The Kabane at the core will emit blue light, surrounded by several Kabane, and the protection must be destroyed to destroy the core, which is quite tricky. "

Although Wuming was sleepy, she still answered Ye Kai's question.

Ye Kai frowned slightly, that thing had already blocked the way of the Katiecheng, if the Katiecheng didn't make a sharp turn, it would definitely hit it!

How to do?

At this moment, Ye Kai suddenly noticed that Fulan in his arms moved.

"Sleeping so comfortably, big brother." Fulan looked up at Ye Kai, showing a sweet smile.

Seeing that she woke up, Ye Kai couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, pointed to the big guy over there and said, "Fulan, kill him."

Fran stretched out her small hand towards that Kabane, and gently shook it...

[Kill the fusion group, gain 500% of experience, the shooter is a support soldier, weaken the experience, gain 100% of experience]

Chapter 201 Arrival

This time, although Fran's strength is still relied on to tide over the difficulties, the impression of Ikoma and Wuming among the people has improved a lot, at least they will not be afraid of them.

Even if they are Kabane, can they have Flan Meng?

Some people even took the initiative to deliver food to Ye Kai and Fulan.

In this kind of apocalypse, having such a powerful guarantee is stronger than anything else.

It's a pity, Ye Kai saw their faces clearly before, how could they be too kind to them?Gifts are accepted, polite words are accepted, want to borrow Fran?no way.

The next morning, Kotetsu Castle arrived at Wawen Station as scheduled.

This is a rare city with human beings, and everyone feels rejoiced.

Jian was going to meet the lord of this walled city, and temporarily handed over the power to Changpu and the family general.

Even if it can only be replenished for two days, it is enough. I hope the generals can handle it, right?

Ikoma is generous, and he contributed the blueprint of the jet bullet that he made himself, and it should be able to sell for a good extra money.

Most of the remaining people have been to the Qixi Festival. Although it is different from the Chinese tradition, Ye Kai did not dampen their interest. It is time to get dressed and eat well.

Qixi Festival really reminds me of my girlfriend, I don’t know how Tifa is doing now, is she injured or bullied?

I have been tossing and tossing since I first arrived in this world, and it feels unreal to be so peaceful now.

In the evening, Ye Kai held a piece of grass in his mouth, with his hands behind his head, lying on the grass, watching the slowly setting sun.

Beside him, Flan was sitting there drinking black tea while reading the novel that Ye Kai helped her, she was very ladylike.

"Ah, Ye Kaisang seems to be bored, do you want Master Youyuzi to accompany you to drink tea?"

Just when Ye Kai was thinking about Tifa, a creepy voice sounded.

Yuyuko, just got out of a gap!

"Fuck? Is this script wrong? This is not Gensokyo!" Ye Kai said with a confused face.

"Hmph, don't you know how grateful Master Youyouzi came to look for you?" Saying that, Youyouzi naturally lay on Ye Kai's lap.

"What's going on?" Ye Kai said speechlessly.

"Zi broke the barrier of this world and opened up this world, but this world is worthless, so I gave up. Even so, it is enough for Master Yuyuko to come in." Yuyuko said with a smile.

"Yakumo Zi...that's crazy...if I appear in a world like Fengshen Yanyi, you will cry, don't look at Taigong who seems to be very strong, in the Fengshen War, it's really not enough. "Ye Kai said with a headache.

"So, I followed it because I felt that this world wasn't strong enough." Yuyuko changed into a comfortable posture, squinting her eyes and said.

"I hope you guys don't play it off..." Ye Kai had black lines all over his head.

This is definitely not alarmist talk. Although the monsters in Gensokyo are powerful, if it is replaced by Dragon Ball, covering the sky, and a world based on the ancient prehistoric times, then it will be a big deal!

Even if he is an undead species, those powers can kill him.

What he didn't know was that his little blood jade sword would not be connected to the Eastern cultivation system at all, that is to say, it would not be connected to the world that is closely related to cultivation and China.

Although the world of Arad is powerful, it is not enough to collide with the ancient China.

What it can connect to are only worlds with a lower or similar level than it.

"By the way, is there anything delicious here? Specialties or something?" Yuyuko drooled as he spoke.

Ye Kai said helplessly: "The productivity in this world is very low, there is nothing for you to eat, maybe the food in this city is not enough for you to eat."


Youyouzi looked at Ye Kai with a look of disgust, and he couldn't even feed Lord Youyouzi.

"Fulan is so good now." Youyouzi was not interested in Ye Kai, and said to Fulan lying on the ground.

And Ye Kai's face turned red instantly.

Youyouzi's huge breasts were already pressed against Ye Kai's legs.

No weight, but very tactile ah!I can't tell you what a weird feeling it was.

"Fran has always been very good." Fran said with a smile.

"By the way, Remy won't come, right?" Ye Kai said worriedly.

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