "Have you been attacked by Kabane?"

"Yes, it was black smoke that suddenly rushed towards us. That was three days ago, he suddenly climbed over the wall, and the days after that were like hell." A refugee said with some fear.

"Black smoke?" Calamus frowned slightly, thinking for a while, as if he couldn't figure out what the so-called black smoke was.

A child next to Wuming hugged Wuming tightly with a face of fear, Wuming did not refuse.

Although she is fierce towards cabanne and adults, she unexpectedly likes children.

"What, you're really timid." Wuming encouraged the children.

At this time, a few more refugees came in, one of them was middle-aged with only one leg left, and he seemed to be blind in one eye.

He has gray-white hair, a dark green coat, and a samurai sword on his waist. Even if he is down, he is still very energetic.

When Wuming saw him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. It seemed that the two knew each other.

"Excuse me, can I borrow the toilet?" The middle-aged man said indifferently to the aunt.

"Ah, it's over there." The aunt didn't feel anything wrong, and casually pointed to the location of the toilet.

He nodded politely, walked to Wuming's side, and said softly to Wuming, "I'll wait for you outside."

After that, he walked outside.

"Miss Changpu, I'll go out first." Wuming said indifferently.

"Ah? Okay." Calamus recovered from his stupor and nodded.

For Wuming, she has always given a high degree of freedom. This time, the two of them came together to appease the refugees, which was spontaneous.

Although the fathers are jerks and often sell their daughters, these refugees are innocent.

Wuming followed the middle-aged man outside, and saw him leaning on the Iron Fortress with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Long time no see, I didn't expect to meet here." The middle-aged man glanced at Wuming and said.

Wuming stood beside him, pinching his waist with one hand, and said calmly: "I haven't seen you for a long time, what happened?"

"Even if you can't go to the front line, you can still protect the young master from a distance." The middle-aged man touched his artificial leg and said calmly.

"What can you do with me?" Wuming frowned slightly, ignoring his words.

"Twenty days ago, the shogunate bought a large amount of weapons. They were not weapons that killed Kabane, but weapons that killed people. Please tell the young master that those people are doing ulterior motives." Speaking of this, he glanced at Wuming, and said in a deep voice: "At critical moments, I, Xia Jiu, will definitely go to help."

"Even if I do that kind of thing, I don't think I can return to my brother's side." Wuming said.

Ye Kai, who was eavesdropping from above, looked puzzled, what the hell were they talking about?If it's all this kind of unnutritious and ambiguous words, then I'm in vain.

Fortunately, Fulan was sleeping, and there was no sound, they could not detect the existence of Ye Kai and Fulan.

Just now when Ye Kai was looking for Calamus, he happened to see Wuming leaving, which made Ye Kai suspicious.

Looking at the meaning now, Wuming's older brother, Mima Amano, is a person who makes the shogunate jealous and even wants to get rid of him quickly.This cripple seems to have been banished by Tianniao Mima.

Your circle is really chaotic.

"Goodbye." After saying that, Wuming turned and left.


Xia Jiu suddenly took out a knife from his crutch, and slashed at Wuming's neck.


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