Elizabeth is now more and more like a pirate. It has only been a few days, and she has been infected by this atmosphere. She is really an amazing guy.

And what about Ye Kai?It also completely activated the risk factor in the body.

Before he went to assassinate Blackbeard, he was still a little afraid, but when he took out the sword, he found that his fear disappeared, and he just quietly put the sword on Blackbeard's neck, as if everything in the world followed him irrelevant.

Jack waved his hand, put on the captain's cap, and shouted: "You pigs, hurry up and act for me, we are going to grab a better ship!"

The crew burst out laughing, and each started to act.

The position at the stern uses a chain to hold the interceptor, and the two ships must act together, and then act alone after they are completely out of sea.

Ye Kai pulled out his saber and raised it to the sky, countless ropes fell, and the sails were raised.

His saber pointed forward, as if there was a gust of wind, driving the two ships.

Ye Kai laughed loudly and shouted: "Let's go, the island of death!"

Chapter 22 Stormy Seas

Boom, boom, boom...


The sea, which was originally extremely silent, finally revealed its hideous and terrifying side.

Amidst lightning and thunder, torrential rain poured down.

Countless waves rolled, one wave after another, as if it would never stop.

The two ships were teetering in the sea, as if they were talking about something.

Even a legendary pirate ship, and the fastest ship in Port Royal, needs an excellent helmsman to barely resist the power of the sea.

Thunder and lightning shone in the night sky, and the huge lightning bolts seemed to be the ferocious minions of the sky, and they seemed to be the anger of Zeus.

The Queen Anne's Revenge was better, and Ye Kai used his sword to reef the sails, but the other ship was not so lucky.

The Interceptor was teetering in the sea, and a dozen people couldn't complete the task of furling the sails at all.

"Hey, Jack, come help!"

shouted Gibbs as he steered.

But his voice was so small in the sea, not to mention Jack, even Ye Kai's strengthened ears couldn't hear his voice.

"You pigs, hurry up!" Gibbs was a little anxious, and the Interceptor would inevitably sink if it went on like this.

Unlike the Interceptor, Queen Anne's Revenge is a bit stable under Jack's command and control.

As expected of a legendary captain, his ability to steer is unparalleled.

But it could be seen that Jack was not at all relaxed, his expression became ferocious, and he stared at the compass.

The rudder turned slowly in his hands, each turn requiring great strength.

It cannot be turned too hard, nor can it be turned too lightly.

Now is a critical moment, as long as he misses, he will deviate from the course, and even Jack doesn't want to encounter such a situation.

Ye Kai returned the compass to him when he went out to sea. Without this compass, even he would not be sure to follow the Black Pearl into the island of death.

Ye Kai ran to Jack's side, and the storm blew Ye Kai to the point of collapse, but his chassis was too stable, as if he hadn't been affected much, and he yelled at Jack: "The Interceptor is about to sink. Is there any good way?"

Jack's expression became more and more fierce, and he could see that he was very helpless, so he could only shout: "Can you take them over? I only have one person, and I can't control two ships at the same time!"

Ye Kai gritted his teeth, activated the new skill Leaping, and saw him jumping high, as if he was about to meet the thunder and lightning.


Ye Kai adjusted his direction in the air, and rushed towards another ship like lightning.

The strong wind at sea couldn't affect Ye Kai's skills at all, but his magic power was also being consumed rapidly.

There are two thickest ropes wrapped around his waist, which are what let the person on the opposite side come over.


Ye Kai jumped onto the interceptor and shouted to Gibbs and the others: "Quick, climb over the rope, this ship is doomed!"

The two ropes couldn't pull the interceptor over, and Ye Kai's Silver Falling Blade was not without cooling down, so he could only leave people behind and abandon the boat.

"damn it!"

Gibbs slapped the rudder hard, and shouted: "I knew it would be bad if there were women on board! Everyone, climb over the rope, if you fall into the sea, don't expect anyone to rescue you, wait Only sharks and sea monsters are waiting for you."

Hey, hey, hey.

When the crew members ran over, they staggered to and fro. They had ropes wrapped around their waists, and when they reached the place where Ye Kai tied the rope, they scrambled to climb up.

The rope around the waist is put on the rope to keep from falling into the sea.

Fortunately, they also know the order, as long as the person on the rope will not be affected by the people behind.

Otherwise everyone will die here, it seems that they are all excellent sailors.

"Gibbs, you go too!"

Ye Kai held on tightly to the two ropes, and for the first time in front of nature, he realized how small he was.

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