During this time, he had killed many of his comrades in battle. It might be good if he knew that they could live on as ghosts.

"Then, have you met my sister?" Ikoma asked anxiously.

"By the way, there's also my mother!" Wuming also came to his senses, and asked Youyuko.

"No, as long as you become that kind of monster, your soul will be digested, unless you die as a human. Even if you die as a human, I only manage the undead in Gensokyo, not here." Yuyuko Opening the folding fan, he said with a smile.

The three of them instantly looked disappointed, especially Ikoma, who felt the most guilty.

If there was power back then, nothing would have happened, right?

Immediately, Youyouzi looked at Ye Kai, and said in a dangerous tone: "So, which faction are you going to send these two guys to?"

He didn't mean to take them to his home, did he?This girl is still quite pretty.

As for why she knew it was the two of them, not Wuming and Ikoma, Yuyuko said that she still knew Ye Kai.

A person like Ikoma can be said to be a savior in this world, but in the inhuman situation of Gensokyo, he must not be able to survive.

And Wuming, at first glance, is a person of faith, not as vacillating as Calamus is now, nor is he following Calamus wholeheartedly like Jiuzhi Laiqi.

"They are human beings, so they are naturally sent to the people. Jiuzhi Laiqi is a good member of the security team. As for Calamus, both Huiyin and Aqiu need people." Ye Kai said as a matter of course.

"Compared to this, let's celebrate Qixi Festival first!" Ikoma's question had no answer, seeing that Ye Kai's going on like this would be endless, he hurriedly extended an invitation.

"Okay, isn't it just writing a note?" Ye Kai said indifferently.

As for Youyuko, she also felt a little curious, since she hasn't played this kind of game for a long time.

After finishing speaking, everyone walked towards the direction of the Iron Castle.

A pile of bamboo has been placed on top of the rear of the car, and the branches are covered with paper strips.

"Big brother, big brother, can you cut the note for me?"

At this moment, a child ran towards Ye Kai and handed him a dozen long notes.

Ye Kai handed it to Jiuzhi Laiqi with some embarrassment, and said helplessly, "Well, I still have to do it, my knife has a fire attribute, as long as I attack, it will burn the enemy."

"It's an amazing knife, but that's not what mine is for... well."

Looking at the child's expectant eyes, Jiu Zhi Laiqi had no choice but to cut.

"Hey, why can't I touch this big sister?"

There are smart children who have already surrounded Yuyuko, and her young lady's appearance is still very friendly.

"Because my sister is the princess in charge of the undead." Yuyuko said proudly.

"Ghost...ghost?" The children were terrified immediately, which made Youyouzi a little puzzled.

She was used to those people not being afraid of her in Gensokyo, but it is not popular here yet.

"Well, she's very kind. Not all ghosts eat children."

Saying that, Ye Kai hugged Youyouzi with the princess, and said with a smile: "Want to eat candy? Let's see who eats it fast!"

Ye Kai put Youyuzi on the ground, and suddenly began to sprinkle sugar in large quantities, which had never been seen in this world before, the snacks prepared by Remy for Fulan.

Although most of the adults in this world are wicked, children are innocent.

"Wow, it's really sugar."


"Big sister, don't grab it."

"Save some for Master Youyouzi, otherwise you will not be allowed to become Buddhas after death!"

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, forgetting that Youyouzi was also a bit of a brat, especially when he was grabbing food.

Seeing that Youyuko was not scary at all, the children even grabbed candy from them, laughing and quarreling together.

But the strange thing is that only girls can touch her, and none of the men can touch her.

"Damn it, why can't I meet Big Sister?" A brat said with an expression of unwillingness.

"Only those with a pure heart can touch me!" Yuyuko said proudly, fanning her fan.

This is just her random nonsense, no male except Ye Kai can touch her.

She remembered that she did not give Ye Kai the authority to bang her, but Ye Kai could touch her, which made Youyouzi very confused.

It can only be attributed to the relationship between ghosts and ghosts.

Chapter 203 Tanabata

"Come on, you can also take a note and write down your wishes!" Calamus handed Ye Kai a note at this time, asking Ye Kai to join everyone.

"Wish?" Ye Kai smiled slightly, he didn't think his wish could come true with this thing.

Thinking about it, Ye Kai casually wrote a lot of words on the note.

As soon as the note was hung up, a tiny gap opened near the note.

May Yakumozi be seventeen years old forever, may Yuyuko never run out of food, may the eldest lady always be majestic, and may Reimu never run out of money.

This wish, how should I put it... It's very embarrassing in comparison.

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