"Sakuya, big brother was taken away by that bad woman, Fran can't open his eyes now, hurry back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion." Fran said anxiously.

The moment Ye Kai left, those eyes began to become clear.

Although drinking Ye Kai's blood for a long time has improved a little, but she dare not take risks now.

What if Ye Kai and his sister won't let him go out to play if he gets into trouble again?

"I will solve this, Paqi has already researched a contact lens that can help you, using Ye Kai's blood, bone marrow, eye mask, Kabane's heart, and the gem that Ye Kai brought from another world. "Sakuya said indifferently, as if those horrible things had nothing to do with her.

This is just an experiment. In theory, Fulan can be similar to when she was with Ye Kai, but I don't know how effective it is.

Calamus' body couldn't help trembling.

In just a few seconds, Ye Kai was dissected by these guys?

Jiuzhi Laiqi quickly stood in front of her, looking at Sakuya warily.

"Don't be nervous. Ye Kai is an immortal species. You can change the parts of your body at will. Since Ye Kai brought them, they are people from my Scarlet Devil Mansion. I heard about the jobs Ye Kai arranged for you. In the future, the salary will be a symbolic amount." Turn in [-]% to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and Lord Remy will cover you."

The two raised their heads, only to see a majestic little loli floating in the air.

She didn't fly as fast as Misaki's time pause, so she just arrived.

Both of them could guess with their heels that the other party should be the young lady Ye mentioned.

In Gensokyo, the Scarlet Devil House is also a first-class force, and there is nothing wrong with joining them.

"Well, thank you, Lady Remilia." Although Calamus wanted to laugh in her heart, she didn't dare to laugh at this moment.

Fulan looks cute, but her combat power can be said to be beyond the limit, let alone her sister.

Although Ye Kai told them about the power of Gensokyo, he didn't give too much details about his personal strength.

In Meihong's words, in Gensokyo, if you really compete with your strength, you will lose. No one knows what kind of hole cards someone has, and who can beat whom.

Even Zi Yakumo, the youkai idler, is not invincible in Gensokyo.

"Well, you're very sensible!" Seeing that Calamus was very respectful, Remy nodded proudly.

Ye Kai's people are from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, so she can still settle this lightly.

Although these two people are pitifully weak and completely incapable of fighting, the Scarlet Devil Mansion doesn't have too many vassals.

It just so happens that if you have anything to do in Renzhi, you can find them.

Poor Jiuzhi Laiqi was originally a warrior with superb swordsmanship. In Remy's eyes, he was the five scum of war...

"My lord." Seeing Remi coming, Fulan flew up happily, grabbed Remi and said, "Where did the bad girl take Big Brother?"

"Him? This bastard dared to make such a wish. As punishment, let him go to the outside world to reflect." Remy gritted her teeth.

And Ye Kai was indeed taken by Yakumo Zi to the entrance of the Hakurei Shrine outside.

"Brother Ye Kai, in view of your wonderful 'blessing', I have a good job for you." Yakumo Zi smiled charmingly at the bewildered Ye Kai.

Ye Chuan knew for the first time that he could still go out in Gensokyo.

"What's the matter?" Ye Kai hugged Yuyuko and slept all night, squeezed and kissed, and even blacked out Yakumozi, Remy, Reimu, and Yuyuko, and now they are in a guilty state.

"This person will bring her into Gensokyo at a certain time, and it's best to let her come in voluntarily." Saying this, Yakumo Zi threw a package to Ye Kai.

"There are some cash in it, as well as Huaxia's ID card, the driver's license of the island country, passport, and student ID card. Of course, there is also the girl's information. The time should be in winter, and I will inform you again." Yakumo Zi covered his face with a folding fan, and said with a smile.

Ye Kai took the package and asked curiously: "It's just entered autumn, why did you ask me to come out so early? And my ghost hand, it's not harmonious here..."

"The realm of truth and illusion."

Yakumo Zi's hand was gently placed on Ye Kai's left arm, and the red ghost hand slowly turned into a normal person's arm.

Of course, this is just an illusion. Ye Kai or the people in Gensokyo can see that this is a real ghost hand, and the duration is only half a year.

"As for why... think about it carefully. When you go back now, will you be beaten to death by Reimu or stabbed to death by Remy?" Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched for a moment, as expected, he couldn't provoke a black belly!If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be cheap.

"For Huaxia, don't go there. Tai Gongwang said that it is too dangerous for you to go to Huaxia." Yakumozi said seriously.

If Ye Kai's head is convulsed and he wants to go home and have a look, it will be broken!China is not an island country. Although there are many liars like Longhu Mountain and Maoshan, China can lead to the real heaven.

If a fairy comes to exorcise demons and subdue demons... the consequences will be disastrous!

Ye Kai nodded solemnly. He knew what Yakumo Zi was worried about. He had an older brother above him. He had nothing to worry about at home. In the hearts of his parents, he was already dead. Going back would just add to the chaos.

"By the way, this guy will follow you for a while, don't lose him." Saying that, Yakumo Zi pushed out a soul, which was Zuowei.

"Ye Kaijun, please give me your advice." Zuo Wei saluted Ye Kai and said with a smile.

Ye Kai had a premonition that this time in real life, I am afraid that it will not be too smooth.

Chapter 209 Chess Soul

"Fuck! Yakumo Zi tricked me again!"

Ye Kai opened the package with a dazed look on his face.

Zi Yakumo really gave him a "huge sum of money", a total of [-] yen... What is this money enough for?This is not US dollars, if you have the ability, change it into Vietnamese Dong for me!

Ye Kai opened his ID without a word, and found that he was a college student at Kyoto University, and he was going to report in a month.

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